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199S /
Ki}15 CAROL thc first

C.1rol tl1c First II//J9-l914!, Princc (1//66-111//1! .\llb /(i115 of Ro111M1i.\ 11////1-1914!, E115r.\vi115 fro111 tlie periob.

Born 011 A\,ril 30, 1839, at Si511wi115rn, C,cr111am1, as tlw mo11~ so11 of Pri11ce CMill A11to11 of Hohrnzollm1.
Si11ce 1857 ,e sti,~ie~ .\t tlw Mtillm1 a11~ Militanf E115i11mi115 Schilill il1 Bcrli11, also freqi1mti115 m1rses ilf frmch
literat\1re at Bilm1 V11ivmit\f (1863!. He was pril111ilte~ Secil11~ liMmant i11 1857 a11~ Captain i11 1866. h1 186/t he e11rilllc~ as
vol\111tm with tlw Pnissia11 ArnHf i11 the agail1st Dm11wk.
011 Ma\f 10, 1866, he arrive~ i11 Bi1cl1.\mt .\I tlw i1wit.\ti1111 of the Ril11111M1ia11 Gilvern111mt; .\S resuit of the plebiscite
fo111 April 8 a11~ with the -'Jll'roval of thc PMlia11m1t he was crilw11c~ as Pri11cc of Ril111a11ia. 011 Ji1h1 I, 1866 he signe~ tlw
1ww Ro111.\11ia11 Co11stiMiil11 th.\t 1w1ai,w~ vali~. witl1 Sil11W a111c11~11m1ts, till 1923.
111 1869 he 111.\l'l'ÎC~ Elisabeta of Wic~; he ha~ a ~ai15hter, MMia, born in 1870 a11~ ~m.\Se~ at the agc ilf thm. /
lktwcen 1869 a11tl 1876 Carol gavc special attc11tio11 to thc "tlcqi1atc cqi1ippi115 with fi5hti11g tccl111i9i1cs of thc Ro111a11ia11
Ar11HJ, also 5mcralizi115 thc 111ilitar\1 c11gi11mi115 trail1i115 of thc troops. 13ctwcrn IS77 a11tl 1m he h"" a fo111 attihttlc towartls
thc Otto111a11 E111pit·c. t"ki11g special 111e"si1m to Alert the Ro111a11iA11 troops for tlw ticf mtli115 of a possible Ti1rkish i1w.\Sio11.
Defent>h15 thc Ro111M1ia11 i11tmsts. he 11cgotiatctl f ir111h1 A11D with tligniH1 with AlexA11tler thc Secimti, thc Ri,ssia11 T,Al' anti
his 111i11istm thc problc111s 1·c5artli115 thc 111ilitan1 a11tl politicAI cooperatio11 bctwern thc two cou11t1·ics. Pri11ce Carol t,it, 1101
accept tlw coorN11atio11 of the Ro111M1ia11 Ar111if w1tler RussiAl1 01·tlm. Diiril15 thc h1tlepctlc11cc War he was i11 co111111a11tl of
tlw Western A1·11n1 (38 ooo Ro111a11iA11 a11t, n 100 Ri1ssia11 t1·oopsl a11tl he coortli11Atctl thc srn·m111N11g M1tl A1111ihilatio11 of the
Tin·kish groilJ' co111111A11tlctl U\1 Os111a11 Pasha. He pletiget, foc thc i11tlcpe11tlencc a11tl i11tcgriHJ of thc coimtn1 tlil1'i115 thc
preali111i11arics of thc Peace Co115ress i11 Paris, i11 1878.
011 March 14, 1881, tlw Parlia11m1t proclai111ctl, with foii w1A11i111ihf, Carol tlw fost as J{i11g of Ro111a11ia. h1 thc
Govcr11111c11t Report it was i111ticdi11etl: "Ro111a11ia, co11stiti1eti as l{i,151>0111, folfills a11ti crow11s tlw labor of its rc5rneratio11. lt
gives itsclf a 11a111c that is în A5rcc111rnt with thc positio11 5.,i11ct, as intlcpctlmt state". Thc Coro11atio11 Cm111om1 was lwlti i11
1htclwcst, 011 MA\1 10, 1881. Tlw Crow11 i-1setl for the this Cm111om1 was 111Atle of stecl provrnirnt fro111 the Otto111a11 cM111011s
caph1rctl b½ thc Ro111a11ia11 A1·111\j at Plevna, i11 Nove111ber IS77.
Pdcs Ro\1al Palace was i11ai15i1ratctl "t Si11"ia i11 1m Oei11g the Si1n1111e1· Resitlmce of (Mol thc first. Pcles PAIAcc îs a
i111iqitc arcl1itcch1r"l 111om1111e11t i11 Ro111"11ia. l11 October 1883 l<i115 Carol the first favorctl tlw si511i11g of tlw Secret Politic"! AIID
MilitM\1 pAct bctwcm Ro111"11i" anti Ai1stria - Hi1115"r\1, IAtc1· joil1et, U\1 Gcrnwnf a11tl ltah1. This was thc 011h1 soh1ti,.m of the
ti111e i11 ortler to coi111terattack a11 evmti1al Ri1ssi"'1 offensive "5"il1st Ron1a11ia.
The Ron1a11ia11 foreig11 Polic\1 .:\t tlw ent, of the XIX th CrnM\1 anti the bcgil111i11g of the XX th Cmhtr\1, pron1otctl U\1
l<ing Carol thc first, has "s 111ai11 objective the co11solitiatio11 of its h1tlepe111'mce A11tl thc protectio,1 of its tcrritoriAI i11tcgriH1.
Ron1"11ia ain1etl at 1·e111ai11i11g as possiblc oi1tsitlc of a faf!'opca11 co11flict, Carol thc first's objcctivc bch15 the 1m1tr"lit\1 w11'e1·
the protectio11 of thc Tt·iple Allia11ce.
Di1ri11g thc Crow11 Co~o1cil that was helt, at tlw Pclcs PalAce 011 Ai15\1st 3, 191'+. l{i11g C"rol the first "cccptetl, i11 co11fo111it\1
with thc coi111tnj' s i11tmsts, a positio11 of expecta11c\j, "s ar111etl 11ei1t1·al coio1tt·\1.
Carol tlw first' s rnti1·e 1·eig11 was clwacterizctl U\i a 1·rn1arkable /'"litical stabilit\1, htii11g with n1easw·c "'11> n1otlesHi
above tlw politica! parties a11tl fr"ctions. He was a pro\1tl a11t, protoco ar sovereig11, with 110 favorites, bei115 pmise a111>
111etirnloi1s i11 ever\1thi115 he tlit,, tn1i115 to i111posc to his coll"bor.:\tors the san1e shilc. h1 thc sa111e ti111e, he was a perfect
111ilit"t'\1 "'1D an ablc politici"11 with liberal vicws.
011 Septc111bc1· 27, 1914, af ter a rci511 of 48 \fears, l{i11g Carol thc first of Ro111"'1ia tlecmctl. Evm thoi1gh 11ot Ro111a11i"'1
U\1 birth, he w"s the mmtr\1'5 wisc. cquilibratc a11tl a~1thorit"tive sovmig11. Di1ri11g his pcriotl Ro111"'1ia gai1wtl its i11tleprntlC11ce
a111:i a witle tlevclop11w11t i11 al! tlo111.,i11s took part, bei11g preparetl for the Great Act of folf illi11g the Natio11al V11ificatio11.
Carol the fost. a co11stihttion"I a11tl severe l{i11g, co1111cctetl his 11an1c to important 111on1e11ts from the 111otlm1 Ro11w1ia11
l1istor\j, co11tribMti11g also at tlw co11soli1'.:\tio11 of the state tle111ocratic i11stiMio11s. /
Qi-tcctt ELlSABET A

