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Narrator: Connectivism is one of the newest education learning theories.

It focuses on
the idea that people learn and grow when they form connections. This can be
connections with each other or connections with their roles and obligation in their lives.
Hobbies, goals and people can call be connections that influence learning.

I am shy and introvert. I didn’t always know that, from my experience, self-compassion
and self-improvement are very difficult to achieve.

For the longest time, I considered myself a shy extrovert. I thought that my shyness was
stopping me from being who I really was.

I was unable to understand why I didn’t feel comfortable, or even motivated, to do the
things I was supposed to like. I hated myself for it. I wished to get rid of my “shyness” to
become my true “extrovert” self.

Being introvert in school was bad thing. Being shy as well was basically the end of the
world. I didn’t talk enough in class, although I was good student and participated, just
not loudly enough. I was unable to have tons of friends.

I would just sit there with a blank expression, because I feel stupid displaying the
amount of compassion, sorrow, happiness, love, disgust, whatever it is that I’m feeling
at that moment. I am feeling all of those things, I just don’t know how show it.
Sometimes I think of my situations and the things that I would like to tell someone, and I
can see myself being open.

But, I’m not so good at making new friends. I find it hard to approach new people
without a good reason, and approaching them simply because is just out of the
question. It makes me tired from time to time.

During our class, (activity time) my teacher approach me and guide me of how to handle
my situation. She keep trying to encourage me and telling me of how to make
connections to my classmates to overcome my shyness.

And I try to remain open to new things and to be in someone who understands that
need and respect to my situation. And now I found that being introvert is not easy but if
we try our best to make connections we can handle it time by time. And the friendship I
have now are extremely important to me, and I want to keep them up.

And to my teacher, thank you for the encouragement and thank you for always telling
me that I can overcome my situation. To my classmates and to my new friends, thank
you. And to all of you all I can say is sorry for not being willing to do stuffs with you,
sorry for being introvert.

Being introvert is not easy but if we try our best to make connections of other we can
handle it. And I am proud to say that, I am now extrovert. Thank you and God bless.
Teachers can utilize connectivicm in their classrooms to help students make connections
to things that excite them, helping them learn. They can create connections and
relationships with their students and with their peer groups to help student feel
motivated about learning.

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