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Senior High School

Physical Science
Newtonian Mechanics and Maxwell’s
Electromagnetic Theory
After going through this module, you are expected to:

1. explain how special relativity resolved the conflict between Newtonian

mechanics and Maxwell’s electromagnetic theory (S11/12PS-IVi-j-69)

Learning Objectives:
a. define Newtonian Mechanics
b. discuss how special relativity resolved the conflict between
Newtonian mechanics and Maxwell’s electromagnetic theory

2. explain the consequences of the postulates of Special Relativity (e.g.,

relativity of simultaneity, time dilation, length contraction, mass energy
equivalence, and cosmic limit) (S11/12PS-IVi-j-70)

Learning Objectives:
a. identify the consequences of postulates of Special Relativity
b. solve problems applying the postulates of Special Relativity
c. explain the consequences of postulates of Special Relativity in
our natural world


Direction: Read each item carefully. Write the letter of the correct answer.

1. Who is the famous scientist that proposed the Special Relativity Theory?
A. Galileo Galilei B. Isaac Newton
C. Albert Einstein D. James Maxwell

2. What is the cosmic speed limit equal to?

A. 9.81 m/s2 B. 3.0 x 104 km/s
C. The speed of light D. Planck’s constant

3. What is the approximate value of the speed of light?

A. 30,000 km/s B. 400,000 km/s
C. 3.0 x 10 km/s D. 4.0 x 104 km/s

4. Which of the following is a physical happening from an observer’s

A. An event B. A reference
C. An observer D. A constant velocity

1 LU_Physical Science_Module 14
5. Which of the following special type of reference frame which means that the
observer on it is at rest and not accelerating?
A. Inertial reference frame B. Moving reference frame
C. Momentum reference frame D. non-inertial reference frame

6. Which of the following postulates of Special Relativity Theory that it assumed

that the laws of physics are the same everywhere?
A. The Inertial Postulate B. The Special Postulate
C. The Relativity Postulate D. The Speed of Light Postulate

7. Which of the following is Albert Einstein’s formula that says that every mass
has an equal amount of energy?
A. Mass-energy equivalence B. Planck-Einstein relation
C. Law of Conservation of Mass D. Law of Conservation of Energy

8. Which of the following postulate of the Special Relativity Theory where it is

assumed that the value of the speed of light is always the same in a
A. The Inertial Postulate B. The Special Postulate
C. The Relativity Postulate D. The Speed of Light Postulate

9. Which of the following concept states that events happening simultaneously

for two different observers cannot happen?
A. Time dilation B. Length contraction
C. Relativity of simultaneity D. Mass-energy equivalence

10.Two observers, one from Earth and another from a spaceship traveling at a
constant speed, experience time differently. What do you call this apparent
time difference?
A. Time dilation B. Length dilation
C. Time contraction D. Length contraction

11.Two observers, one from Earth and another from a spaceship, traveling at a
constant speed to another cosmic body outside our Solar System. The two
observers have a different perception of how far the distance to the other
planet is. What do you call this effect?
A. Length dilation B. Length expansion
C. Length contraction D. Length assimilation

12.Two observers, one on a plane and one on the ground. The observer on the
ground notes that two lightning strikes two trees at the same time. The
observer on a plane, on the other hand, noticed that the two lightning strikes
at different times. What do you call this effect?
A. Length dilation B. Lime contraction
C. Cosmic speed limit D. Relativity of simultaneity

2 LU_Physical Science_Module 14
13.The distance of a habitable planet from Earth is 10 light-years. How would
that distance look to an astronaut traveling in space at a constant?
A. Equal to zero B. Equal to 10 light-years
C. Less than 10 light-years D. Greater than 10 light-years

14.Why the speed of light can never be attained?