Qumi Elisabeta „f R.i111a11ia (lllt+J-1916!. P'1tJto5r.\p'1 fr.i111 tlie peritJ~.

Oorn 011 Dm111bcr 29, 1843 at Nn,wicb tl'nissial as bai1ghtcr of Pril1cc Hc1·111a11i1 - Carol of Wieb a11b Pri11eess Maria-
Willhcl111i11a-f rcbcrica-Elisabcta.
Shc was ebi1catcb in a Sparta11. strict a11b rcgib spirit that bib 1101 111atch with hcr bclicatc a11b lovi11g clwactcr bi,t,
i11 tlw sa111c ti111c, shc aIso rcccivcb a solib backgroi111b h1 varioi1s f iclbs: philosoph\J, forcig11 la11gi1agcs tEnglish, hcnch, Lati11,
Grcckl, C,cr111a11 La115i1agc, 11n1sic, scic11ce.
Octwm1 1858, anb 1861, slw travclcb a lot togcthcr with hcr ai111t, Gra11b Diichcss Elrna of Ri1ssia. to Switzcrla11b, ltal4,
RMssia, Great Oritai11, fra11cc, Swcben. /
h1 Octi.,be1· 1869, i11 lfoli1, shc w"s i11tri.,bi1ecb ti., P!'i11cc C"1·i.,I, whi.,sc fa111ih1 slw h"b alrc"b11 bw1 visitil1g. Af tcr a11 hi.,111·
spmt ti.,gcthel' P1'i11ec ("!'ol "skcb hcr h"'1b Pri11ms Elis.\bct., amptcb.
011 Noven1bc1· 15, 1869, thc Wcbbi11g Cm111i.,m1 bctwcrn Prh1ms Elis.\bct" "11b Pri11cc (Mol i.,f Ro111Mia was cclcbr.\tcb
M Neuwicb, i11 thc "Mo11rcpos C"stlc". Thc Pri11Ci.\nt ht11il~ lcf t for thc coi111tr~ "'1b, .\ftcr " short stop i11 Virn.,. thc11 Mrivetl
.\t Gh1rgh1 b~ bo.\t "10115 thc D.\1rnbc. Thcit wm wclco111cb b~ t1·iin11j,h"I 1·cccivi11g ccre111011ics both i11 Gh1rgi11 M1b 1311cl1"mt.
011 Scptc111bcr s, 187◊, Prinms Elis"bct" g.\vc birth ti., " girl - t w fost Ro11w1ia11 Pri11ms fro111 thc H1.1hcmi,llcrn h111iht
- Pri11ccss MMi" - b"ptizcb i11 thc Orth1.1box Riti,"I M thc (i.,t1·1.1w1i Clrnrch. V11fort1m.\tcl1t thc littlc pri11ecss bicb of scMlct
fevcr 011 28, 1874, thmfore c11bi11g P1·il1ccss Elis"bct"' s 111otlwrho"'b i11 "'1 "bnipt "'1b cxtrc111eh1 paiJ1fol W.\11,
D11ri11g thc h1bcpmbCJ1cc WM, i11 1877-1878, P1·h1cm Elis.\bet.\ bcbic"tetl hcr mtil·c merg~ .\11b k11i,wlcbgc to thc ni1·il1g
Mtb help i the wo1111beb, bci11g "Iso l01ow11 .\5 "thc Mothcr of tlw Wo1111bcb". 011 hcr ow,1 cxpc11m shc 1.1rg.,11i;cb 011 tlw
Cotroceni rl.,tc.\11 " milit.\1'\t fielb hospit.\l (two bMr.\cks with 1◊◊ bcbs c.\ch1, thc Cotroceni 1'.\ilw"~ sf.\tii.,11 w"s tm1sforn1cb
i11to " rmivi11g crnter .\l1b thc Th1·i.,11c H"II i11 " workshop whm li11c11, bM1b"gcs .\11b brmi11gs for thc \\'1:nmbcb wm 111.\be.
Af tc1· thc Prod"i111i11g of the Ro111.\11fa11 Ki11gbo111 i.,11 MMch. 14, 1881, thc Co1\mMio11 Cm11101111 of (Mol thc first .\11b
Elis.\bct.\ .\S Ki11g .\l1b Qi,crn of Ri.i111.\11i" W.\S helb 011 M.,11 1◊ , 1881, Elis.,bcta bcco111i11g thmf m thc fost Quw1 of Ro111M1i.\.
l,1 thc .\lthmm i.,f 1883, Q11cc11 Elis"bct.\ JWticipatcb togcthcr with l{i11g (.\rol the first M thc Ope11il1g Cm111i,m1 11f thc
reies C.\stlc.
Evc1· si11ce he,· Mriv.\l i11 Ro111"'1i.\, Pri11ecss .\11b, "ftcrnwbs, Qucen Elis.\bct.\ i1wolveb hmclf i11 " vast clwiHt wo1'k
for thosc Im forh111.\tc: orph.\11s. sick. poor .\11b bli11b. A111,mg thc socictics foimbcb .\llb gitibcb b1J hcr "10115 thc itcMs, thc
folli.iwi11g MC to bc 11m1tio11eb: "Tlw h1stit\ltc of Clwit\J Ni,rm" !18701, "Qucrn Elis.\bct""• "Sf. EcMcri11.\ N11rnn(, "M.\tc1·11.\",
"Qi1crn Elis.\bct.\ School", "f11mic.\'', "Albi11•.\'' .\11b "M1111c.\" 11881), "h1stit1tt1d Ev.\11gl1dic "I Diacll11csclor" 11903), "P~i11c.\ zih1ic.\" (19J4l.
"Ţ cs~toMc.\" !19Ml, "Oboli,I" "'1Î) "Cllncorbia". Qi1cc11 Elis"bct.\ co11tim1ci, thc org.\11izi11g .\11b g11ibil1g of thc "Elrn" Do.\11111"
As1tlim1". bega11 b~ Princcss Elc11a C11a Tlw 111ost i111pllrt.\11t .\11b i,c.\r work of Qucrn Elis.\bct.\ is thc om bcbic.:\tcb to thc
shcltcri11g "ni, protcction of thc blinb, thc crc.\thrn of thc "V.\11'" L11111i11o"s"" "s1Jl11111 Mb colom1 1l9Jol.
Qucrn Elisabct.\' s litc1·"1'4 works Mb Mtistic C1'C.\tio11s C"'1 11ot bc fo1·gottm: shc h"b -' pm 11.\111c - "CM111e11 S1Jlv""·
Shc w1'0tc .\11b t;•"nsl"tci, poet,·~. prosc .\11b thcatcr, hcr wo1·k "Les pcnsm b' 1111e Rci11e" nhc tl1llţtghts of " Q11crn"I bci11g
bisti11g11ishcb with tlw 13ott" Prize of thc hCJ1ch Ac.\bc1m111888). h1 1886 shc stMtcb .\t thc P.\lacc " mics of 11111Sical 111.\tinm
lslw "l'Pt'Cci.\tci, vcr~ 11Htch Cimgc focsm who111 shc co11sibmb to bc he,· ··soit! chilb''l. Shc P"i11tcb " Gospcl for thc C11rte" bc
Al'gcs (.\thcb1·"I· .\11otl1e1· 011c for tlw Si11.\ia Mo11.\stm1 lti,gctlm· with Pri11cm MMi.\l, " Pr"11c1· 13ook for Ki11g (Mol thc first,
" Poct1·11 bo11k 1011 ivon1 !'"SCSI c.\llcb W.\11bmt.,b !thc Tt·"vcli11g stick) givm to P1·i11ccss M.\1'i" .\t hcr wcbbi11g with Pri11ec
f crbi11"11i,. Shc workcb 111"114 en1bri.,ibc1·ics, cspcci.\lh1 fo1' clrnrchcs.
Afte,· thc bc.\th of IG11g (.\rol thc fost (Scptc111bcr 27, 19141, Qi1ce11 Elis.\bct.\ rctircb to thc C11rtc" bc Al'gcs P.\lacc, whm
slw bicb 011 f ebrnM~ 19, 1916. /
T/,c D.\lrnbc crro~h15 b11 thc RoHM11iJ11 Ar,1111 ,m tl1c po11to,111 bril>5e
fro,11 SilistioM.\. A11511st 10. 1877. fo5rJvi115 from tlie pcriob.

Pri11cc CM,,l S11pm11c Co11mM11l>cr of tl1„ Ro111M1i.,11

Ar>1Hf 1>11ri115 tltc /11l>c11c11l>c11cc WM fro111 1m-1m.
rrom "Ro111J11iM1 Ar,111(' Albw11. b11 T. Ajl>11/,icwic/1.

ElisAbct.\ "Motlicr of tlie Wo1111bcb" /1clpi115 tlic wo1111l>cb l)11ri115 tlie

J111>cpc111>cncc WM. Fro111 ''Ro11M11iM1 Amu(' Alb11111, b11 T. Ajl)11/<imiiclt /

Tlw fow11 1wrc b11 /(;115 C.1riJ! t!1c Firsf b11ri115 tf1c C,r„11.\thm
(mllfiJ/11/ (r„111 M.:111 /il, /SSI .:111b &11 /ii115 frrbi1w1b .:lt tltc
(.,r.,11.:1tiiJl1 (m111.i1111 fr.1111 vctiJba Jf, 1911. M,\bC „f sfcc/ fo111
tf1e c.:11111iJ11s c.:1pturcb .\I P/n,11,\ i11 11177
"(riJW/1 iJf RiJ111,\11i,\'' vrlx'r. /11sfif11teb Î/1 /SSI 01/ /ii115 (.:1r,1/ fi-ic
First i11 iJrlx'r fiJ rm-Mb S/X!Ci.:1/ ferviccs bro115/1f fiJ fi-ic (,11111tni
(.:111 be ,\w.:1r:icb OiJt/1 fiJ 111i/if.:1r11 .:111b dvili.:111s. lt fus five d.\sie~:
l<11i5/1t, Officer, (iJ111111.:1111x'r, Gre.\f Officcr .:111b GrcM (riJss.

