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Q: Write about the way on which the Quran was compiled after the Prophet

PBUH’s death. /10

Preservation of the Quran
During the lifetime of the Prophet PBUH, the Quran was preserved in the memory
of his companions and was written on various materials by the scribes. E.g animal
skin, animal bones, palm leaves and stone tablets etc. However, it was not yet
compiled into a book.
Q: Explain the importance of the different terms of Tafsir for the complete
understanding of the Quranic verses. /4
Tafsir means to explain and to discover something hidden and in Islamic
terminology, it means the interpretation of the Holy Quran. It explains the difficult
words and phrases, the purpose of the revelation, unique features of the Quran,
examples, events and oaths, commands related to the fundamental beliefs,
obligations and lawful and forbidden things in Islam. The best Tafsir of the verses
in the Quran is usually given in the Quran itself as whatever is stated briefly in one
place, will be found exposed and fully explained somewhere else. Similarly, there
are some commands which have been superseded or overtaken by subsequent
commands, for example; the verse “Oh ye who believe, approach not prayer
with a mind befogged…” is called Mansukh, meaning it is superseded by another
command that bans the use of wine completely and is called Nasikh “Turn away
from it so that you may prosper.” In this Holy Quran, there are verses whose
meaning is decisive, for example; commands related to the unity of Allah and the
fundamental principles of Islam. There are also verses whose meaning is not clear
and is beyond human understanding, for example; the personality of Allah. Such
verses are called allegers and can have different interpretations. It is very
important for the interpreter of the Quran to know about all of these techniques
of tafsir in order to bring out the meaning of the Quranic verses.
Q: Explain why the first Islamic community of Muslims thought that it was
necessary to compile the Quran. /4
During the Caliphate of Hazrat Abu Bakr RA, many Muslims - who had committed
the Quran to memory - died in the battle of Yama man against the false prophet
Musailma. Umar RA immediately suggested compiling the Quran but Hazrat Abu
Bakr RA was hesitant as it was not done by the Prophet PBUH. Hazrat Umar RA
then explained that during the life of the Prophet PBUH, revelations were still in
process and he himself could address all the queries of the new converts. He
explained that the Quran is in the memory of the companions right now who
would all die by the end of the first century naturally or in battle. The ither source
was written records that weren’t combined and were all scattered. So, it was their
duty now to compile the Quran in a book form so that this final divine guidance
could be conveyed to future generations the way that it was revealed to the
Prophet PBUH. During the rule of Usman RA, people were reciting the Quran in
different dialects as many people were from different cultures that became a part
of the Muslim state. It was alarming to him as this could’ve destroyed the unity
amongst the Muslims and because of these variant readings, the real meaning of
the Quran had become obscure. So, he ordered Zaid Bin Sabit RA to make copies
of the Quran according to the dialect of the Quraish, which reveals the true
meaning of the Quran.
Q: The Quran shouldn’t have been compiled in written form because it did not
take place during the Prophet PBUH’s life. Agree or disagree? Explain your
answer. /4
I disagree with this statement as in my opinion, the Quran should be compiled in
a written form as Muslims benefit from the written copy because not everyone is
able to memorize it easily. Abu Bakr RA was the rightly guided Caliph and so his
decision was not against the teachings from the Prophet PBUH. After the death of
the Prophet PBUH, a large number of companions who had committed the Quran
to their memory passed away in the battle of Yama man which was a great threat
to the preservation of the Quran into the memories of the companions. So, to
convey to the future generation that it was obligatory to compile the Quran.
During the Prophet PBUH’s lifetime, the revelations were still in process and the
Prophet PBUH himself was present to answer the questions of new converts, but
after his death, the first Islamic community made a great service to Islam by
compiling the Quran into a book. Getting help from written records made by the
companions of the Prophet PBUH. So, the compiled version of the Quran not only
made the revelations safe and secure, it also helped tp convey the Quran in its
pure form for all to come.