A. Fuels will not burn at this speed
B. It would take an infinite amount of energy
C. No amount of material can handle this speed
D. None of the above

15.If a spaceship hypothetically reached the speed of light, what would happen
to time on that traveling ship?
A. Not moving B. Equal to normal time
C. Lesser than normal time D. Greater than normal time




Activity 1: “The Twin Paradox”

Direction: Read the story and write a 3 to 5 sentence reaction about it. Write your
answer on a separate piece of paper.

The Twin Paradox

John and Paul are identical twin brothers. Growing up, they have the same
sets of everything. They even have the same clock that ticks at the same time. John
grew up to be an astronaut and Paul grew up to be a scientist. John became an
exceptional astronaut and participated in a space mission that searched for signals
of other habitable planets outside the solar system. John’s space shuttle reached
the edges of the solar system, which is about 4.3 light-years away from Earth in 5
years and then travelled back to Earth in another 5 years, flying non-stop at
3 LU_Physical Science_Module 14
constant velocity. Meanwhile, Paul turned out to be a great physicist back on
After 10 years in space and 8.6 light-years distance travelled, John’s shuttle
finally landed on Earth. The twin’s parents were shocked to find out that their
identical twin is not identical anymore! Paul looked like he aged more when
compared to John. To add to their parent’s disbelief, John and Paul laughed it off
as if they expected what happened.
Speculate what happened to the identical twins. Is this scenario possible?

Rubric for Scoring the Output

Points Requirements
Provides an insightful and detailed explanation/opinion that
includes or extends ideas from the text.
Provides some explanation/opinion that includes ideas from the
text for support.
Uses text incorrectly or with limited success that includes an
inconsistent or confusing explanation.
Demonstrates minimal understanding of the task and provides a
vague reference or no use of the text for support.
Demonstrates no understanding of the task and provides an
unclear reference or no use of the text for support.


Newtonian mechanics is based on application of Newton’s Laws of motion

which assume that the concepts of distance, time, and mass, are absolute, that is,
motion is in an inertial frame. Newtonian mechanics is also known as classical
mechanics, has concepts that do not entirely agree with all known theories in
Physics, like Maxwell’s electromagnetic theory. But when Einstein presented his
theory of special relativity, the conflict between these two great ideas was resolved.

How did theory of special relativity resolve this conflict?

Newtonian or classical mechanics discusses the everyday motion of the

objects of normal size around us, including the force that causes these motions.
The concepts under Newtonian mechanics are mainly based on ideas of Newton
about motion. It describes the state of motion of an object, whether at rest or
moving in a straight path, with the forces that maintain it, and can cause changes
in the body’s states of motion.

4 LU_Physical Science_Module 14
Maxwell’s electromagnetic theory consists of four formulas gathered from the
different works of Faraday and other physicists that unites all the concepts of
electricity and magnetism and findings that electric and magnetic fields spread as
waves. In 1886, Hertz proved that these waves really exist and the propagation
speed of these waves can be calculated using the formula:

c = the speed of light
𝜀0 = the electric field constant
𝜇0 = the magnetic field constant

Maxwell observed that the value of the above expression is equivalent to the
speed of light c (3.0 x 10 8 m/s), which implies that speed of light c must also be
constant. This is where the conflict between Newtonian mechanics and Maxwell’s
theory starts. If we consider a moving object of speed 100 m/s and placed a
switched-on flashlight in it, according to Newtonian mechanics, the speed of the
light coming from the flashlight in this scenario would be 100 m/s + c, and this
contradicts what Maxwell’s theory tells that speed of light is a constant value.
Which is true between these two concepts?

The theory of special relativity proposed by Einstein in 1905 explains the

problems that involve motion of frames of reference at constant linear velocity with
respect to one another and describes the motion of particles in an inertial frame of
reference with speeds ranging from zero to a value close to the speed of light in

This theory is based on two postulates:

1. The laws of Physics are the same in all inertial frames of reference moving
with constant velocity relative to one another (principle of relativity)
2. The speed of light is the same in all inertial frames of reference (constancy
of the speed of light).

