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Name: _____________________

Date: _______________

Written Paper – 1st semester

I. Fill in the blanks with ONE word only (sometimes, the first letter is given) (180 points):
1. It seems like researchers have just pulled the numbers out of thin air.
2. You'll soon be as right as rain (=completely healthy).
3. As the economy weakens, more and more jobs will be made redundant.
4. The bank not only refused to refund the money but, to add insult to injury, charged me for the letter
telling me so!
5. A variety of good restaurants are close at hand (=very near).
6. She swore she would never set foot in his house again.
7. I don't have the faintest idea what you're talking about.
8. She's a fantastic girl, as good as gold.
9. It is by no means certain that the deal will be accepted.
10. I'll start at the very beginning.
11. Parked vehicles that arouse suspicion should be reported.
12. One good turn deserves another.
13. At the back of her mind was the thought that he might be with someone else.
14. They have to win the contract - thousands of jobs are at stake.
15. The mall created a frequent-shopper plan whereby customers earn discounts.
16. The new project will lessen the effects of car pollution.
17. We arrived at the height of the tourist season (=the busiest time).
18. The school is rather badly off for equipment.
19. I don't mind you two arguing, but don't ask me to take sides.
20. Virginia's car had definitely seen better days.
21. At Midland, we pride ourselves on establishing long term relationships with our customers.
22. 75,000 soldiers simply disappeared without trace.
23. It's wrong to speak ill of the dead.(=say bad things)
24. If you love him, ask him to stay. Otherwise you'll be cutting off your nose to spite your face.
25. I was expecting her to be furious but she didn't turn a hair.(=remained calm)
26. They later got cold feet and canceled the order.
27. The government should come clean about its plans.
28. The blocks are raised by means of pulleys.
29. Could you give me a rough idea what time you'll be home?
30. An expert can tell at a glance whether it's a real diamond or a fake.
31. Salzburg is not far away and is well worth a visit to see the wonderful Baroque architecture of this
elegant city.
32. We must never lose sight of the fact that man must work in harmony with nature.
33. It was the largest swarm of locusts we had ever seen.
34. Some ten seconds later, we heard the clap of thunder.
35. The court awarded him £15,000 in damages.(=compensation)
36. Don't pay any attention to him - he's had one too many.
37. Thompson had three strategies, none of which seems to have worked very well, unfortunately.
38. I suppose it didn't occur to you to phone the police?
39. Mistakes are bound to happen sometimes.
40. In effect we're earning less than last year because of inflation.
41. Leo's parents soon found that they were unable to control their headstrong son.(=obstinate)
42. Although many people in Esarn are poor, most have the bare necessities.
43. Forecasters predict the region's economy is heading for disaster.
44. When things started to go downhill, Kyle began looking for another job.(=deteriorate)
45. He's willing to organize anything guests want at the drop of a hat.
46. If she set her mind on something, then she had to acquire it, by hook or by crook.
47. Get to sleep early tonight - you'll need to keep a clear head tomorrow at the trial.
48. The refugees were repeatedly refused entry into (=not allowed in) the country.
49. Mika is a very hard worker and very eager to please.(=keen)
50. The bird took fright and flew away.
51. We tried to wake him, but to no effect.(=in vain)
52. When Allied Stores reduced their prices, other companies were forced to follow suit.
53. Only one in six adults scored full marks in a test of six familiar words.(=highest number of points)
54. I have no reason whatsoever to doubt what he says.
55. I wasn't prepared to let her off the hook that easily.
56. Games are often canceled on account of rain.
57. She was the favourite runner and was in the lead from start to finish.
58. You have to be in the right frame of mind to play well.
59. They were so engrossed in conversation that they forgot all about the kids.
60. Everybody knew it was a matter of the utmost importance.
61. Water the young plants carefully during dry spells.(=short periods of dry weather)
62. Flattery will get you nowhere.(=praise)
63. It's no use talking to him when he's in a temper.(=angry)
64. A woman had a narrow escape yesterday when her car left the road.
65. It was impossible to predict the outcome of the election.(=result)
66. At the stroke of midnight, the church bells began to peal.
67. Still waters run deep.
68. You have to learn to take the rough with the smooth.
69. Calm down - there's no need to fly off the handle.
70. Surely it's jumping the gun to buy the ring before you've even asked her to marry you?
71. The class managed to keep the party a secret until Lorraine, unable to control herself any longer,
spilled the beans.