Sti1r „f RiJ111.:111i.f' vrbcr. /11stiMcb .,,1 MM/ 9. tSJJ in orber to rm.vb tlw 111iliti1r11 servim
b11ri11s WMtimc: wit/1 fil'C clMies: /i11i5'1t. vffim. (i)/11/11,\/tbcr. GrcM Officcr ,\11b GrcM c,ws. /
"C.wl tl1e First" Oriler. h,tit11te1> 011 ¼11 ta, LM1rd Wmt'1 Jffmb b11 t'1e Ri1111M1i..\H
M tl1e *O YCArs )11bike of Ki,15 (Mol tlw
I')()(,, Arm11 dficm to /(ins (Mi1! t/1e First M
Firsrs Rei5n lt li.\;, fo11r ile5recs: (011111w1i,er, Queen Elis..\bet..\'s (ri1w,1 wore M tlw tl,e Milee of li Yms of Rei511. 1866-1891.
Gmt Offim, GreM (ri1Ss M11'1 (o/L\r. C.mmMiiJ11 (ere111J111f fr.m1 M~I/ kl, 1$/JL Go/i).
Silver. /
Tw1 witli portrMt of QHeeH Elis.1bet.1 iif RtJm.111i.1. Tr.111 wit/1 tlie piJrtrMt 1Jf Ki115 (.1r„J tlw First .,f RiJ111.111i.1.

(/,est iif br.\wm rereiveb b11 Ki115 (.viJI tl,c Fil'st .111b Q11w1
(.1r111e11 511/v.\ "011 t/1e D.1111,be. April 17 - M.111 J. 1904''. Elis.1bet.\ ,.111 tl,e 1>ecMiiJ11 iif tl,eir 1f 11ms .,{ 111..mi.\5e. /S69-UJ94. /
Ki115 fERDlNA ND