The second postulate clearly tells that Maxwell’s idea is correct but does
mean Newtonian mechanics is wrong? Not totally, but the postulates of Einstein tell
us that Newtonian mechanics has limitations in terms of its application. If we
consider moving objects with very slow speed compared to the speed of light,
Newtonian mechanics applies like the speeds of a flying ball and running car. But if
we consider speeds that are closer to the speed of light, a new concept must be
included to supply the limit of Newtonian mechanics, and that is the Lorentz
transformation, which is the counterpart of the Galilean transformation of the
Newtonian mechanics.

The Special Relativity Theory

5 LU_Physical Science_Module 14
Special Relativity Theory is a theory that predicts events measured with
various observers who are in motion in respect to the event. An “event” is just a
physical happening, e.g., exploding firecrackers, a passing rocket, or a flash of
light. What’s so “special” about the Special Relativity Theory? It is because each
observer’s reference frame or perspective is a special type of reference frame called
inertial reference frame. This means that the observer is at rest and not
accelerating from the observers’ perspective.

For example:
• Observer A is sitting at a train station. Observer A’s position is an inertial
reference frame because he/she is at rest or does not move from his/her
• Observer B is sitting on a train approaching the train station with constant
velocity. Observer B’s position is still an inertial reference frame because
although the train is moving, it is not accelerating, or not gaining or losing

But are they not truly moving? In this case, the answer is yes, because, in
Special Relativity Theory, the effect of gravity, the Earth’s rotation, and its
revolution around the sun are neglected.

The Special Relativity Theory has two postulates or assumptions:

1. The Relativity Postulate, where it is assumed that the laws of physics are
the same in all inertial reference.
2. The Speed of Light Postulate, where it is assumed that the speed of light in
vacuum is always the same.

Consequences of the Postulates of Special Relativity Theory

1. Relativity of Simultaneity
The relativity of simultaneity is the concept that simultaneity–whether two
events occur at the same time–is not absolute but depends on the observer’s frame
of reference.

According to the theory of special relativity, it is impossible to say in an

absolute sense whether two distinct events occur at the same time if those events
are separated in space, such as a car crash in London and another in New York.
The question of whether the events are simultaneous is relative: in some reference
frames, the two accidents may happen at the same time in other frames (in a
different state of motion relative to the events), the crash in London may occur first,
and still in other frames, the New York crash may occur first. If the two events are
causally connected (“event A causes event B”), then the relativity of simultaneity
preserves the causal order (i.e., “event A causes event B” in all frames of reference).

6 LU_Physical Science_Module 14
Imagine one reference frame assigns precisely at the same time to two events
that are at different points in space, and a reference frame that is moving relative to
the first will generally assign different times to the two events. This is illustrated in
the ladder paradox, a thought experiment which uses the example of a ladder
moving at high speed through a garage.

A mathematical form of the relativity of simultaneity (“local time”) was

introduced by Hendrik Lorentz in 1892 and physically interpreted (to first order in
v/c) as the result of synchronization using light signals by Henri Poincaré in 1900.
However, both Lorentz and Poincaré based their conceptions on the aether as a
preferred but undetectable frame of reference, and continued to distinguish
between “true time” (in the aether) and “apparent” times for moving observers.

In 1905, Albert Einstein abandoned the (classical) aether and emphasized

the significance of relativity of simultaneity to our understanding of space and time.
He deduced the failure of absolute simultaneity from two stated assumptions: 1)
the principle of relativity–the equivalence of inertial frames, such that the laws of
physics apply equally in all inertial coordinate systems; 2) the constancy of the
speed of light detected in space, independent of the relative motion of its source.

Figure 1. Observer Standing on the Platform: Reference frame of an observer

standing on the platform (length contraction not depicted).