Q: What is the significance of the Quran being revealed to someone who
couldn’t read or write? /4
Muhammad PBUH received the first revelation in the cave of Hira and when the
Angel Jibrail AS asked him to read, he replied that he could not read. This tells us
that no one among humans was above knowledge to Him and his only teacher
was Allah Almighty. In the Arab society, the people of Makkah accused him of
composing the verses by himself as a poet. So, it was significant to reveal the
Quran to the Prophet PBUH because being unable to read or write, he would’ve
been unable to have composed the Quran himself. The implication is that not
being able to compile the Quran himself shows that the Quran is entirely from
Allah. The Arabs had a strong oral tradition which allowed the Quran to be
preserved through memory alone and it demonstrates the Prophet PBUH’s faith
in his companions when he allowed them to write down the verses revealed to
Q: What was the significance of the Prophet PBUH being given the revelations
by word rather than in writing. /4
At the time of the revelation of the Quran, the Arabs had a very strong oral
tradition so it was in keeping with the Prophet PBUH that the Quran was revealed
by word. As the people had very sharp memories, it was a more reliable way to
ensure the Quran’s preservation. Had it been delivered in written form it
would’ve been harder to know if any changes had been made. Later on in the
future when the Quran was being compiled, its authenticity was checked through
the memory of the companions of Prophet PBUH. Even today, a large number of
Muslims have committed the Quran to memory which is a great source to check
for errors in a written copy. If the Prophet PBUH had received the Quran in
written form, he would not have been able to read or write it and because of this,
the oral recitation allowed messages to be memorized by him and committed to
memory again ensuring that there were no errors. It is also significant because
the Quran is primarily a book of worship.
Q: The Quran was revealed in parts over a number of years. Why was this
important? /4
“Had he sent the Quran upon a mountain, it would have come apart.” So, had
it been revealed to the Prophet PBUH all at once, it would have been too heavy
for him to carry the burden. God was taking care of the Prophet PBUH and of his
followers by revealing it in parts as Allah said in the Quran that it was sent to
strengthen hearts which could be done with the help of partial revelations. Allah
also revealed it this way to allow the Prophet PBUH and the early converts to
ponder over its meaning and have time to implement the teachings in their lives.
The Quran was going to bring a huge change in society and for people, only
gradual change was acceptable and sustainable. It was also sent in parts in
response to the needs of different situations and times during the 23 years of
Q: What is the significance of Muslims having the Quran in written form? /4
Having written copies of the Quran is very beneficial to Muslims as this ensures a
standard copy of the Quran which reduces the chances of it being reproduced
with errors or mistakes. It is more secure and protected and if It had not been
compiled in book form, its teachings would have been lost. The Quran also
suggests unity amongst Muslims as they use the same book and they read it in the
same original language even if the language is not their own. The practical
benefits include that copies of the Quran can be owned by individuals and
referred to with ease. As Muslims, we get guidance from the Quran related to all
aspects of our lives and having it in one place makes it easier for us to refer to it
on a daily basis. It also helps to recite the Quran in a sequence without
Q: How does the written form of the Quran help Muslims all around the
world? /4
Having written copies of the Quran is very beneficial to Muslims as this ensures a
standard copy of the Quran which reduces the chances of it being reproduced
with errors or mistakes. It is more secure and protected and if It had not been
compiled in book form, its teachings would have been lost. The Quran also
suggests unity amongst Muslims as they use the same book and they read it in the
same original language even if the language is not their own. The practical
benefits include that copies of the Quran can be owned by individuals and
referred to with ease. As Muslims, we get guidance from the Quran related to all
aspects of our lives and having it in one place makes it easier for us to refer to it
on a daily basis. It also helps to recite the Quran in a sequence without
Q: What does the Prophet PBUH’s first experience of revelation tell us about the
nature of Prophethood in Islam. /4
The Prophet PBUH’s first experience of revelation in the cave of Hira was
extremely shocking and strong. He was shivering and was extremely confused
because of the multiple thoughts in his mind when he came out of the cave. This
is similar to Hazrat Musa AS’s experience when he was given a glimpse of Allah’s
glory from behind the mountain. He, even though he was a prophet, fainted and
the mountain turned to ash. The experience of Prophethood was always
unannounced for every prophet and they never had any prior information or
warning before receiving the revelations so it was always surprising for them. The
experience of receiving prophethood always includes a miraculous event which
shows that it is purely the divine decision to choose a person as a prophet and no
one declared himself prophet no matter how pious, intelligent or rich the person
may be.
Q: Explain the significance of the Quran being revealed over a period of time. /4
“Had he sent the Quran upon a mountain, it would have come apart.” So, had
it been revealed to the Prophet PBUH all at once, it would have been too heavy
for him to carry the burden. God was taking care of the Prophet PBUH and of his
followers by revealing it in parts as Allah said in the Quran that it was sent to
strengthen hearts which could be done with the help of partial revelations. Allah
also revealed it this way to allow the Prophet PBUH and the early converts to
ponder over its meaning and have time to implement the teachings in their lives.