Dorn 4't Sig111Mil1gc11, Gern14'1H1, i11 18M, .\S the seco11b so11 of Pril,ce
Leopolb of Hohrnzollern 1brother of l{i11g (Mol tl1e firstl 4'11b Pri11ccss
A11to.\11ct.\ ii11f .c\11! of Pll1'htg4'11. He sprnt his chilbhoob i11 Di1ssclborf, whm he
gr4'bit4'teb his SceimbMli Cl4'ssic4'1 Shtbies 4'11b took his school-hvi11g
ex.\111i11.\tio11. He mrolleb .\S Scco11b Lici1tm.\11t i11 the first Rcgitt1c11t of ltt1peri4'1
GitMbs il1 Postb.\tt1, 11cM Del'li11 4'11b 4'fter two iJCMS of 111ilitM\i lifc he sti1bicb
4't the Leipzig V11ivmit11 4'11b .\t tlw S11pe1·ior School of Eco110111ics Mb Politic.\!
Scirnm h1 Ti1bi11grn. He e.c\sih1 brneb Frmch, foglish, Ri1ssi.\11 M1b Hebrcw
4'11b, with V.\sile D. Plw1, prof mor from Di,clwest, he brneb Rottw1i.\11
L4'11gi1.\ge, Litcr.\hlre, Histor\j .\t1b Geogr4'ph11.
fair-h.\i1·eb, t4'II Mb thi11, with bMk bh,c 4'11b grntle e\jes, with 4'11
Mchcb 11osc. f erbi11.\11b Mriveb fo1' thc first ti11w i11 Ro111.\11i.\ i11 1884. 111 1889
he W.\S 11.\tt1cb Se11.\to1· i11 the Ro111.\11i.\11 PMli4'11w11t .\11b Heir of l<i11g (Mol
the first.
h1 Dm111be1· 1892, l{i11g CMlll thc first of Ro111Mi4' f 4'vorizeb tlw
111.\1'1'i.\ge of his 11ephcw, f crbi11M1b with the clwtt1i11g tce114'gcb MMi4'
Alew1br.\ Victori4', Pri11ms of thc V11iteb l{i11gbi.'l111 of GrcM Drit4'Îl1 4'11b
lrel.\11b. Fro111 this 11wri.\ge thm bo11s .\11b thm gil'ls cnwrgcb:. 1893 - C.\ri.'ll
/(i115 Fer~i11.111~ IISoi - 1917!. /(i115 i1f Ri1111M1i.1 1foti1rc Ki115 of Ro111M1i.\l, 1894 - Elis.\bet.\ lfohtl'e Qi1ccn of Gmccl, 1899 -
/1914-1917!. Cl,ri1n1i1/iti15r.\plu1 &11 Ci1sti11 Petmm M~rioM.\ 1foti11·e Qi1ee11 of Yi15osl4'Vi4'1, 1909 - lleM.\ Mb 19H - Mi1·ce.\,
becmeb i11 1916.
f c1·bi11.\11b joi11eb the Ro111M1i.\ Arn1iJ .\5 C4'pt4'i11 i11 1889. "f tcrw.\1·bs bei115 pro111.\tcb i11 1·.\11k till he bec.\111c ArttH1
Ge►1e1·.\I. whrn ke mo111plishc~ V4'rio11s t.,sks, .\ccorbi115 to his r.c\11k
Silrnt, he bib 11M i11tc1·f m i11 thc Ro111.\11i.\11 politic4'1 lif c, livi115 .\S Heil' Pri11cc w1ber thc pmo114'lit\i of his .\i1stm .\11b
scvm 1111cle, l{i115 (Mi.'ll the first. ferbi11.\11b h4'b " V.\St rnlHn·e. He WM mcllcnt i11 bot"1l,I, 'whm he W.\S "blc to cott1pete
witl1 tlw best spcci4'lists: he i1seb to .\sto11ish his .\1tbi.\11cc whrn he beciphmb L4'ti11 4'11b Gmk i11scriptio11s fro111 tlw Histri4'
4'rc11eologic4'1 C.\tt1p, whcn he spoke 4'Uoi1t tlw merits of l-'P-'11esc 4'11b Chi11esc liJ1·ic poctriJ or whe11 he si1st.\i11Cb " rc.\l pleabi115
to W"g11cl"s 11rnsic 4'11b perso11.\lit11. /
011 Septen1ber 27, 1914, l{i115 (Mol the first of Ro111M1ia passct> i11to thc Shat>ows. Tlw smmt> t>aiJ af tcr his i111ck s
t>masc, feJ'tlil1a11ti pleat>et> allegia11ce i11 front of thc Ro111M1ia11 Parlia111mt as ki115 of Ro111M1ia, pro111isi115 to be "a>
R1.1111a11ia11", as he was till the enti of hrs life.
Af te1· two i1ears of neutralihJ, i11 thc su111111e1· of 1916, Ro111a11ia t>ecit>ct> t.i joi11 the AIlici> form i11 thc first Worlti War,
i11 ortier to folfill thc itieal of Natio11al V11it\.J. 011 Ai15i1st 14/ 27, 1916, Ki115 fcrt>i11a11ti co11vciwt> thc Crow11 Coi111cil at tlw Cotrocc11i
Palace, whm thc war ag"i11st Ai1stria - Hi1115an1 w"s t>ccit>ct>. Ditri115 this Cow,cil, as a11swcr to P.P. Ca1·p tlMt hat> i1woketi
thc D1111ast11 i11temts, l<i115 fcrtii11M1ti s"it>: "I tio 11ot lrnow thm i11tmsts. The Dip1Mt\1 shall have sa111c fatc with the coi111tn1:
cither wi1111h15 togcthcr or losil15 togcthcr". Thc l{i115' s bchavior tiHri115 thc entil·c ti11ratio11 of this historic Crow11 Coimcil n1atic
tlw i111p1.1rtM1t politici"11 Takc fo11CSrn cxclain1: "T otia11 I rcalizc wc rcalh1 h"vc a great l{i11g".
Dil!'i115 thc mtirc war pcriot>, 1916 - 1918, whm thc cow1tn1 si,ffmti ti1·a111atic 1110111rnts, Kil15 fcrt>h1"11t>, as S1qnw1c
C1.111m1a11tic1· of thc Ron1M1ia11 Ar11111. stooti of ten an10115 his 111c11, givi11g thc111 c,.rnragc a11ti ho11ori115 thc hcrocs "11t> thc bm1es
with Nsti11ctio11s. Ki11g fert>i11a11t>'s p1.1sitio11 tlill'i11g tlw Peacc Trcat\1 betwcrn R1.1111a11i" 4'11Îl thc Cc11t1·"I Powm fro111 April
24; >-..\-\11 7, 19IS, w4's renwk4'blc bi1 his t>ig11it11 M1i> p4'triotis111 "5 tlw rcfoscti to sig11 it. V11t>cr thm co11Nti1.111s, tlw TrcatiJ,
that stipi114'tet> its V4'liM\1 fro111 thc t>atc of his r4'tific4'ti1.111, w"s 11ot pitt i11 p1·4'cticc.
Dill'il1g 1918, tlw Ron14'11i"11s fro111 Dcssar4'bi4', Di1kovi11" 4'11Îl Tr"11si11v4'11i" pro11oi111cct> for thc V11ific4'tio11 with thcir
Mothc1· Coi111t1'\1, 4'ftc1· thc historic"I tiecisiom fro111 Chisi11~i1 !M"rch 271, Cern~i1ti 1Noven1bcr 2Sl 4'11Îl Alb" htlia 1Dm111bcr 11,
thmf 01·e bci115 for111ct> thc Great Ro1114'11ia. · ·
