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School of Languages & English

Upper Intermediate: Listening & Speaking

Independent Listening response

Section 1- Article information

Topic E-Waste Recycling

Name: Walter Author Nat Kelly

Student Number S3975112 Article Title E-Waste recycling

Date: Publication date

NOTE: The news story must be Tue 8 November, 2022
from the last THREE WEEKS

Stars (delete the ✰✰✰✰✰ Link of news clip

extra stars btn/classroom/e-waste-

Complete each section about the clip.

Section 2: Write a summary of the clip.

According to research, many
Think about what, who, where, when and why Australians throw away a wide
when you write. variety of electronics each year and
half of it is recycled. They need to
be recycled at facilities that
specialize in e-waste recycling. They
are collected through the web and
are carefully sorted, recovering
Write approximately 100 words.
valuable material from electronic
equipment. That is quite important
because not only do the items
contain rare metals, but they also
contain toxic substances. The
recycling facility will restore
valuable resources to restore and
use on new items. When there are
old electronic items that are no
longer used, contact and take them
to companies specializing in e-
waste recycling to avoid waste and
Section 3 - Response:
E-waste is a term used to refer to
● What is your opinion about the news clip? old or discarded electronic devices
Why? and tools. printer and copier. E-
waste contains valuable
● How does it relate to your life or to your components such as precious
country? metals that can be recovered
School of Languages & English
Upper Intermediate: Listening & Speaking

● What other questions or comments do you through

have about this issue or clip? recycling, but e-waste also contains
a high percentage of heavy metals
and non-biodegradable substances.
Give reasons for your answers. Heating e-waste releases harmful
Write at least 160 words.
chemicals into the air, damaging
the atmosphere. When e-waste is
disposed of in landfills, toxic
substances leach into groundwater,
harming both land and sea life. E-
waste causes many environmental
and human health problems. Of
course, the focus should be on
eliminating environmental and
health issues while developing
innovative technologies for effective
digital waste management.
However, our main view of e-waste
needs to change e-waste is not a
complicated thing, but another
chance to turn useful waste into
new one by 4.0 technology. In
Vietnam, this type of technology is
not much popular because we don’t
put highly focus on e-waste recycle.
I think Vietnam government should
encourage the businessman
investor in this field to protect the

Which strategies did you use before you ☐Used the headline and pictures to predict what the
listened to the news clip? topic was about.
☐Thought about what I knew about the topic already.
☐Thought of vocabulary about the topic that might be in
the clip
Other ____________________________

Which strategies did you use while you were ☐Concentrated on listening.
listening to the news clip? ☐Checked my predictions.
☐Paid attention to keywords.
☐Asked ‘Wh’ questions about the clip.
School of Languages & English
Upper Intermediate: Listening & Speaking

☐Stopped listening
sometimes to think about how much I understood so far.
☐Re-listened to sections to check I understood.
☐Listened to the end to find more information to help me
understand difficult parts.
☐Summarised parts of the clip and the main ideas (by
writing or in my mind)

Section 4: Vocabulary: New words and phrases from the text (minimum of three): Write an
example sentence in your own words.

Word or phrase Example sentence in your own words

1.couch She gives her patient on a couch of pain a flower

2.hazardous Long-distance flight is hazardous

3.mercury The mercury is rising

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