72. Don't beat around the bush. Ask for your account to be paid, and paid quickly.
73. It will be quite a feather in his cap if Cambridge win today.
74. I haven't seen hide nor hair of him in months.
75. When Marcia found out where Keith was all night, that's when the fur really began to fly.
76. The business is surviving, but only by the skin of its teeth.
77. Louise's sharp comments had ruffled his feathers.
78. The child bore a striking resemblance to his father.
79. They operated a drug-smuggling business under the guise of an employment agency.
80. People are having to move to other areas in pursuit of work.
81. The crowd was ten thousand strong.
82. There are numerous religious cults that specialize in preying on young people.
83. She was always rushing around at her mother's beck and call.
84. Against all the odds, he recovered from his terrible injuries.
85. For a second year, economic growth has been substantially below par.
86. At 32, many considered Ali to be over the hill as a professional boxer.
87. I'm just making a wild guess here, so correct me if I'm wrong.
88. Finding a replacement is going to be a tall order.
89. Security forces managed to free the hostages but it was a close call.
90. Thirty dollars an hour is the going rate for a math tutor.
91. It's so much nicer to fly business class on long-haul flights.
92. The asteroid flew within 106,000 miles of Earth, which astronomers considered a near miss.
93. Nathan knows the ropes - he's been in the company for 15 years.
94. It is annoying when she tries to affect a British accent.
95. Despite the media hype, I found the film very disappointing.
96. I haven't heard any more news, but I'll keep my ear to the ground.
97. I think everyone has got to shoulder the responsibility for defeat, not just Graham.
98. I guess I shall have to learn to stand on my own feet.
99. If you didn't sign a contract, you won't have a leg to stand on.
100. Students in the program are exposed first hand to college life.
101. There's space for three people. Four at a pinch.
102. There were many hilarious discussions and off-the-cuff remarks.
103. Edwards fell foul of the authorities and was ordered to leave the country.
104. Some people are getting out of the country fast, but my cousin's family has decided to stay, come
what may.
105. She felt as if her life was coming apart at the seams.
106. The food was excellent, which should come as no surprise to those who know the chef's reputation.
107. The most exciting part is yet/still to come.
108. Public speaking does not come easily to most people.
109. I just used the first excuse which came to mind.
110. You've changed your tune all of a sudden! Only yesterday you were saying you thought Christmas
presents were a waste of money.
111. He was lucky to but the house for a song five years ago.
112. 'Don't talk to strangers' is a message drummed into children.
113. Congress and the President have been at each other's throats for so long that it's a wonder they can
agree on anything.