h1 thc S4'111C tinw with tlw fall of thc D4'1k ..,11 front 4'11Îl thc 4'llicti 4'tlV4'11CC towMtis Ro1114'11i4''s soitthcrn bort>er, thc
An1111 Mobili,4'tio11 is ort>mti 4'11tl a11 Vltin1ati1111 îs givrn to the Gc1·111a11 Occup4'tfo11 foms to hvc tlw corn1tn1. Vnticr tlwsc
co11t>itio11s„ 011 N,we111bcr 1s1Dm111ber 1, 1918 t4'kcs pl4'ce the mtra11ce i11 Ditelwcst of l{i115 fcrtii11"11ti, Qi1w1 MMi4' "'1() thc
frrncl, Grncral DcrtlwliJt, i11 fro11t of the troops, bei11g mcivct> with flowm 4'11ti chem of jo11. The Major of Di1clwest rmivcti
thc Sovmig11s of Ro111a,1i" with bl'eati "11ti salt, imtier the soi111tis of the N4'tio11al Af1the111. 1<i115 fertiil1M1ti took pMt 4't the
blcssi115 of the Official fight DMnm M1ti of thc troops 4'11tl 4'1so thc 111ilit4'nf 1wal>e. h1 thc san1c Îl4'\.1, Ge,wr"I E1w1ia
Gl'igoresrn, thc War Minister, S-'Ve the Ki115 the Marsh"II Dook 4'11() Stick Tlrns, ferl>i11a11t> becan1e tlw fost M4'rshall i11 thc
histor\.j of Ron1"'1i4'.
Af te1· a gloriiJţts rei511 of n 11cMs 11914 - 19271. t>rn·i115 which tlw 11atio11al w1it11 w4's folfillcti anti thc c,msoliti"1io11 of "
tic111ocwic rcgin1c i11 Ro111a11i4' was n14'tic, l{i11g fertih1M1i>, ..,Iso l01ow11 4'S the V11ff ier, thc 10114'1 "11t> tlw j~,st, p4'sseti over 011
h1h1 20, 1927. after " nithlcss 1114'14'tl\1, bei11g bţtricti "t the Roi1al Necropolis fro111 Curte" tie Argeş. /
Born 011 Octobcr 17, 1875, 4't hstwcll PMk tG1·c4't Brit4'il1l, 4'5 thc clt',c5t
t',"i15htcr of th1ke Alfot', Ernest Albert of EN11bi11·5 of S"x" Cobrn·g - Goth",
thc seco11t', 5011 of Qi1cc11 Victoria of Grc4't B1·it4'i11, 4'11t', of thc Gr4'11t', Di1chcss
MMi4' Alex4'11t',rov114', thc 011l4 t',4'i15hter of Alcx.\11t',er thc ll-11t',, TZ4'1' of Ri1ssi.\.
R4'iset', il1 tlw s/1Jmt',it', wtlcs fro111 thc 111ost 4'Ctivc Ger111"11 4'11(') British
cco110111ic "11t', rnlt1-1r" crntm, shc meivct', " V4'5t M(') V4'rii.rns rnlturc. Slw
bcc4'11w 4'cqit4'i11tct', to Sh4'kespcMe's pl4'4S i11 the lo11t',011 the4'tm, Goethe's M(')
Schillcr's t',r4'1114'5 i11 the Ger1114'11 the.\tm i11 Cobi1r5 4'11(') to W4'511er's 11n1sic i11
Mi111ich. Slw WM "ttwtct', b4 philosoph4 !Nietzsche espcciallw, English poet4
ff rnm1so11, Shclb1, Keats bit especiall4 b4 Yeatsl. Her favorite lcchtm wm
the Bibic at1t', thc Sca11t',h1.\via11 Sagas. Shc was ver4 fo11t', of thc natitt·c, with
which she cstablishet', a rc4'1 co1111111-111io11.
h1 1891, 4't the Gr4'11t', l111pcrial Milit"1'4 Ma11ci1vm i11 Cassel tGer11111a114l,
Pri11ccss MMia 111et Pri11ce fot',i11a11t', of Ro111at1ia, the 5011 of leopolt', of
Hohe11zollcrn-Si511wil15c11 a11t', 11cphcw of m115 (Mol of Ro111a11i.\.
011 Ma4 21, 1892, i11 the 11cw Palacc fro111 Po5tt',a111, the E115a5e111e11t
Cm111om1 bctwem Pri11ccss M.\ri.\ of Et',i11bur5 (17 \JCMSI at1t', Prince f ert',i1w1t',
(27 4C4'r5l, thc Hcir of thc Tl11"1J11C of Ro111at1i4', takes j'lace. 011 Dm111ber 29,
1892, tlwir 11wria5e is cclcb1•.\fct', at thc a11cimt H, 1e11zollcrn Castlc fro111
Si511wi115m, the wet',t',i115 cm1110114 bei115 co11t',itetct', both it1 thc C.\tholic a11t',
Thc Clrnrch of En5la11t', rih1ak Af tcr a short 10 Dai1s "ho11c41110011" at thc s111all
. ,, . 1{r4'1-1chmwics Hi111ti115 C4'stlc, thc pri11ci"1'4 mtplc pMtct', fo1· Ro111a11i.\.
QHmt }.,far," 118'.>- 191111· Qween of ~vnMm., 011 thc occa5io11 of thcir anival i11 Ro111M1ia 011 Ja1rnan1 H 1S93
11914-19271. Cl,ro1-11î1l1to5r"f'/111 b11 Co$t111 Petmm .
1111porta11t cc Icbrat1011s
· too J< pace I 111· tI1c I1011or of Prmms
· ' M4'n.\· a11D Prnm .· '
fcrt',i11a11D: Tc Dc1-1111 at thc Metropolit4'11 Church, 5i511i115 of " co111111e1111.wativc Dorn111c11t, Ba11qi1ct at the Ro4al Pal4'cc, the
Celcbratio11 of n WcDN115 Cm111011ics tone coi1plc fro111 c4'ch Cow11t41 4't "Sf. Spil•it',011" Clu1rch. with the Heir Coi1plc as GoD
Parn1ts, Gal.., Show 4't the Natio11al Thcatrc, rmivi115 of pmrnts, thc Bal! of Bitclwcst Ma4or.
Prit1ms Maria gavc bi1·th to 5ix chilDrm: (Mol t tlw fi1h11·c Ki115 (Mol thc Scco11t',, October 311;, 189,l, Elisabeta tScptc111bcr
29/ October 10, 189~l. MMia tMi511011, Dcm11bcr 27, 1899/ Ja111-1"1'4 8, 1900), Nicolae tAi15ust ;, 1903), 1lea11a tDccc111ber 23. 1908/ )amt"1'4
f, 1909) a11D Mil·cc" tJ.\1rnar4 1913, t',cceaseD i11 1916 of t4phoiD f m1·l.
Havi115 a Di111a111ic a11D 1110Dcm te111pcra111rnt. Prh1ees5 Maria i1wolvct', hmclf i11 activitics f1·0111 varioi15 t',0111ai11s: shc
rcccivcb fro111 Ki115 Ca,·"I tlw first tlw titlc "f Ho11or"1'4 Co111111a11Dcr of Rcgi111cnt No. 4 of Rosi"1·i tCaval,•4) as Colo11cl, pmit',ct', /
in111wm1s ChMiH1 Socictics "11b 01·5"11izc'b fi111'b1-.,isiJ15 l34'lls i11 tl,e Cotrocrni P.,l"cc P.\rk rc.g. for "Oboli,I" .\J1t, "M.\tcr11"" Clwit11
