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Name : Putri Syahranie Nadya

Nim : 1911230144
Final Exam English For Speasific

1.Find an example from URL, what skills are used in ESP for a particular profession.
English for Specific Purposes (ESP) or English for special purposes is a new approach in
teaching and using English for special fields and studies that are in accordance with the needs
of the fields of knowledge and professions that use English. The fields of science and
profession are for example English for law, medicine, mechanical engineering, economics, or
maritime and so on. Thus, teaching English for Specific Purposes (ESP) has a different
approach and assumptions from General English (GE), for example. The aim of ESP is for
students to be able to master English in the field they are studying. For example chemistry
students, then they must understand English for chemistry, or if they are engineering students,
they must know English for engineering, or if they work in hospitality, then they must master
hospitality English, if they are maritime students, then they must master maritime English.
URL is the full web address that points to a page on the site and here the aim of esp is
that students are able to master English in the field they are studying for example chemistry
students, then they must understand English for chemistry, or if they are engineering students,
they must know English for engineering, or if they work in hospitality , then they must
master hospitality English, if they are maritime students, then they must master maritime
English and in ESP learning, consideration of the language skills taught is an important issue
that must be considered in academic and professional or work contexts, the focus of skills
tends to be different between academic and professional fields with one another because
there are academic fields or professions that focus and prioritize speaking skills on the one
hand, but there are also dominant academic or professional fields with writing skills, ESP or
English for special purposes is an approach. n in the teaching and use of English for special
fields and studies that are in accordance with the needs of the fields of science and
professions that use English in the fields of science and professions, for example English for
law, medicine, psychology, engineering, economics and so on. prepare learners to use
English for both academic, professional or work environments, and program design based on
needs analysis, so different professions, different teaching or learning are studied in this esp
based on their individual needs "according to their respective skills".

URL is the full web address that points to a page on the site. The URL contains the domain
name and other components for finding a specific page or content. An example URL is
2.Find a text for a particular profession ( from any sources ).
Profession is work, but not all jobs are professions. Profession has its own
characteristics that distinguish it from other jobs. For example, in professional clothing, it is
an identification for a profession. We can distinguish a profession from the clothes worn
such as teachers, military, police it becomes a marker or pride for the person who wears it.
This list of characteristics does not include all the characteristics that have ever been applied
to the profession, nor do they all apply to every profession: Skills based on theoretical
knowledge: Professionals are assumed to have extensive theoretical knowledge and have
skills that are based on that knowledge and can be applied in practice professional
association: A profession usually has a body organized by its members, which is intended to
enhance the status of its members. These professional organizations usually have special
requirements to become members.Extensive education: A prestigious profession usually
requires a long education in higher education. Competency exam: Before entering a
professional organization, there is usually a requirement to pass a test that tests primarily
theoretical knowledge.

3. What topics of conversation are good for establishing business relations in our country.

Business practices differ between countries, plus, culture and customs have a huge
impact on how even professionals conduct business as these differences carry over to the
workplace and deviate from what they often like and all global businesses should be aware of
this because this can not only damage their good image, but can also help businesses take
advantage of this information once businesses have information about cultural differences
and information on how to fill these cultural gaps, they can communicate more effectively,
why do I say a good topic of conversation to build State business relations in Indonesia are
cultural because we know that Indonesia is rich in cultural customs and customs that are not
owned by other countries, that is what characterizes the Indonesian state that can improve
relations, whether it's from business, other relationships between other countries, Indonesia is
more prominent in field of culture Yes, the customs that are owned, according to data
released by We Are Social, social media users in Indonesia reach 130 million people and the
time spent on social networks per day is 3 hours 23 minutes, now businesses are mostly run
through social networks with a wide variety of creativity of the nation's children. in
developing to realize a smooth business to increase human resources in the realm of SMEs in
Indonesia because through social media that can reach more people to find out what business
is being run or offered that may not be reachable with other advertising media awareness of
the importance of social media for online business growth will open up more opportunities to
develop and attract more consumers and increase business in Indonesia.

4. Summarize and give examples for each Approach to teaching Writing.

Here I take an example approach in learning to write in elementary school.
A.A communicative approach which focuses on students' skills in implementing language
functions (to communicate) in learning, for example, describing a difference, writing letters
and making advertisements.

B. An integrative approach which emphasizes the integration of the four aspects of language
skills (listening, speaking, reading and writing) in learning. For example: by telling a very
interesting experience, writing about a simple event, reading the text then making an
overview and summarizing the story heard.

C. The process skills approach which focuses on students' skills in observing, classifying,
interpreting and communicating, for example by reporting the results of visits, compiling
observation reports, making advertisements and arranging random sentences into coherent

D. Thematic approach which emphasizes the theme of learning as an umbrella or guide in

learning, for example by writing experiences in the form of poetry and compiling a
welcoming script.

E.Constructivistic Method
The central assumption of the constructivist method is learning is discovering. That is, even
though the teacher conveys something to students, they carry out mental processes or brain
work on the information so that the information enters their understanding. Constructivism
starts from problems that often arise from students themselves and then helps students solve
and find steps to solve these problems.

F.Contextual Method
Learning using this method will facilitate learning to write, namely the conception of learning
that helps teachers connect subjects with real-world situations with learning life that
motivates students to connect knowledge and its application to everyday life. This method
can be applied in one of the learning writing descriptions. Students can learn in real world
situations, not in the world of dreams.

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