114. If you can answer the first question, the rest of the test should be plain sailing.
115. Mrs Henessy was at pains to say that she was fighting for a principle, not just for financial
116. He was told to get back to Washington at/on the double.
117. The film was British, but it was dubbed into French.
118. Did Ronnie really call or are you just pulling my leg?
119. We struck it lucky in Bangkok, where we were told there were some extra seats on the plane that
120. The students had called the authorities' bluff with their protests and shown solidarity across the
121. Should he ring, tell him I’ll get back to him soon.
122. She was uncertain whether to stay or leave.
123. The old man had gone to bed with instructions not to be disturbed, not unless the plan failed.
124. Their income is exempt from state taxes.(=they don’t have to pay)
125. The mystery guest turned out to be none other than Cher herself.
126. He flatly denied ever having met the woman.
127. Kim is just like mum, he takes after her in every respect.
128. And she bore Arnie no hard feelings.
129. One third of the city's students drop out before graduation.
130. Food was often scarce in the winter.(=not very much available, in short supply)
131. We are left with the daunting prospect of cleaning up this mess.(=very difficult, discouraging)
132. The company offered Jeremy a paltry sum which he refused.(=too small)
133. The waiter asked if I wanted my steak rare, medium or well-done.
134. Her jokes had us all in stitches. (=made us laugh)
135. I disapprove of diets so strongly because I think it's wrong suddenly to deprive your body of certain
136. The silence was broken every other minute by a loud scream.
137. He's one of these super-confident types who really needs to be brought down a peg or two.
138. I saw Josie today - she must still be angry with me because she cut me dead.(ignored me)
139. I don't think the plan is as cut and dried as people think.
140. They walked out on the party, leaving me high and dry.
141. First and foremost, I want to thank our sponsors.
142. Look for the more creative solution - the tried and tested don't always bring the best results.
143. A stitch in time is worth nine.
144. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
145. Larry's one of those men who can turn their hand to anything.
146. 'Someone might have handed in your pass.' 'Yes, and pigs might fly.'
147. Children outgrow their clothes so quickly.
148. I had been there almost two hours, and had perhaps outstayed my welcome.
149. The cops and the dogs set out after them in hot pursuit.
150. Computer games opened a new world, so much so you wonder what you used to do with your free
151. She thought it was time to lay her cards on the table and tell him that she had no intention of
marrying him.
152. Taking the train is more trouble than it's worth.
153. It may seem logical, but his argument doesn't hold water.
154. The autopsy report showed no evidence of foul play.
155. The following week the 'Queen Elizabeth' set sail for Jamaica.
156. 'Mind if I sit here?' he said gently. 'Suit yourself.'
157. My migraines seem to stem from driving at night.
158. They've gone to the airport to see their son off. (accompany sb to the start of their journey to say
159. We can put you up for the night. (accommodate)
160. The children were full of beans today, looking forward to their field trip.
161. I do all the work around the house - Frank never lifts a finger.
162. Don't let your personal feelings cloud your judgement.
163. We'll have to put our shoulder to the wheel to get this job done.
164. You better hope the press doesn't get wind of this.
165. Ed was talking about dropping out of school, but Mom and Dad put their foot down.
166. Dan was a wolf in sheep's clothing, pretending to help but all the while spying for our competitors.
167. They seem to be expecting everyone over 50 to step aside and make way for new blood.( new
members or employees, especially young ones, with new ideas or ways of doing things)
168. He was dressed in black from head to toe.
169. He ordered drinks and then left me to foot the bill!
170. If she can just weather the storm of that contract violation, she'll be fine.
171. The best plan is just to let sleeping dogs lie.
172. Adam was on cloud nine after the birth of his son.
173. Anna’s got a nose for scandal so she would make a good journalist.
174. Half of all new restaurants bite the dust in the first year.
175. In many countries people are working simply to keep the wolf from the door, and owning a car or
washing machine is just a dream.
176. Recent freak weather conditions have sparked off renewed fears about the effects of global warming.
(be the cause of something)
177. Dave really let his promotion go to his head.
178. The finance minister found himself in hot water over his business interests.
179. It's sickening the way he's always fishing for compliments.
180. The party was well and truly over.