Societicsl. Din·il15 tl1c Seco11'b B"ll<M W"r 4'l1'b first Worlt, W"r shc 01·5"11izc'b thc fielb S4'11it"r11 Service, i11 CllOPH"tio11 with
tlw Rcb C1·oss "11'1> cxposing hmelf to "li cxisti115 'b"115m. Aftcr thc first Worl'b WM she "ctc'b i11 Diplo111"tic foit, f1J1· tlw
Rm511ithm llf thc 1918 V11if ici.\tion of thc Ro111M1iM1s i.\11'1>, IMer 011, for thc co11s1Jli'b4'tillf1 of thc Ro111i.\11i"11 i11tcrni.\tio11"l j,ositi1111.
At thc Ro111i.\11iM1 EntrM1cc i11 thc Scc1J11t, B"lkM1 WM rh1l4 28/ A11511st 10, 191ll w1'bcr thc cim1111st"11ces w 1c11 thc
Ro111M1ii.\J1 Arn14 Wi.\S being 'bccit11i.\tc'b b4 cholcri.\, shc c1·ossc'b thc DM11bc to B11l5Mi.\ "h1eo511ito" i.\11'1> fo111'bc'b " ficlt, Hospit.\l
for cholcric sllli>im, slw hmelf rnring thc ills.
111 thc Di.\4 whrn Ki115 (Mlll 1 'bccci.\sc'b, 011 Scpten1bcr 27, 1914, Princc fer'bil1"11'b bccM11c thc l{i115 i.\l1'b Pri11ms M<\l'i"
thc Q11cen.
D111·i115 thc 11e11tr<\lit4 pcriob of Ro111"11ii.\ (1914 - 1916), Q11crn MMii.\ took " s11sti.\i11eb strngglc fot- thc joi11i115 of thc Allics
si'bc, 11sin5 hcr ow11 fa111il4 rdi.\tio11s: Ki115 Gmge V of Thc Vnite'b Ki115'bo111 i.\J1i, TZM Nicol"c 11 - 11'1> of R11ssii.\.
Af tcr thc 1·ctrc"t to l"si rQme11 Mi.\rii.\ lcf t Cotroceni P"l"cc 011 Novc111bcr 2;, 1916), thc Sovmi511, whosc 111ori.\lc 1-en1i.\incb
high, 'bcbici.\tc'b hmelf with "li hcr st1·c115th to thc fast rcogi.\11izi115 of thc Si.\11iti.\r4 Service: slw f01111tc'b "Q11cc11 Mi.\ri"" s.\11itw1
tci.\111s, 1111111cm1s fielb hospiti.\ls, shc "Iso tri.\vclcb sevcr"I tinws to thc front li11c i,1 01·ticr to rnrc thc wo1111ilc'b, thc t11phoi'b fmr
ills, in spitc of thc 'bi.\ngcr of ill11css i.\!1'1> bcMh.
Slw rcfoscb to lci.\vc on ref 115c to Thcsi.\l1J11ic t1Jgctl1er with hcr chililrrn "s shc 'bit, 111Jt Wi.\11t to .\Ua11'b1J11 tlw 'bipl11111"tic
stnigglc i.\l1'b hcr ,wrk i11 the hospit"ls 1111t cvm whrn thc sih1"tio,1 bcci.\111e critici.\!, 'b11c to thc sih1i.\tio11 il1 Ri,ssi".
D11ri115 thc Pc"cc C1111fm11cc i11 PMis, Qi1m1 Mi.\ri" wmt tll thc f1·mch C"pit"I to insist llf1 thc Rcc1J511itio11 of thc
Vnifici.\ti1J111Jf Tri.\11sitlvMii.\, BcssM"bi" i.\11'1> Bi1kovif1., with Ro111i.\11ii.\. Shc m11 visitc'b tlw frn1ch Pmit,mt, Gc11rgc Cle11m1cw1,
whrn shc plci.\'bct, thc Ro111i.\11ii.\n (,;\11se.
011 Octobcr 15, 1922, i.\t Alb" litlii.\, to11k pli.\cc thc C11r1111i.\tio11 Cm11111m1 11f l<i115 fo%14'11'b "11'1> Qi1cc11 MMi" i.\S Sovmi511s
of tlw Grc"ter Ro111M1i".
111 1926, t115cthcr with Priim Nic11IM "'1~ Pri11ms llci.\11i.\ shc visitct, thc V11itc'b Sti.\fcs of A111c1·ici.\, bci115 mcivcil i.\t thc
White Hoitsc bii VS Pmiilrnt Cooli'bgc: shc W<\S mciveil with Iove i.\f1Î'.J e11th11si"sn1 bi1 tlw Ro111i.\11i.\f1s i.\f1b An1erici.\11s from
New Vllrk, WMhif15t1J11, A1111i.\polis, Balti111m. Phil"ticlphia.
Af tCl' thc 'bci.\th of l<i115 fcr'bi11M1~. 011 htlit 20, 1927, Qi1cm MMi", cvc11 thoi15h 11M bei115 1wt 11f thc rcgc11n1 'b111·i115
tlw fast rci511 of hcr 111i11or 11cphcw, l<i115 Mihi.\i thc fost (1927-19301, hi.\'b " stro115 if1f111c11cc in thc R11111i.\11ii.\11 p11litici.\l lif c. Evrn
bcforc thc rct111·11 to thro11c of hc1· Sllf1, l<ing (i.\rlll thc Scc1111'b ,.m h111c 8, 1930, Q11ccn MMii.\ Nsmtlit lcft Ro111M1ii.\ for " whilc.
h1 thc followif15 pcrio'b - 1930 - 1938 - Qucm Mi.\1'i" spmt 111ost of thc tif11c tri.\veli115, writi115 her 111c111oirs 1rnblishc'b
1111'bcr thc titlc: "Thc sto1·ii of 111it lifc•·, i11 which shc provei, 1J11cc "S"i11 hc1· rc"I t4'1mt i.\S " writcr. D11ri115 Im· sti.\\JS if1 R11111,\11ii.\
shc livc'b M thc Cotr1Jcc11i Pi.\li.\cc, lwr 111i.\i11 mi'bc11cc, B1·"11 (Mtle, rmivc'b i.\s" gift fr11111 thc i11h"bitMts of B1·"s11v i.\J1il il11ri115
spri115 M'b i.\1tti111111 shc re511IMh1 rch1rne'b tll thc B"lcic P.,lw, a place th"t shc lovc'b s11 nn1Ch i.\S il1 hcr will shc i.\skc'b to
hi.\vc Im· hcMt pl"ccil thm, i.\t thc ''Stcll" ~faris" Cl111rch, "ftcr Im ilci.\th, thi.\t i.\ct11i.\lh1 h"pprnct, 1J11 N11vc111bcr 1938. Shc ilieil
"f tcr " l1J115 " P"i11fol suffcrMce 1111 J11h1 18, 1938, "t thc Pclcs Ci.\stlc, h1 Sini.\ii.\. /
/(i115 FaN1k\11il Alf1> Q11m1 J.,fariA AwMN115 111eilAls to officm Altil s.1/Nm
Nsti11511is/1ei) i11 tl1e bMtb fro111 vit11z. A1151l,t 19, 1917. PlwtogrAp'1 from tl1e p,rioil. /
Tl1c /(i115 M tf1c (Mut H'1spit,\l Q.iw1 },.,fariA or5M1iub tk liospitAI i11
tf1c 11cMs "f tlic First W"rl~ WM. AH5ust n 1917. Pl1'1to5r..1.p'1
fro,11 tf1c peri"~-
Cl1Mit11;;c 1111if.Jrm worc b11 Q11w1 MMi,\ il1 tlic
11cMs ,1( tl1c First Worl~ WM. /
/i1115 Fcr-.,i1w1i,1's Sccpt,·r. 1w1·c .H tl,,· (,,r.i11Mi,111
CamtN111 i11 Alb.1 luli.1 fr,1111 tJcr.,b,r 1,. 1•111.

