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Name:_______________________ Date:_______________ Grade:

General Obj.: To identify and apply countable and uncountable nouns with much,
many, little, few, vocabulary about food and develop reading comprehension.

A) Reading: Read the text and answer the exercises below.


Americans are a very energetic and mobile people, always rushing from one
appointment to another. They have very little time to spend preparing elaborate meals.
In many homes it is rare for the whole family to sit down at dinner together. Clubs and
commitments force them to have a quick meal rather than a sit-down meal.
When they have the chance to eat at home often the working housewife prefers
to prepare meals which can be quickly heated and consumed.
This great transformation occurred after World War II when many women began
to work full-time jobs and spent less time at home with their families.
Therefore, it was necessary to make their life easier at home in
the preparation of the family dinner.
As the customs changed, so did the culture.
The TV dinner was invented. Frozen meals which were
divided into portions of meat and vegetables could
easily be put into an oven and prepared within minutes.
They were conveniently carried into the living room
and dinner was consumed in front of a TV set.
From fast dinners at home the next step was quick eating
while on the road. With the development of the superhighways
America saw the beginning of fast food chains. McDonald's paved the way with its
variety of burgers and shakes soon to be followed by all kinds of other foods. Today
dozens of fast-food chains can be found along highways and in modern shopping
centres in America. Taco Bell, Pizza Hut, Roy Roger's, Burger King and Wendy's are
just a few of the fast-food chains which are now part of American culture. They offer
chicken, donuts, tacos and pizza, all quickly produced in great quantities for the masses.
These establishments have given shape to the modern lifestyles and diet of the
American people.

1.-Are these statements TRUE OR FALSE ? (3 points)

1. When TV became popular in America, families started eating together at the
dinner table.
2. The growth of fast food chains was encouraged by the expansion of the
3. Fast food hasn’t influenced the way of life of American people.

2.- Answer the questions. (4 points)

1. How can American people be described?
2. Why don’t many families have meals together?
3. When did people start having quick meals? Why?
4. What are TV dinners?

B) Put the manes under the pictures. (9 points)

1.___________ 2._____________ 3._________ 4. _________ 5. ____________

6. __________ 7. __________ 8. __________ 9. __________ 10. ________

11. ___________ 12. ____________ 13. ___________ 14. _____________

15. _____________ 16. _____________ 17. ____________ 18. ___________

C) Put the items into the correct column: (5 points)



1 EGGS . 1 OIL .
2. __________________________ 2. __________________________
3. __________________________ 3. __________________________
4.__________________________ 4.__________________________
5. __________________________ 5. __________________________
6.__________________________ 6.___________________________

D) Complete the sentences using: little or few? / much or many? / how much or
how many? (15 points)


1 1 1
_______________ coffee . ______________ tea. ______________ tins of
sardine are there ?
2 2 2
________________ slices of _____________ soup _______________ bottles
bread. of wine are there ?
3 3 3
_______________ jelly . _____________ glasses of _______________rice is
water there ?
4 4 4
_______________ cereal . ______________ soda _______________ salt is
there ?
5 5 5
_______________ pears. ____________ onions . _______________cream is
there ?

E) Write ‘few’ or‘little’ in the spaces to complete the sentences. (7 points)

1. A _________salt was added in the fries.
2. There were ________ books for the children.
3. There was _________mayonnaise dip for the fries.
4. A________ cookies were left in the box.
5. A ________chocolate icing was decorated on the cake.
6. Grandma needs a _______flour.
7. She added a ________cherries in the salad.
8. Her mother mixed a _________eggs.
9. There were a ________ guests came.
10. She mixes a ________creamer.
11. Elizabeth needs_________ helpers in her shop.
12. Dad puts a __________brake fluid in his car.
13. Armando bought ________ souvenirs in the traditional market.
14. Mrs. Sally puts a _________ condensed milk.

F) Write Many and Much in each picture. (15 points)

____________juice _______________cars ___________hot sauce

____________juice _______________cars ___________hot sauce

______________flour ___________ _____________olive oil

______________flour ____________pencils
_pencils _____________olive oil

________________water ____________tomatoes ________________cats

________________water ____________tomatoes ________________cats

_______________milk _____________dogs __________sour cream

_______________milk _____________dogs __________sour cream

______________coffee _____________ onions _____________butter

______________coffee _____________ onions _____________butter

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