II. Fill in with the correct preposition or adverbial particle (150 points):
1. If you want the job, it's yours for the asking.
2. You must get more practice in the use of tenses.
3. Lt. Carlos was not obeying orders. He acted on his own initiative (=he was not told what to do).
4. To the best of my knowledge the new project will be starting in June.
5. Women are more at risk from the harmful effects of alcohol than men.
6. I'm going round to his house to have it out with him.
7. Are you acquainted with the new law?
8. His height gives him an advantage over the other players.
9. Where negotiation fails, they must fall back on the law.
10. I haven't got round to unpacking from my holiday yet.
11. This yearning for freedom is not going to disappear overnight.
12. His comments have met with widespread opposition.
13. What happens in the film bears little resemblance to what actually happened.
14. He was here to get a feel for the place.
15. By and large, most of the people in the town work at the factory.
16. They wanted to set up an attempt on the life of the President.
17. Owls feed on mice and other small animals.
18. They managed to bring off the most daring jewellery robbery in history.
19. Jill did not bear up well under problems with her family.
20. The meeting's been brought forward to Thursday, instead of Friday.
21. In his presence, she was constantly on the defensive.
22. They had put themselves out to entertain her during her visit.
23. I wouldn't take anything that I thought might be too harmful and detrimental to my health.
24. We put your failure down to your emotional upset.
25. I think anyone can lose weight if they put their mind to it.
26. She stood feeling lost until an elderly man took pity on her.
27. Marika took the child by the hand and led her away.
28. The bill works out at £15 each.
29. Lansbury's new contract includes a cutback in her workload.
30. I am telling you this in strict confidence.
31. It's likely that the law will be abolished before long.(=soon)
32. Bob didn't want to jump, but his friends kept egging him on.
33. My children turn their noses up at home cooking.
34. His uncle's a car dealer and let him buy the car at cost.(=without making a profit)
35. He was admitted to hospital complaining of severe stomach pains.
36. Companies must comply with European employment laws.
37. Happiness does not consist in how many possessions you own.
38. He simply brushed all my objections aside.
39. This job calls for someone with experience.
40. We will set about painting the house when the weather gets a little cooler.
41. I watched her get smaller and smaller, then turned and headed for/towards the shore.
42. Dinner guests remarked on how depressing their house had become.
43. Hay on Wye made its name by dealing in second-hand books.
44. Fortune smiled on our efforts.
45. Kelly wants to prove to his father that he can hold down a job.
46. The interest on the loan is 16 % per year.
47. A lot of these children have been deprived of a normal home life.
48. There was a change for the better in the patient's condition.
49. I don't know where she is. She could have been kidnapped for all I know.
50. We are here to make sure that the police operate within the bounds of the law.
51. He set out to make Newcastle the best football team in the country.
52. Through no fault of our own we are currently two players short.
53. Police knew of his fascination with/for guns.
54. The streets were crammed with people.
55. Let me know ahead of time if you need a ride to the airport.
56. Several major hospitals are cutting back on staff at the moment.
57. I'm sorry, you'll have to count me out tonight.
58. In winter, the town is often cut off by snow.
59. Robbery charges were dropped for lack of evidence.
60. He exchanged the black jacket for a blue one.
61. Linda finally talked me into buying a new car.
62. Due to circumstances beyond our control the performance has had to be cancelled.
63. Some local authorities have entered into partnership with private companies.
64. She was arrested on suspicion of murder.
65. 'I'll ask him tomorrow.' 'OK, but I'm going to hold you to that.'
66. It was a mistake and it was years ago; you can't still hold that against him, surely?
67. Sorry I'm late - I was held up at work.
68. Don't take it out on me just because you've had a bad day.
69. I was completely taken aback by his aggressive and unreasonable attitude.
70. Peter will take up the management of the finance department.
71. It’s so funny the way he takes off our boss’s way of speaking.
72. I believe he takes after his grandfather, especially when it comes to his stubbornness in always having
everything his way.
73. She fell on the food as if she hadn't eaten for days.
74. The band were spurred on by the success of their last two singles.
75. I used to drink tea all the time but I’ve gone off it lately.
76. After the interview Fran was on tenterhooks, wondering if she'd got the job.
77. Can you manage to get up to the house under your own steam while I bring up the food?
78. I was expecting the oral exam to be easy, but I was in for a rude awakening.
79. Charlie went for Murray as soon as he entered the room, pushing him up against the wall.
80. I'm thinking about changing careers, but I don't quite know how to go about it.
81. Robin goes through at least two packs of gum a day.
82. It dawned on me that Jo had been right all along.
83. We learn about ourselves by making mistakes, as well as through success; we learn nothing by staying
in a rut.
