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Recycling Technology Innovation
Today’s Situation
 Electronics recycling is a new industry.
 Electronics recycling is different from other
kinds of recycling industries-
­ complex materials.

­ extremely labor intensive.

 There are many different scenarios present

 The industry is dynamic.
 Recycling technology innovation has found
its way to electronics recycling.
Electronic waste or
(E- Waste)
 It
can be defined as electronic
equipments/products connects with
power plug, batteries which have
become obsolete due to
advancement in technology
changes in fashion, style and status
nearing the end of their useful life .
E-waste in USA and INDIA

 In USA alone!!
 Between 1997 and 2007, nearly 500 million personal computers will be obsolete-almost
two computers for each person.
 750,000 computers expected to end up in landfills this year alone.
 India generates about 1,46,180 tons of
E-waste every year.
Why is eWaste a Problem?

 Electronic products often contain hazardous and toxic

materials that pose environmental risks if they are land
filled or incinerated.

 Televisions, video and computer monitors use cathode ray

tubes (CRTs), which have significant amounts of lead.

 Printed circuit boards contain primarily plastic and copper,

and most have small amounts of chromium, lead solder,
nickel, and zinc.
E-waste: It’s solution

 Reuse is the environmentally preferable option by

extending the life of old equipments that defers the
pollution and resource consumption associated with in
making new products.
 Reuse provides opportunity, to the underprivileged who
cannot afford or have no access to electronic equipment,
at reduced or no cost.
 Electronic equipments which commercially & practically
not good for reuse or is broken beyond repair, may be
sent for disassembly i.e. salvaging parts, and selling
reclaimed materials like ferrous, non ferrous, plastic,
Electronic recyle

 The National Center for Electronics

Recycling (NCER) is anon-profit
organization formed in 2005 that is
dedicated to the development and
enhancement of a national
infrastructure for the recycling of
used electronics.

 Analog televisions and computer monitors

- The cathode ray tubes (CRTs) found in analog
televisions and computer screens are composed
of at least 25% lead, a substance which is
extremely toxic and is a leading cause of landfill
and ecosystem contamination. CRT recycling
facilities  separate  the  tube from the  casing
and then extract the lead from the glass through
a process of crushing and chemical reactions.
Recycle development

 NCER Shows 8% Increase in Electronics

Collection Rates in 2010
 PCCI indicates a 23% increase in pounds
collected from 2006 to 2008.
 Technologies are now initiate to build an
environmentally safe recycling pattern.
What can be done to improve
efficiencies in the electronics
recycling industry?
 How can we reduce our operating costs?
 How can we increase throughput?
 How can we utilize our workforce more
 How can we recycle more of what we
 How can we improve the quality of our
processed material?

 Electronic recycling helps to reclaim and treat

the precious metals like gold and palladium
found in electronic goods. The benefit of this is
that these metals can be used for creating chips,
circuits, wires and also plugs and thus has a
great impact on the environment.
 With recycling, it is possible to effectively reduce
landfill space. Moreover, its dangerous leaving
electronic goods in landfills as its hazardous
waste material can seep into soil and water.
BENEFITS contd:-

 There is lots of plastic and glass found in

computers, printers, televisions, fax
machines and monitors that can be
salvaged, refurbished and reused in new
electronic devices after recycling.
 Another benefit of recycling is its effects on the
environment. It safely refurbishes and uses the
usable parts of an electrical appliance and in the
process; helps reduce the amount of toxic
chemical emissions into the environment.
 Capital intensive
 Labour cost
 Not all equipment can go
 Does not help with reuse
Thank You

Have a great afternoon!

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