Figure 2. Observer Onboard the Train: The train-and-platform experiment is from

the reference frame of an observer on board the train.
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2. Time Dilation
One of the effects of special relativity is time dilation, which is the difference of
time interval between two events measured by an observer in a stationary frame
and by another observer in a moving frame. The dilated time interval is longer than
the proper time interval and is given the symbol t’. The equation for time dilation is
given by:

where: t’ = time measured from an observer outside the frame of reference.

t = time measured from an observer inside the frame of reference.

v = speed of the object

c = speed of light

The famous example of time dilation is the twin paradox as seen in the
sample problem.

Sample Problem:

John left for a round trip to a distant star in a spaceship at a speed of 0.95 c
relative to Earth. According to those operating the control station on Earth, the trip
took 15 years. How long was the round-trip according to a clock on board the
spaceship? Suppose John had a twin brother Jose. How old would they be upon
John’s return if John was 32 years old when he left for a trip?

Given: v = 0.95 c t’ = 15 years


The event in this example is the round-trip to a distant star. Rearranging the
equation and substituting the given values to solve for proper time interval,

8 LU_Physical Science_Module 14
= 4.68 years or 4.7 years

John’s age = 32 + 4.7 = 36.7 years old

Jose’s age = 32 + 15 = 47 years old

3. Length Contraction

Another consequence of special relativity is that an object moves at speed

near the speed of light experiences length contraction as measured or seen by
someone in a reference frame that is moving with the object. The contracted length
is given by:

where: L = contracted length

L0 = proper length (i.e., the length measured by the observer at rest

with the object)

v = the speed of the moving frame relative to a fixed frame

c = the speed of light

Sample Problem:

A spaceship traveling at 0.5c relative to Earth is 45 m long and 62 m wide as

measured by its crew. What are the dimensions of the spaceship as measured by
the mission control on Earth? The spaceship is traveling parallel to its length.

Given: The proper dimensions of the spaceship are those determined by the crew.

L0 = 45 m W0 = 62 m v = 0.5c


9 LU_Physical Science_Module 14
There is no contraction as far as the width is concerned because it is not along the
direction of motion. Therefore, the width of the spaceship as measured by the
mission control on Earth (W) is also 62 m. There will only be contraction along its
length. Solving for L,

L = 39 m
4. Mass – Energy Equivalence

A major consequence of special relativity is the mass-energy equivalence

given by the famous equation:
E = mc2

This means that mass and energy are equivalent. A gain (or loss) in mass
maybe considered a loss (or gain) in energy. This is true for nuclear reactions,
which may be classified into nuclear fusion and nuclear fission. Nuclear fusion is a
process in which a nucleus combines with another nucleus. On the other hand,
nuclear fission happens when a large nucleus breaks into smaller nuclei,
accompanied by the emission of neutrons and a large amount of energy. An
example of a fission reaction is the decay of Uranium - 235. Uranium – 235
interacts with neutrons, an unstable Uranium – 235 is formed, which immediately
disintegrates into Barium and Krypton.

Figure 3. The decay of Uranium-235 into Barium and Krypton

5. Cosmic Speed Limit

The speed of light is widely known to be the absolute pinnacle of movement.
When Albert Einstein first entwined mass and energy in his Theory of Relativity, it
established the Universe’s speed limit at 299,792 kilometers per second (186,282
miles per second).

According to Einstein, nothing in the Universe that has mass could either
match or move faster than light. But that doesn’t mean that nothing can move
faster than light. In truth, physicists have discovered several phenomena that can

10 LU_Physical Science_Module 14
match and beat (in specific respects) the speed of light. And several theoretical
models posit specific ways that the speed of light could be surpassed.


Enrichment Activity 1: Concepts in a Box!

Direction: Complete the boxes by supplying the right words. Choose your answer
from the given choices found in the box below. Write your answers on a sheet of

1. Maxwell’s Electromagnetic Theory

11 LU_Physical Science_Module 14
have conflicting ideas solved by

is divided to

deals with Special Relativity 3. deals with

4. is backed up by is backed up by 5.

