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School of Languages & English

Upper Intermediate: Reading & Writing

Independent Reading response

Section 1- Article information

Topic South Korea's Yoon declares mourning period after Halloween crush kills 151

Name: Walter Author Tuoitrenews

Student Number S3975112 Article Title South Korea's Yoon
declares mourning
period after Halloween
crush kills 151
Date: Sunday, October 30 Publication date
2022 NOTE: The news story must be Sunday, October 30
from the last THREE WEEKS 2022

Stars (delete the ✰✰✰✰✰ Link to text https://tuoitrenew

extra stars

Complete each section about the reading text.

Section 2: Write a summary of the text.

In one of South Korea's biggest tragedies

Think about what, who, where, when and why
in recent memory and one of the deadliest
when you write. stampedes in history, Yoon sent his sympathies
to the victims, who were primarily young adults
and teens, and his wishes for a quick recovery to
the many injured. At least 90% of the fatalities,
according to the Interior Ministry, had been
Write approximately 100 words. recognized; nevertheless, certain foreign
nationals and youth without identity cards
experienced difficulties. After the disaster, South
Korean computer and mobile gaming companies
such as Kakao and NCSOFT cancelled their
Halloween promotions, while the amusement
park Everland postponed its Halloween-themed
activities. For the first time in three years, there
were essentially no COVID-19 limitations during
the Seoul Halloween celebration.

Section 3 - Response: I can't imagine how their loved ones must

be feeling right now. Surely their loved one can
be in great pain to hear this tragic news. I felt
sad for their loss, shocked and saddened by this
School of Languages & English
Upper Intermediate: Reading & Writing

● What is your opinion about the story you read devastating news when I heard the news of how
cruel and unjust death was. Especially when I
about? Why? feel like they died too young and so sorry for
● How does the story relate to your life or to your those who have passed away. I think Korean
government should be responsible to this
country? catastrophe. According to Vnexpress, there were
Vietnamese national perished in this catastrophe
● How does this connect to other stories you have died. For myself, that makes me feel
have read on this topic? (IRR 2 & 3) terrible not only me and my country but also for
all the world. He was passed away pointlessly in
another country. Was the Korean government's
compensation adequate to make up for this
Give reasons for your answers. significant loss? In order to prevent other
Write at least 160 words. unfortunate fatalities, I believe that the Korean
government should put its citizens' safety first
following this accident. I hope the victim’s family
will soon overcome this loss.

Which strategies did you use before you read ☐Found a quiet place to read.
the text?
☐Used the headline and pictures to predict what the topic

was about.

☐Thought about what I knew about the topic already.

☐Thought of vocabulary about the topic that might be in

the article.

Which strategies did you use while you were ☐Concentrated on reading.
reading the text?
☐Checked my predictions.

☐Paid attention to keywords.

☐Asked ‘Wh’ questions about the text.

☐Stopped reading sometimes to think about how much I

understood so far.
School of Languages & English
Upper Intermediate: Reading & Writing

☐Re-read sections to check I understood.

☐Read to the end to find more information to help me

understand difficult parts.

☐Summarised parts of the text and the main ideas (by

writing or in my mind)

Section 4: Vocabulary: New words and phrases from the text (minimum of three): Write an
example sentence in your own words.

Word or phrase Example sentence in your own words

1.tragedy “Titanic” is one of the most famous tragedy in the world

2.gathering We have a family gathering to share story together

3.senior Tea is a senior to me by one year

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