84. He often comes across as being rather cold and arrogant.
85. We may find we come up against quite a lot of opposition from local people.
86. If we can come through this crisis, the company's future looks bright.
87. Canada is funding the programme to the tune of $30 million.
88. The movie was expected to gross millions, but the forecast was wide off the mark.
89. The champion was playing well below par.
90. He can't just hire and fire people at will, can he?
91. Even the king's closest advisers were not above suspicion.
92. The business ran into financial difficulties almost immediately.
93. The teams will be slogging it out on Saturday.
94. He'll probably go out with her just to get back at me.
95. The day had got off to a bad start.
96. I've always looked up to Bill for his courage and determination.
97. That was the summer I worked at the fairground, and met and fell for Lucy.
98. Judge Atkins lashed out at the defense attorneys for talking to the press.
99. She wanted to get her own back on Liz for ruining her party.
100. A gifted teacher brings out the best in pupils.
101. My parents threatened to cut me off without a penny if I married him.
102. Typical of stress is this feeling of being continuously on the run.
103. The shoplifter turned herself in.
104. He gets a travel allowance over and above his existing salary.
105. I still haven't paid him back for the way he embarrassed me at the party.
106. I put in for a pay increase.
107. Since the hurricane, builders and roofers have been snowed under with work.
108. Domestic violence seems to cut across most social divisions.
109. I've been toiling away at this essay all weekend.
110. She was trying to think up an excuse.
111. I managed to scrape through the exam.
112. I'm going to have to dig into my savings again.
113. They tried to dig up something from his past to spoil his chances of being elected. (find hidden or
forgotten information by careful searching)
114. The style of these paintings can be traced back to early medieval influences. (follow the development
of sth from now to its original sources)
115. She felt she had to play along or risk losing her job.
116. The ad plays on our emotions, showing a doctor holding a newborn baby.
117. Internet shopping will really take off when people become convinced that it is secure.
118. In the press interview, the coach played up the importance of having a strong defense.
119. The newspapers have taken this propaganda at face value, without questioning it.
120. During the negotiations, cultural differences will certainly come into play.
121. This type of event isn't to everyone's taste.
122. Avail yourself of every opportunity to learn.
123. At last she has resigned herself to the low sales of her novel.
124. Tourism has brought about a lot of cultural change in these islands.
125. The men made off as the police arrived. (run away)
126. They turned around and made for home. (go towards)
127. I came in to find that my daughter had dressed herself up in my clothes. (wear special clothes)
128. All that walking tired me out.
129. He came to a few minutes later, unable to remember anything about the accident.
130. His injuries are severe but he's expected to pull through.
131. She took vitamin C to ward off a cold.
132. I was feeling too run-down to go for my morning jog.
133. The last time I saw Helena she was looking pretty washed-out. Is she alright?
134. You can work up a really big thirst playing tennis.
135. Although she has retired now, she keeps her hand in by giving her grandchildren music lessons.
136. I'm afraid we got off on the wrong foot with our daughter's in-laws.
137. Jim changed quickly, took out some clothes for the next morning and then wolfed down his dinner.
138. In that crowded subway car we stood cheek by jowl, virtually holding one another up.
139. Was he speaking with tongue in cheek when he said Sally should run for president?
140. This clock was handed down from my grandfather to my father and, in turn, to me.
141. She and her husband don’t see eye to eye about their daughter’s education.
142. His face clouded over in disappointment.
143. You can buy jeans in every colour under the sun.
144. Hate crimes are on the increase around the nation.
145. For a second, their generosity towards/to him made me feel ashamed.
146. John waited for her under/on the pretence of tying his shoelaces.
147. The wild population of koalas is in danger of dying out.
148. Her comments were brief and to the point.
149. The new rules may put European farmers at a disadvantage.
150. Why you let her talk you into doing such a foolish thing is beyond my comprehension (=impossible for
me to understand).

III. Use the word given in capitals to form a word that fits in the space (70 points):
1. Undoubtedly, public interest in folk music has declined. DOUBT
2. A long flight of stairs made the center inaccessible to disabled visitors. ACCESS
3. Police officers believe the attack was racially motivated. RACE
4. I see teaching as an opportunity to enlighten students, not just inform them. LIGHT
5. Bad weather made the trip inadvisable at this time. ADVISE
6. Residents fled on foot through the wooded hills. WOOD
7. Parking restrictions will be strictly enforced. FORCE
8. Those were poor people living in disadvantaged areas of the city. ADVANTAGE
9. Unaccompanied children are not allowed on the premises. COMPANY
10. His testimony was ruled to be inadmissible evidence because of his relationship with the victim. ADMIT
11. Most of them were inapplicable, but there were procedures for language which APPLY
might be appropriate.