Principle of
6. 7. equivalence

result in


General relativity Einstein’s relativity Newtonian Mechanics

Time dilation Length contraction Mass - energy equivalence

Cosmic speed limit Principle of relativity

Accelerated frames of reference Inertial frames of reference

Enrichment Activity 2: Think Like Einstein!

Directions: On the following problems, you'll have to think like Einstein. You'll
have to think about the same things Einstein had to think about to resolve the
problem. Maybe you've heard the recent reports about how physically unique
Einstein's brain was. Don't panic—you won't need a superhuman brain to grasp
the concepts presented. And when you finish, not only will you understand the
special theory, you will have reasoned it out for yourself, just as Einstein did. Let’s
begin! Your output will be graded based on the rubrics below. Write your answers
on a sheet of paper.

1. A 35 -year-old astronaut traveling at a speed of 0.75c needs to cover 25

years as measured by a clock on board the spaceship to make a round-trip

12 LU_Physical Science_Module 14
to a nearby star. How old would his twin brother be when he returns to

2. The length and diameter of a spacecraft as determined by the mission

control on Earth are 76 m and 23 m, respectively. The spacecraft moves at
0.7c relative to Earth. What are its dimensions as measured by an astronaut
onboard? The spacecraft is moving parallel to its length.

Problem Solving Rubric

Criteria Strong Capable Developing 3 Emergent 1-
5 4 2
Mathematical Complete Basic Limited No
Concept understanding understanding understanding of understanding
of the problem of the problem the problem – of the problem.
– identifies all – identifies identifies a few
elements of most elements elements of the
the problem
of the problem problem and may
and gives the
and may or give an incorrect
may not give answer.
the correct
Computation All Computation Computation is Computation
computation is generally generally is incorrect.
is correct and incorrect and/or
complete but incomplete.
complete and may contain
correct. minor flaws.
Physics Thorough and Understandab Unclear/incompl Incorrectly
Concept concise le written ete explanation written
explanation of explanation. of the problem. explanation of
the problem. the problem.


Performance Tasks: Special Relativity in our Natural World!!!

Direction: Below are several instances of special relativity that we can see in our
daily lives. Select one example and explain how it is related to special relativity and
its consequences. Write your answers on a sheet of paper. You will be graded based
on the rubrics below.
A. Electromagnets

13 LU_Physical Science_Module 14
B. Global Positioning System
C. Gold’s yellow color
D. Old Television
E. Mercury (liquid)

Criteria 5 4 3 1-2
This paper is clear This paper is The writer is Topic is not
and focused. It mostly beginning to welldefined,
holds the reader's focused and define the topic, and/or there are
Ideas attention. Relevant has some even though too many topics.
details and quotes good details development is
enrich the central and quotes. still basic or
theme. general.
The organization Paper (and The Sentences within
enhances and paragraphs) organizational paragraphs make
showcases the is mostly structure is sense, but the
central idea or organized, in strong enough to order of
theme. The order, order, and move the reader paragraphs does
structure of makes sense through the text not.
information is to the reader. without too much
compelling and confusion.
moves the reader
through the text.
The writing has an The writing The text hums The text seems
easy flow, rhythm, mostly flows along with a choppy and is not
and cadence. and usually steady beat but easy to read
Sentences are well invites oral tends to be more orally.
Sentence built, with a
Fluency reading. businesslike than
strong and varied musical, more
structure that mechanical than
invites expressive fluid.
oral reading.
The form and The format The writer's The writer's
presentation of the only has a few message is message is only
text enhance the mistakes and understandable in understandable
ability of the is generally this format. occasionally, and
reader to easy to read the paper is
Presentation messily written.
understand and and pleasing
connect with the to the eye.
message. It is
pleasing to the


Direction: Read each item carefully. Write the letter of the correct answer. Write
your answers on a sheet of paper.
1. In the equation E = mc2, what does “c” stand for?
A. Charge B. Conductance
14 LU_Physical Science_Module 14
C. Change in mass D. Speed of light

