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Name: __________________________

Food and films

Past Simple

1. Read the summary of the film “Ratatouille” (2007, Disney). Fill up the blanks with the verbs in
brackets in their past tense. Pay attention with the NEGATIVE forms.

Remy _was__ (to be) different than the other rats. Rats _____ (eat) garbage,
but Remy _______ (love) food. He also _______ (like) cooking. He _______
(read) Chef Gusteau’s recipe’s book. Chef Gusteau _______ (to be) the best chef
in Paris, but sadly, he _______ (die).

One day, Remy_______ (get) lost and he ____________ (not find) his family.
However, he _______ (find) Gusteau’s restaurant. In the kitchen, he _______
(see) a boy, Linguini. Linguini_________ (not to be) a chef, he _______ (help) in
the kitchen. Unfortunately, he _______ (make) a mistake with a soup. He
_______ (try) to fix it, but he _______ (make) it worst. Remy_______ (see) this,
so he _______ (go) inside and _______ (add) some spices. The soup _______ (to
be) delicious.

In the restaurant, there_______ (to be) a food critic, Anton Ego. He _______
(try) the soup and _______ (like) it. So, Linguini_______(become) a chef in the restaurant. But the truth
_______ (to be) that Remy _______ (help) him.

Chef Skinner, the boss and new owner of the restaurant, _________________ (not like) Linguini. So,
he_______(try) to spoil Linguini’s recipes. Luckily, he _______ (can not) do it. But one day, he __________
(discover) that Linguini______________ (not cook). It_______ (to be) the rat! Everybody in the kitchen
_______ (leave) Linguini alone with Remy and the rats. Chef Skinner also _______ (discover) that Chef Gusteau
_______ (to be) Linguini’s father, but he _______________ (not tell).

By the end, the food critic _______ (go) back to the restaurant. It _______ (to be) very important for the
restaurant’s reputation. So, Linguini, Remy and his rat friends_________ (cook) a special dish: “Ratatouille”.
The food critic _______ (love) it! He_______ (write) an excellent review in the newspaper. Linguini also
_______ (discover) that Gusteau_______ (to be) his father. So now, the restaurant _______ (to be) Remy’s!
* Recipe: receta - * Owner: Dueño - *Spoil: arruinar

2. Now, read the sentences about the text and choose if true (T) or false (F).

a. The story happened in Paris. T F

b. Linguini was a famous chef. T F
c. Remy fixed the soup and it was good. T F
d. The food critic hated the soup. T F
e. Chef Skinner didn’t discover Remy’s secret. T F
f. The restaurant became Remy’s. T F
* durante la presentación oral deberás decirme la oración correcta de aquellas oraciones que marcaste como False.
Food Vocabulary

3. Read about the dish and answer the questions.

a. Do you like stew? _____________________
Ratatouille – Dish
This dish is a traditional b. Do you like the ingredients of this dish?
French recipe. It’s a stew of Which ones? Why? ____________________
zucchini, peppers, ____________________________________
tomatoes and eggplant, ____________________________________
with herbs and spices. Which not? Why?_____________________
The tomatoes give it a fresh flavour and the ____________________________________
peppers give it sweetness. Also, it’s creamy c. Think about a traditional Argentinian dish.
because of the zucchini and eggplant. The herbs Describe it. __________________________
and spices make it very tasty. ____________________________________
The best thing about this dish is that it is cheap,
healthy and very easy to cook. ____________________________________
* Recordá los adjetivos de comida para describir si te gustan o no te gustan los ingredientes en la pregunta b., y en la pregunta c.
agrega esos adjetivos a la descripción de la comida. No tiene que ser muy larga y usa los que conocés. Podés empezar con “A
traditional Argentinian dish is…” También pensá en por qué te gusta o no te gusta el guiso para responder oralmente. Is it too juicy?
Is it very tasy? Is it spicy? Or too spicy?

Comparatives / Superlatives

4. Watch the film "Ratatouille". Compare it with another animation film. Use these questions to guide you:
- Which one is longer? Which is more boring or more entertaining?
- Which are the main characters in the films? Which one is better? Why?
- Are the endings good? Exciting? Bad?
- Which one you like the most? Why?
- Should we watch them?
* Podés empezar tu escrito nombrando a ambas películas y contando cuál preferís. Algunos ejemplos de oraciones pueden ser: “I
think that ….. is better than …. because….” O “In my opinion ….. is more boring than …. because….”, “I don’t like Remy (Ratatouille)
because is …… than….”, “…. Is longer than Ratatouille but ….”.

* Recordá utilizar conectores (and, but, so, however, etc) y adverbios como “luckily”, “unfortunately”, etc.

* Por último, recomendanos o no las películas utilizando should or shouldn’t.

* No es necesario que sea muy largo, entre 5 y 8 renglones. Durante la presentación oral leerás tu escrito y podés agregar otras
cosas si querés.

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