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(AC-S16) Week 16 -
Task: Assignment - Our shared interests
1. Activity Learning Outcome
Through this activity students write a text where they describe their preferences and others’ preferences using the
vocabulary and grammar learned in the session.

2. Description
 Step 1: Group in pairs.
 Step 2: Check this week’s study material and your sessions’ notes with your partner. You can use
the "Taller” session’s example as a model.
 Step 3: Imagine your friend and you have opened a successful restaurant in town. As you are UTP
students, the university magazine wants to publish a review about you and they ask you to write a text
about your partnership. They want you to write about your preferences, interests and those things you
have in common.
 Step 4: Write the text that you are going to submit, keeping in mind that it must have 60-90
words and that it is expected to contain:
o Vocabulary from Unit 4
o like + nouns, like + verb (gerund)
o dislike / hate (gerund)
o And, but, so (coordinating conjunctions)
o Both of us, neither of us
o I/We don't like..., I/We dislike, I/We hate, I/We like, I/We love...
o Use the 1st singular/plural form.
o Vocabulary and expressions from Units 1, 2, and 3 if necessary.
 Step 5: 
o Check your text, paying attention to spelling and grammar.
o Do not forget that the text must have coherence and logical order.
o Please review the attached rubric for more information on the criteria that will be
 Step 6: Once you have reviewed your work and have made sure that the text is clear and responds to
everything requested, upload your assignment to the Canvas platform.
 Step 7: Use the following structure:
o Cover: Include your photos with your names and last names. 
o In a Word format.
 Example of the cover: 

Imagine your friend and you have opened a successful restaurant in town. As you are UTP
students, the university magazine wants to publish a review about you and they ask you to write
a text about your partnership. They want you to write about your preferences, interests and
those things you have in common.
Write the text that you are going to submit, keeping in mind that it must have 40-60 words and
that it is expected to contain:
Text 1 (partner 1):
Hello! I am Ramos Montoya Angie Yahaira
MARQUIÑO QUISPE QUISPE and I met at university; we have been close friends for many years.
We both like gastronomy a lot and for a few years we have planned to open a restaurant, but
neither of us knew how to start and we decided to get together and we decided to open our own
Restaurant "Plato 13".
MARQUIÑO QUISPE QUISPE has always liked sports, especially soccer, and I do the same, but in
what we are not alike is in the tastes of food, he likes sweet desserts and I like salty desserts,
The ones we do agree on is musical taste, we love salsa and bachata, and we have many more
tastes in common, that's why we are very good friends and now very good partners too.

Text 2 (partner 2):

Angie and I have studied together at the Technological University of Peru and since then we
have become good friends due to the amount of things we have in common such as music,
movies, sports and many more, it is very fun to spend time with her, But for a year I wanted to
start my own restaurant but I did not know how to start and I decided to tell Angie and she told
me that she also wanted to do that some time ago and we decided to open a small restaurant
called "Plato 13" and so far we have went very well.

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