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Visual Literacy Questions

1.) After you’ve completed your first-string pull,

what does the design on your paper remind you
The design on my paper reminds me of the inside
of a flower petal. It has small details that remind
me of the petal of a flower.
2.) After your second-string pull what does the
design on your paper remind you of?
The second-string pull is reminding me of a flask
that is in a science classroom.
3.) What elements and principles do you see in this
piece so far and how are they affecting it?
So far, I see color, shape, and maybe some texture
for elements in this piece. I see some balance,
variation, and repetition for principles in this art
piece. Color is affecting it because we have
different colors that we used, shape is used
through the shape of the object that was pulled by
the string, and texture is shown through the effect
the string left behind on the paint as it was being
pulled out. You can see balance in this piece
because neither color is overpowering one or the
other, variation is seen through the difference
between the two shapes, and repetition is shown
because we did the same thing with the string

** Now that your string art has dried use the

materials at your table to help decorate and finish
your piece of artwork. Add any designs that help me
understand what you might want it to be. Or if you’d
like it to remain an abstract piece add any other
decoration that you feel complements the imagery in
the work.

4.) After you have finished the art piece, I want you
to explain why you chose to add the imagery that
you did?
For me art piece, I added some decoration with
lines and other random designs. I chose to do this
because I was not sure what my art piece was, so I
thought to make it into a birthday card or a card
for some sort of celebration. I thought that it
could be used for something happy to cheer
others up because of the colors and texture
throughout the piece.

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