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University of Puerto Rico at Ponce

English Department
ENGL 4021 L03
Patricia C. Rodríguez Rodríguez
Free writing exercises

What is your dream job?

My dream job would be doing scientific research for a pharmaceutical company. When I my
bachelor's degree, I decided to enroll in the Research for Scientific Enhancement Program at
the University of Puerto Rico-Ponce. This program is dedicated to giving students the
opportunity to obtain research experiences. There I was able to participate in a breast cancer
research project; experience that define my professional goals. I aspire to be able to use my
knowledge and passion for science to study the behavior and mechanisms involved in the
development of cancer and to be able to discover lines of treatment. I dream of being part of
the development of new cancer treatments that seek to be more cost effective, have fewer
side effects, and have more probability to improve the patient's life.

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