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7/9/22, 9:58 SCORM play page | Cambridge LMS


Lesson A Language learning Show Dashboard Lesson C Have her text me.

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Lesson B One possibility is . . .

1. Read each sentence. Then choose "Expressing interest" or Availa

"Offering options".


1. One possibility is reading a lot of books and magazines.

Expressing interest Offering options

2. How about watching movies with subtitles?

Expressing interest Offering options

3. I’m trying to find a way to improve my vocabulary.

Expressing interest Offering options

4. I’m interested in improving my listening comprehension.

Expressing interest Offering options

5. You might want to look in a local newspaper or online.

Expressing interest Offering options

6. I’m looking for a conversation group.

Expressing interest Offering options

Clear all answers

2. Choose the correct sentences to complete the Availa



A. Albert: What are you doing, Julia? 1/2
7/9/22, 9:58 SCORM play page | Cambridge LMS

Julia: I'm looking for a conversation group.   I thought there might be

information in this magazine.

Albert: Hmm . . . I don’t know if you’ll find information on a conversation group in

a magazine.  You might want to look in a local newspaper or online.


Julia: I'll look online! Thanks.

B. Ji Ah: Excuse me, Dana. Can you help me?

Dana: Sure, Ji Ah.

Ji Ah: I wrote the word very in my paper too many times.

I'm trying to find a way to improve my vocabulary.


Dana: One possibility is reading a lot of books and magazines.   You can
learn new words and write them in a notebook.

Ji Ah: Hey, that’s a great idea.

C. Mr. Wei: So, Atakan, how can I help you today?

Atakan: Well, I'm interested in improving my listening comprehension.  I

listen to English music, but my listening skills aren’t getting better.

Mr. Wei: I’m not surprised. Music is difficult to understand.

How about watching movies with subtitles? Try to listen first, and
then read the subtitles if you still don’t understand what you heard.

Atakan: That’s a good idea, Mr. Wei. Thank you. 2/2

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