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Yamato Koyama

Causes of Stress Among University Students


Topic: Causes of stress among university students.

Thesis statement: Many types of more stress than many years ago.

Body paragraph 1

Topic sentence:

Supporting points:

1. Life style under the covid-19

2. Social network services

3. The relationship between students

Causes of stress is increased. To adapt to diversified sources of stress, one should

environment and action. Another way is to create an escape route from stress. There are

100 different ways to relieve stress for 100 different people. For example, watching movies,

listening to music which you love, or spend time with friends who put your mind.

Firstly, when the Covid-19 began to spread around the world, the everyday is no longer the

everyday. The stress of not being able to leave our homes for days at a time, having to live

with masks, and never having experienced a major epidemic was too much for those of us who


Secondly, slander on social networks has become an issue. Nowadays, everyone uses smartphones

and devices that can connect to the network. When we talk online, we forget that the other person

is also a human, and we even say things that we would not say in our normal daily conversations.

Such problems are not limited to Japan, but are causing the loss of lives of young people around

the world, who will be responsible for the future of their countries. Technological innovation has

made our lives richer, but at the same time, the fast pace of office automation and information

technology has become a stress issue for many of us, as we do not fit in right away.

Everything that happens around us is stressful to us. As the stress increases and continues over

time, it becomes so great that it begins to exceed our body's adaptive limits, resulting in stress-

related illnesses, a state of mental and physical dis-ease.

Thirdly, friendships at school and relationships at work are also significant factors. It is a fact that
problems with friendships during the school years have a large impact on later personality

development, and that some people take their own lives because of them.

If an environment is created in the workplace that makes it difficult for employees to communicate

with each other, it is impossible to build a relationship of trust and to work together. When there


a bad workplace atmosphere and relationship problems such as conflict and bad language, stress

is strongly felt.

Finally, in any case, it is important to find a better way to solve stress that you cannot manage by

yourself, by working together with others to find a better solution. It is also necessary to have a

hobby or something that gives you a motivation to live so that you can release stress on a regular

basis. It is also important to build relationships with people who can help you solve problems. It is

extremely important to have someone you can talk to when you are in a difficult situation. We get

stress from people, from humans made things, and from nature, but on the other hand, they are

also great helpers of stress.

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