12. He has always shown a dogged determination to succeed. DOG
13. Carrie looked up at him and smiled shyly. SHY
14. There's plenty of space for all the usual kitchen appliances. APPLY
15. He quickly becomes argumentative after a few drinks. ARGUE
16. Roger was hyperactive and inattentive as a child. ATTEND
17. He then gave them the choice of apologizing to the flight attendant or taking ATTEND
another flight.
18. It is very straightforward - you just type the file name, then press 'Enter'. STRAIGHT
19. Since the accident, Sharon has suffered from blackouts. BLACK
20. There is growing public anxiety over levels of air pollution in our cities. ANXIOUS
21. The museum received $5 million from an unnamed benefactor. BENEFIT
22. Princess Anne has done much to help underprivileged children all over the world.
23. It was left parked next to a bus stop, facing oncoming traffic, with its headlights on. COME
24. The agency was transferred from public to private ownership. OWN
25. Some outlying villages were still under several feet of water yesterday. LIE
26. The best business is one with a small outlay and with no risk involved. LAY
27. I have an apartment that overlooks the Thames. LOOK
28. For many years, there has been deep enmity between the two ethnic groups. ENEMY
29. Most of the killings result from gang rivalry. RIVAL
30. As they didn’t have a visa, they entered the country illegally. LEGAL
31. The government should be accountable to all the people of the country. ACCOUNT
32. New machinery has enhanced the company's productivity and competitiveness. COMPETE
33. Some parents have very high expectations of cleanliness and expect complete CLEAN
conformity from their child.
34. The boat measured fifteen feet in length and four feet in breadth. BROAD
35. But there never has been such a comprehensive study to test the theory. COMPREHEND
36. Cut off from the mass of the people by race and language, the rulers also
became increasingly acquisitive in terms of land. ACQUIRE
37. Buckeye Lake reaches depths of eight to ten feet. DEEP
38. Cold fusion would be a cheap and virtually inexhaustible energy source. EXHAUST
39. In some countries, life is little more than a ceaseless struggle to find food. CEASE
40. His commitment is clear and his integrity is undeniable. DENY
41. A weak and indecisive commander is unlikely to win the confidence of his men. DECIDE
42. I don't trust her. I think she has a deceitful smile. DECEIVE
43. We apologise for the delay and any inconvenience caused. CONVENIENT
44. It was very inconsiderate of you to keep us waiting. CONSIDER
45. They have taken corrective action to deal with the country's serious economic decline. CORRECT
46. The evidence against the two men was inconclusive, so they were acquitted. CONCLUDE
47. This is unfortunate, for such marriages are destructive to both partners. DESTROY
48. Doctors can slow the onset of the disease with drugs. SET
49. We wandered aimlessly through the forest until we were hopelessly lost. AIM
50. This is a book Iheartily recommend to all hill walkers. HEART
51. Recently there have been severe cutbacks in the military budget. CUT
52. The chaos and confusion was utterly indescribable. DESCRIBE
53. They put it all down to the child's undeveloped mind. DEVELOP
54. Diamonds are practically indestructible. DESTROY
55. All government agencies received a directive to reduce their staffs and cut costs by 20%. DIRECT
56. Discriminating travelers return to Italy year after year. DISCRIMINATE
57. She heard the knock on the door and she knew that the dreaded moment had come. DREAD
58. Various drugs have proved ineffective against the virus, unfortunately. EFFECT
59. He remains the undisputed world heavyweight champion. DISPUTE
60. The salon was small and exceedingly hot. EXCEED
61. They enjoyed success on a scale unparalleled by any previous pop group. PARALLEL
62. Some scientists have rejected evolutionary theory. EVOLVE
63. All the kids imitated Mr Pearce's mannerisms. MANNER
64. The two designs were practically identical. PRACTICE
65. Although the shock must have been great, her face remained inexpressive. EXPRESS
66. Donald's been given an extension to finish his thesis. EXTEND
67. For some inexplicable reason, she chose that moment to break the news. EXPLAIN
68. I had the unenviable task of cleaning up after the party. ENVY
69. Far from enjoying it, Heather was rather unenthusiastic about her new job. ENTHUSIAST
70. He even blamed his parents for his inability to make friends. ABLE

IV. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate form of one of the following words(50 points):
arduous, astounded, basking, bemused, biased, blatant, chasm, churning, cling, complacency, conceal,
condescending, contemptible, crouched, crumbling, crumpled, cumbersome, daring, dawdle, delved,
denuded, distorting, flippant, gale, genial, hazardous, hone, impede, inedible, inkling, insatiable, inured,
lucrative, maze, menacing, outdo, overbearing, poring, proclivity, rattling, razzmatazz, reared, resilient,
stalk, stamina, sturdy, surge, unbending, unrelenting, winsome