/ii115 Fcr/:Jin.v1t>. Vnificr „f n„nMni.t 1911.

"Fcr~i1M11i:i tl,c First'' ur/:Jcr. /11stit11tci,1 i11 1•12•> t,, (-.,,1t,,n1c tl,c
l!lc111,1r11 ,,f t/1,· /(i11<; t/1.H fo/(illc/:J tl,c R,1111.111i.111
V11ificMi<111. Aw.11·i)."i). •'""' t.1 tl,c n,,n1.\11Î,\lf, ll'itl,
~isti11511isl1cti merit; f.,,. ţlic c,1111]'lcthm vf tl,,. V11ific.Hi.111
f1w11 1'11$. Tl,c 1111mbcr ,,t l!lm1hm is N1•i1lc-., iii six r.111/.;:
li11i5l1t. u(fi.w. C,11111n.111i:ia. GreM uffim. Grc.\t Cmsc .1111>
(,,/I.Ir, T,15ctl1cr with "(,11..,/ tl,c First" vr/:Jcr, °frl'Î.1//f,\lfi)
tl,c First" t1r1lcr is t/,_, lii5IR·,t Rv111.111i.111 llisti11cti111, /
Tr.111 witli tltc p11rtrMt 11{ Q11w1 MMi.\ •,wi:1ri115 tlic l>isti11cti11ns TrMJ wit'1 t/1e1,111rtrMt 11f /(i115 Fcrl>i1M111> 1veMi115 t/1e l>isti11ctl,ms
MII> R11be fr11111 tl,e C11r1111Mi1111 Cm1tt'111J/ frv111 uct11wr li. 1911. MII>V11ifor111 rom tl1e Coro11Mi1111 Cmmvmt frv111 uct11ber Ii, 1912.