The Quran was going to bring a huge change in society and for people, only
gradual change was acceptable and sustainable. It was also sent in parts in
response to the needs of different situations and times during the 23 years of
Q: Why is understanding the teachings of the Quran important to Muslims? /4
The Quran has been the foundation for telling Muslims how to live their lives and
it was put into practice by the Prophet PBUH, although the Prophet PBUH is not
alive and the only source of guidance for Muslims is the Holy Quran which
provides them with a framework on how to live their lives. Understanding the
teachings of the Quran helps Muslims realize the real objective of their lives and
they can understand what Allah wants from them. Learning Arabic helps Muslims
understand the Quran in its own language by taking lessons from the Quran and
applying them in daily life. This helps Muslims take on board the real meaning of
the Quran and understanding this helps them to follow Allah’s guidance which in
turn helps them to get closer to Him. The Quran is also the foremost and
fundamental source of Islamic law, so people need to understand its teachings to
make laws from it and implement them in daily life.
Q: “Memorizing the Quran is no longer important because the Quran is
preserved as a book.” Discuss whether you agree or disagree with this
statement, giving reasons for your answer. /4
I completely disagree with this statement and in my opinion, both are equally
beneficial for Muslims because they both have a role to play as Islam is more
popular and covers many different regions and languages. The written tradition is
useful for people who are no longer able to memorize or prefer to recite it. On
the other hand, memorizing the Quran is also very important as this is the
traditional way to know that there are no inaccuracies in the Quran as it is
possible that some printed copies could contain errors. Muslims families also
encourage their children to learn the Quran by heart as it is a matter of high
reward and a great honor for the child and his family. Then, there are some parts
of the world where rulers are so cruel that they do not allow Muslims to keep
copies of the Quran with them. So, memorizing the Quran becomes extremely
important as it is the only way to get guidance and to convey the message to
future generations. Oral tradition gives people access to the Quran in places
where they are unable to keep a physical copy of the Quran.
Q: Do you think for Muslims these days, have a written copy of the Quran
outweighs the benefits of having the oral tradition? Give reasons for your
answer. /4
I completely disagree with this statement and in my opinion, both are equally
beneficial for Muslims because they both have a role to play as Islam is more
popular and covers many different regions and languages. The written tradition is
useful for people who are no longer able to memorize or prefer to recite it. On
the other hand, memorizing the Quran is also very important as this is the
traditional way to know that there are no inaccuracies in the Quran as it is
possible that some printed copies could contain errors. Muslims families also
encourage their children to learn the Quran by heart as it is a matter of high
reward and a great honor for the child and his family. Then, there are some parts
of the world where rulers are so cruel that they do not allow Muslims to keep
copies of the Quran with them. So, memorizing the Quran becomes extremely
important as it is the only way to get guidance and to convey the message to
future generations. Oral tradition gives people access to the Quran in places
where they are unable to keep a physical copy of the Quran.
Q: Discuss the most important features of the Quranic teachings about the
messengers of Allah. /4
According to a hadith, Allah sent one hundred and twenty-four thousand
messengers for the guidance of human beings. Some of them are even mentioned
in the Quran. They not only conveyed Allah’s message, but they also showed its
practical example through their character so the Quran declares them as the
perfect example to follow. Some of them were granted holy books from the Lord.
The Quran also mentions the distinctive qualities of some messengers of Allah.
The Quran also teaches us about the miracles of the messengers for example Isa
AS used to give life to the dead and the journey of the Prophet PBUH to the
throne of Allah called ‘Miraj’. The role of messengers in the Quran is mentioned
to warn people over their evil practices and the role as instructor, who guides
them to the right path. All of these prophets preached some common teachings
to their nation, the unity and oneness of Allah, good conduct, and the day of
Q: Muslims around the world memorize and recite the Quran in Arabic even
though they might not understand the meaning. What do you think are the
benefits of this? /4
The Quran is the only book recited the most in the world. It is better to recite it
with translation to learn Allah’s message for humans but reciting or memorizing it
in Arabic, even if it is not our language, carries many benefits for us. The Quran is
the glorious, strong and pure word of Allah that removes evil from the heart of
the reciter and purifies him. It is such a strong word that according to the Quran,
if it was revealed on the mountain, the mountain would crumble. Enemies of
Muslims used to close their ears so that they could not hear the word of Allah as
their very important leader (Umar RA) accepted Islam only by listening to the
influential recitation of the Quran. Listening to the Quran with love and respect
showers Allah’s mercy and blessings on man. As the Quran says, “So when the
Quran is recited, then listen to it and pay attention that you may receive
mercy.” The Quran will be an intercessor for that person on the day of
judgement. Each letter recited from the Quran brings rewards to that person. A
person who recites the Quran and is well versed will be in the company pf Angels
and if they are struggling in recitation, they will have double the reward. Reciting
the Quran in one language also demonstrates unity amongst Muslims

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