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Angelica Velez Degro

Professor Erickson

English 115

September 13, 2023

Where am I now?

Throughout my elementary and part of my middle school life, I didn't have any sort of

love for reading and writing. It has always been so tiring to do any type of writing or reading for

school, I would think it as a waste of time. Inside the classroom, I would never listen to my

English teacher during lectures. I would sit waiting for help and they would never really provide

it. I would never understand the material and all they would say is “learn on your own”. Are you

not the teacher and supposed to teach me? As the dread went on and on, I started to lose interest

in all sorts of reading or writing. You would probably have to pay me to read a book for a class.

It was up until the eighth grade when my English teacher, Mrs. Broberg, opened my eyes to the

English world. Inside the classroom, she did not only tell us what to do but imparted the

fundamentals of grammar and literature, it had instilled in me a profound appreciation for

reading and writing. Her passion for storytelling was infectious, and she made every lesson

engaging and interactive. There was never a dull moment within the classroom. Mrs. Brogerg

encouraged me to participate in class, provided valuable feedback on my assignments, and

helped me take responsibility for my mistakes, learning how to fix them. She never said “no

that's not it”, but said “how can we expand on this further”. She made me think of the next thing

rather than staying put and being stuck with the wrong. Her unwavering support and belief in my

abilities were instrumental in shaping my confidence as a reader and writer. Mrs. Broberg's

influence continues to resonate with me, it helped me to do good in high school. Now she is not
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the only person that has influenced me within writing, my high school english teacher is my best

friend honestly, but she was the beginning of my reading and writing journey. I carry her lessons

and encouragement with me on my journey, both inside and outside of the classroom. It makes

me think, where am I now? What did I carry through highschool, from my childhood, that I

would like to bring into my college life?

As I journey through highschool, the excitement for college grew within me like fire

fueled by the wisdom I was gaining. It is not that I didn't like high school but I felt that when I

got to college I would be more myself and more enlightened within the world I lived in. I wanted

highschool to be not only about passing exams but embracing the subjects I was in, learning

every concept, knowing that this knowledge I was gaining would pave the way for the academic

challenges of college. This was especially true in my entrepreneurial class, where I had to

implement the teachings I learned about money, networking, and more into my real life. I felt

that this class made me have more understanding on how people view jobs, money, family, and

even life itself. As stated before, my teachers were instrumental in this journey, imprinting not

only the knowledge I gained but also the skills and confidence that I needed to thrive at the next

level. Without them I probably would have been a scary cat about college. With their knowledge

I felt that I could take risks and opportunities that awaited me in college. I imagined meeting

professors and students just like them, uncovering new insights, engaging with different people,

and opening my mind to new understandings. This enthusiasm that I carried throughout the last

two years of highschool propelled me to love learning and creating new, natural connections

within my educational journey.

Now as much as I was excited for this new journey in my life, I was also slapped in the

face with the reflection of high school experiences that shaped my academic identity that set the
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stage for this new chapter in my life. The late-night study sessions, group projects, and not only

the teachers but my classmates that all became valuable lessons. My classmates showed me how

to be a team player, gain more compassion, and to listen to others ideas. I realized towards the

end of high school that not everything was about me and my views, but other people's views and

how you talk about those ideas. My high school English teacher, Mx. McGrath, really showed us

how to communicate effectively in a controversial matter or just a regular conversation. They did

this by hosting socratic seminars that help us students share ideas in an overlooked setting with a

certain topic. This made me connect with my classmates more to see how they viewed the world

through their eyes. Connection is important and with my classmates I felt that each talk I had

with them I always had a connection. It brought me peace with my curiosity about the world.

The somewhat selfish girl I was, curious about others but was too afraid, is now a selfless girl

who just wants to know everything about people. My classmates and Mx. McGrath showed me

not to be afraid of showing my agreements or disagreements. To stick to my word.

This is what made me so excited about college. To listen to others' thoughts and

experiences. Everyone in college is not the same age, not in the same level, or not even with the

same mind as where you came from. It is so cool about this world that you can learn so much

about other people in one setting.

Overall, whatever has happened in highschool has made me wiser and a better person for

these upcoming years in college. I feel blessed to have met classmates and teachers within my

high school time. It was never about the exams or getting straight A’s; it was the melting pot of

growth, friendships, heartaches, and personal development. This is what has shaped me into

taking the next steps in college. I know that I will always strive for the next steps as my 8th

grade teacher taught me, to not just say no but to see how I can grow in knowledge, grow in
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understanding, and grow in connection with people. The continuation of what I do in my life

now will be filled with the realms of learning.

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