2. According to special relativity, which of the following is NOT dependent

on the observer speed?
A. Energy B. Mass C. Length D. Time

3. If an object moves faster with an observer, how will it appear to an

A. Longer
B. Shorter
C. Slower
D. It will appear the same regardless of speed

4. In resolving the conflict between Newtonian mechanics and Maxwell's

electromagnetic theory, what concept of transformation was used?
A. Einstein transformation B. Lorentz transformation
C. Galilean transformation D. Maxwell transformation

5. Which of the following resolves the conflict between Newtonian

mechanics and Maxwell's electromagnetic theory?
A. Theory of Special Relativity
B. Theory of General Relativity
C. Law of Universal Gravitation
D. Law of Conservation of Energy

6. Einstein’s theory of special relativity explains problems that involve

frames of reference moving with which of the following characteristics?
A. Constant direction B. Constant linear speed
C. Constant linear velocity D. Constant linear acceleration

7. At what rate do the EM waves travel according to Maxwell's

electromagnetic wave theory?
A. 3.00 x 108ms⁻¹ B. 6.00 x 108 ms⁻¹
C. 3.00 x 10-8ms⁻¹ D. 6.00 x 10-8 ms⁻¹

8. Einstein theory of special relativity is based on what two postulates?

Choose all that apply.

I. The speed of light depends on the speed of the observer.

II. The speed of light is constant in all inertial frames of reference.
III. The application of laws of physics change based on the condition of the
IV. The laws of physics are the same in all inertial frames of reference,
moving with constant velocity relative to one another.

15 LU_Physical Science_Module 14
A. I only B. II and IV
C. I and II D. I and III

9. Which of the following principles make up the theory of special

A. Principle of relativity and the principle of mass
B. Principle of mass and the principle of nuclear forces
C. Principle of relativity and the principle of the speed of light
D. Principle of nuclear forces and the principle of the speed of light

10. Which of the following shows the conflict between Newtonian mechanics
and Maxwell's electromagnetic theory?
A. Newtonian mechanics explains that the speed of light is constant.
B. Maxwell's electromagnetic theory tells that the speed of light is
C. Newtonian mechanics explains that the speed of light depends on
the speed of the observer.
D. Maxwell's electromagnetic theory tells that the speed of light
depends on the speed of the observer.

11. Which of the following is the strange consequence of special relativity?

A. Time can move backward.
B. Forces that are not real can be felt by some observers.
C. People moving at high speeds will feel crushed by length
D. Two events may appear simultaneous to one observer but not

12. If you were to travel at a speed close to the speed of light, what would
you notice?
A. Your mass has increased.
B. Your iPod plays music more slowly—everyone sounds like a
C. Your pulse rate has decreased. You would notice all of these
D. You would notice none of these effects because you are in an
inertial frame.
13. One of two identical twins becomes an astronaut, while the other
becomes a real estate broker. The astronaut embarks on high-speed
space travel and is gone for several years. Upon the astronaut's return,
the two twins reunite and compare their physical appearances. Which of
the following will be the result?
A. Both have aged the same.
B. The astronaut aged more.
16 LU_Physical Science_Module 14
C. The astronaut has aged less.
D. The real estate broker has aged less.

14. Suppose Joe is at rest and Moe is moving at almost the speed of light.
Due to length contraction, Joe sees Moe's starship as only five inches
long. What does Moe notice about his starship?
A. It is shorter but no fatter. B. It is longer and more massive.
C. It is both shorter and fatter. D. It appears to be normal to him.

15. A neutron passes by Earth at relativistic speed. Earth scientists observe

the process of the neutron decaying into a proton, an electron, and a
neutrino. Compared to the same type of process on Earth, which of the
following would earthbound observers say in the moving neutron?
A. Appears to happen faster
B. Appears to happen more slowly
C. Appears to happen at the same rate
D. No process in another reference frame can be observed

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