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Final Project

Ryan Sullivan

Purdue University Global

HW420 Creating Wellness Psychological and Spiritual Aspects of Healing

Dorette Nysewander, EdD


Final Project

What is spirituality? There are many different forms of spirituality, and spirituality can be

a broad concept with many different interpretations. What one person finds spiritual, another

may not. If you were to generalize spirituality, it usually involves a search for something bigger

than us (purpose of life). Spirituality involves being connected with the universe and the people

around us.

Spiritual Development Plan

This Spiritual Development Plan was developed for my twin brother, Kevin. Kevin is a

thirty-five-year-old who enjoys watching sports and is interested in computers, technology, and

cryptocurrency. Kevin has always been good with his hands and enjoys building things; and

recently built a home brewing center or personal brewery. Kevin seems to think he knows it all

but is he spiritually in tune with himself? How well does he know his spiritual and psychological

self? Kevin was asked twelve questions that would help him learn more about his spiritual and

physical self and become more aware of his spiritual development. Kevin will better understand

his spiritual and psychological self by the end of his interview.

Question 1. Define what spirituality is and what does it mean to you?

Reason why the question is valuable: This question is valuable because it gives me an idea of

what Kevin knows and thinks about spirituality.

Kevin's Response: I don't know. I would say that spirituality is something to do with religion

and other things that improve your happiness. Spirituality doesn't really mean much to me, I

don't really think about it on a daily basis. Maybe every once in a while, I think about my

purpose in life.

Question 2. Is there a feeling or emotion that you have frequently been having?

Reason why the question is valuable: I am asking Kevin this question because I want to see

how he is doing mentally. Knowing Kevin's emotions will better allow me to understand his

situation and develop a plan for his needs.

Kevin's Response: I would say that I'm feeling happy and grateful. Grateful that the

doctors finally found out what was wrong with me. Having my gallbladder removed has changed

my life, and I can eat again without getting sick and not in as much pain.

Question 3. What is your favorite smell, and what do you think of when you smell


Reason why the question is valuable: This question is valuable because the sense of smell is

tied to our memories. When we focus on a favorite smell, we bring up pleasant memories. Happy

memories can be used in a spiritual development plan and help us remember why we do specific


Kevin's Response: My favorite smell is the smell of fresh cut grass, but not any grass. It's the

smell of farmland and dew when it's either at dusk or dawn. I think it may be the smell of alfalfa.

It reminds me of Grandpa's farm and the road trips there.

Question 4. Tell me of a moment you were your saddest.

Reason why the question is valuable: This question is valuable because recognizing our

emotions helps us develop spiritually and become a better person. We can interact with others

more efficiently if we can control a recognize emotions before they overwhelm us.

Kevin's Response: That is easy when our grandparents died. I was equally as sad for all of them,

but when Grandpa and Grandma Whalen passed, that hit me the hardest. We spent a lot of time

with them while growing up, and they greatly impacted my life. Grandpa is responsible for

helping me find my passion in technology

Question 5. Tell me of a moment that you regret happening or would do differently

Reason why the question is valuable: I wanted to see if Kevin had any regrets. It's ok to make

mistakes and regret doing things; what matters is that you learn from the mistake to improve

your spiritual, physical, and mental development.

Kevin's Response: I regret voting for Biden and would take it back in a second. Laughs out

loud. I also regret learning to drive a motorcycle. If I had never learned how to drive one, I

would never have had my accident and wouldn't have had to endure as much pain or setbacks.

Question 6. What do you think will happen in the next one hundred years? Will humans

still be around?

Reason why the question is valuable: This question is valuable because it gives me an idea of

if Kevin is optimistic or pessimistic about the future of the human race. If we are optimistic, we

are more likely to want to help others and increase our spiritual development.

Kevin's Response: I really hope that we get our climate under control. I don't think humans will

be around in the next one hundred years if we don't. I feel that living conditions will be to harsh,

and the human race will have to deal with horrible climates and flooding. If we can control our

climate, I think the human race will be around for another one hundred years.

Question 7. Where do you go or do to find happiness or be at peace?

Reason why the question is valuable: Everyone needs a place where they can go to have

solitude, peace and happiness. These places can be parks, gyms, beaches, forests, or anywhere

that you find happiness.

Kevin's Response: I'm not really sure where I go to find happiness. I enjoy being outside and

working with my hands, but I don't really have a place I go.

Question 8. What is something you are thankful for?

Reason why the question is valuable: The question is valuable because when we are having a

hard time in life, it is helpful to remember what we are thankful for. Remembering things that we

are thankful for makes it easier to up every day.

Kevin's Response: At the moment, I am thankful for my newfound health.

Question 9. What do you think is the purpose of life?

Reason why the question is valuable: This question is valuable because it lets me know why

Kevin thinks we exist. A common theme in spiritual development and spirituality is the purpose

of life and why we are here.

Kevin's Response: I believe life's purpose is to get along and help each other grow. We are

often divided by specific topics, but when we come together as a society, that is when the human

race is the most powerful.

Question 10. Do you forgive and forget, or do you hold grudges towards people who have

caused you harm?


Reason why the question is valuable: This question is valuable because it lets me know if

Kevin is holding on to any grudges. If we hold on to grudges and do not forgive others, we end

up causing mental and psychological harm to ourselves and could end up ruining new

relationships because of past experiences.

Kevin's Response: I think I am like most people. I will hold a grudge for a little while, but as

time passes and I've been able to decompress from the situation. I'll forgive someone. It just takes

me a while.

Question 11. Is the human race good with some bad apples, or is the human race bad, with

some good people found here and there?

Reason why the question is valuable: This question is valuable because it gives me an idea if

Kevin is naturally optimistic or pessimistic. When we are optimistic, we are open to new things;

when we are pessimistic, we are closed off and alone.

Kevin's Response: I believe that people are inherently good, with some bad apples. I do think

that certain situations shape us into the people we become.

Question 12. When is a time you helped some less fortunate?

Reason why the question is valuable: This question is valuable because helping less fortunate

people shows that Kevin is working on spiritual development by helping society become a better


Kevin's Response: I'm proud of my summers in Mexico with our church, building houses for

the people there.


Developing Kevin's Spiritual Plan

After interviewing my brother, I was surprised that I learned more about him. I find this

surprising because I've known him my whole life. I'm nine minutes older than him, and when

you've been around and known someone on a personal level for a long time, you think you know

everything about them.

Kevin is a lot more forgiving and spiritual than I initially thought. He has a good idea of

what makes him happy and seems to have found a purpose in life. I don't think anything needs to

be changed to the inventory to improve its effectiveness. The questions asked covered a wide

range of spiritual development. Using the twelve questions to develop a spiritual plan for Kevin,

I would suggest that he concentrate on finding a place of solitude where he can go to decompress

from the day. I would also suggest that he take up Acupuncture or another form of CAM to help

with his pain from a motorcycle accident. Since Kevin has a purpose, has helped society become

better, and is optimistic, he continues to develop spiritually. Answering the inventory questions

has helped Kevin better understand his spiritual, physical, and mental development and what he

can continue to work on.



Blair, K. (2017). The 4 spiritual laws of self-renewal.


Davis, D., Ho, M., Griffin, B., Bell, C., Hook, J., Van Tongeren, D., & Westbrook, C. J.

(2015). Forgiving the self and physical and mental health correlates: A meta-analytic

review. Journal Of Counseling Psychology, 62(2), 329-335. doi:10.1037/cou0000063.


Mayo Clinic. (2017). Forgiveness: Letting go of grudges and bitterness.


Strong, D. (2015). 7 Ways anger is ruining your health.

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