Tlie p/.\n "f tlie Alb.\ /11/i., CM'1el>rJ/ witli T/1e Cr11w11 wm b11 Q11ee11 J.farii\ M tl1e ''The Coro11Jti1111 Cekbr.ltions of tl1eir J.-fajesties
tlte p11sitivni115. 11{ tlie sws mervel> for CvranMio11 Cm111om1 fr11m uct11ber li. Kh15 MII> Q11w1 iJf R1m1.rniJ ' , Alb.\ /11/iJ. D11-
suests M tf1e Cor11nMiiJ11 Cm11111ni1. 1911. G11/1>, 5e111s. c'1.vest. Octvwr li, 16 MII> 17, 1911. SpeciJI eMioa /
Silver tr.\1/ offmil b11 t'1c i11/1.1bit.\11ts of Cl1ishMu to /(i115
Ferili11.111il .\l!il Queen MMi.\ 011 tlie occasio11 of tlteir \lisit
Tltc J.-fap .,f GrcM Ro»1.111i.t T.\pestn/ friJ111 tlic periiJb. MMtW. 19W. /
Rev.,lver iif /(i115 Ferbin,rnb.
MJbe i11 SpM11, pfateb witl, 50/b J11b ivon1: cJ/iher s 111111. /
Tr"'' witli tlie portr.\it of Q11w1 M.:1ri".

PriHW$ M.:1ri.\ iii "mior" 1111iform. Fri>HJ

"Ro11M11i.,11 Arnn(. Alb11111, b11 T. Aj1>11kiMic'1.

Go/1>m silvcr wx offmb to Prinffss M\l'i.1 b11 "tlie

Ro11w1i.\11 l..lbies''. After /,cr 1>e.1tl1 ll9Jbî i11 tl1is box
w.1s /:lepv:;iteb .111otlwr silver box wit/1 Q11eei1
M\l'i.\' s /,e.vt. 011 tl,e fr.1111 tl1e ful!.nvi115
ilt-cripti.111 WM m5r,web: "Tu her Tlo11al Majest11
Pril1ms Maria of Tlon1a11ia: Tl11? Tlun1a11ia11 la~ies". /
ZditoHttl BoMd:
Cornelia Apostol
ScrbaJ1 Co11staJ1tiJ1csrn
· MMia loJ1itĂ
Ma1·iatta NcgMţ

Zn:,lisli Vetsion:
At>1·i~11 StĂtticĂ

-;ţ)l1oto7 zttphs:

Mal'i\-1s A111Mici
Gco1·5c Nic~

Tccl111ic~I cNti115 aJ1i, priJ1ti11g

co111plctci, b\.1 TIPORED S.R.L. prittti11g hoi1sc
13MchMcst, c~lc~ Victoriei 12 / /

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