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Kindergarten Drama

Topic: Jobs

Goal of Learning: Students are able to describe different jobs that adults have.

• Social Studies
Standard 4.2.b: Explain why people work.
Standard 4.2.c: Describe different types of jobs that people do and the tools and equipment that they
• Drama
Standard K.T.P.6: Use imagination to support artistic choices.
Standard K.T.P.2: Demonstrate the ability to work effectively alone and cooperatively, with a partner
or in an ensemble.
Standard K.T.P.7: Select materials to be used for scenery, properties, costumes, lighting, and sound
effects for informal classroom presentations.
• Technology
Standard 1b: Students build networks and customize their learning environments in ways that support
the learning process.

Description of Learning Activity: Teacher will present the visual about different jobs. Then the teacher will
read the comic strip about fire fighters. Children can act out the process the fire fighter describes. Watch the
video about doctors. Children act out a pretend doctor’s visit. Watch the animation on builders. Students work
together to help pretend to build a house. Students show a motion for a job that they would like. Students do
the Kahoot.

1. Explain that different people have different jobs to earn money for their families. Ask students what
their parents do for a job.
2. Show the “Jobs” visual to explain that people get paid for jobs. Explain that different people use
different equipment to do their jobs.
3. Go over each of the jobs. As you explain each one, have students create an individual tableau of that
4. Read the fire fighter comic.
5. Have different groups of students act out the fire fighter comic.
6. Watch the doctor video and respond to the questions embedded as a class.
7. Have the students make stereoscopes out of old headphones and play-doh. The play-doh will be used
to make the circular part that hears the heart.
8. Break the students into pairs and have them practice listening to each other’s hearts.
9. Play the animation on builders.
10. While playing music, have students act out different kinds of builders or equipment. When you say
“Change,” they must pick a different builder or equipment to act out.
11. Pass out computers to the class. Have them play the Kahoot.
12. If time permits, have each student show an action that represents a job they would like to have.

Are the students participating?
Have the students play the Kahoot.

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