1. English reviewers tended to take a condescending view of American writers.

2. The manager can be very overbearing at times, and it's difficult to argue with him.
3. There was something strange and rather menacing about the way he spoke that made me
4. He was so tough, so unbending and uncompromising, and I don't think he's changed.
5. You must do some exercises to increase your strength and stamina.
6. Journalists were accused of sensationalizing the story and distorting the facts.
7. The complex is a maze of car-ramps and driveways with signs pointing in all directions.
8. Polar bears stalk seals that are resting on the ice.
9. The plumber crouched down and looked under the sink.
10. Today, Corbett will continue his arduous climb to the top of the park's highest peak.
11. The birds have been successfully reared in captivity.
12. The meat had been cooked so long that it was inedible.
13. The company's refusal to hire him was a blatant act of discrimination.
14. A lizard was basking in the heat of the afternoon sun.
15. Even today there is a chasm between white and black cultures in the Deep South.
16. In fact, the use of these drugs may even impede the patient's recovery.
17. The course is specifically designed to hone their skills to a professional level.
18. The child showed no proclivity towards aggression.
19. Kim could barely conceal her annoyance that I had arrived so late.
20. My father’s reaction astounded me. How could he be so calm!
21. I woke up to the sound of cups and plates rattling, and knew that Dad was already up.
22. The fact that people have left farm work has denuded many villages of their working population.
23. Rangoon's old buildings are crumbling from neglect.
24. She had absolutely no inkling of what was going on.
25. The unrelenting pressures of the job started to affect her health.
26. Being twenty-three years old and quite resilient, I got over the shock pretty quickly.
27. Our hosts were genial and friendly, and our stay was a very pleasant one.
28. Nurses soon become inured to the sight of suffering.
29. I wouldn’t sit on that chair; it doesn't look very sturdy.
30. Don't sit around in your suit. It'll get crumpled.
31. He likes to arrive with all the razzmatazz, while I prefer to slip in the back door quietly.
32. Despite yesterday's win, there is clearly no room for complacency if the team want to stay top of
the league.
33. We'll never get all the shopping done today if you dawdle like this.
34. An increase in consumer demand has made sports shoe retailing a lucrative business.
35. She told him to leave, but he just sat there with a bemused expression on his face.
36. My stomach was churning on the day of the exam.
37. Sophie felt a surge of anger, but with an effort she suppressed it.
38. Kids always try to outdo each other in attracting the teacher's attention.
39. Laurie delved into her briefcase and pulled out a letter. (search)
40. Aunt Bella sat at the table, poring over catalogues, surveying the accounts, calculating. (read or
look at sth very carefully for a long time)
41. I used to have one of those old sewing machines, but it was too cumbersome.
42. They were portrayed as contemptible cowards.
43. Her engaging smile, her winsome manner and her impeccable behaviour soon endeared her to the
44. Humankind seems to have an insatiable urge to conquer and explore.
45. The bar erupted into gales of laughter.
46. You shouldn't be flippant about such serious matters.
47. University acceptance policies seem to be biased against minorities.
48. The chemicals in paint can be hazardous to health.
49. He would often do very foolish things just to prove how daring he was.
50. He clung to the hope that she would be cured.

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