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1. Meets the needs of students to be wise consumers of media

2. Engages students
3. Gives students and teachers alike a common approach to critical thinking
4. Provides an opportunity for integrating all subject areas
5. Helps meet state standards
6. Increases the ability and proficiency of students
7. Media literacy's "inquiry process" transforms teaching
8. By focusing on process skills rather than content knowledge
9. By using a replicable model for implementation
10. Not only benefits individual students but benefits society


1. People Buy from People They Like and Relate to Social media gives a voice to who your brand is.
Before purchasing from an unknown entity, people are scouring that company's social media profiles to
see if people are happy with it.

2.Reputation Management Like it or not, people are talking about your brand, whether you're initiating
or involved in these conversations or not.

3. Make Your Brand an Industry Leader As noted, people buy from people who they like and trust, and
social media offers you the chance to become the go-to thought leader when people want to know about
your specific industry.
4. Send People to Your Website There’s only so much people can learn from social media posts and ads
- your website is where you house more fully fleshed-out information, and you can utilize social media
channels to drive people there.
5. Find Leads Social media provides an easy way for potential customers to express interest in your
business and your products.
6. Social Selling Social media creates sales. And let’s face it, that’s what keeps our businesses afloat.
7. Customer (current and potential) Engagement Social media enables you to interact directly with
people that are already fans of your brand, as well as find new fans. Conversely, it also gives them a
direct line to you, the business.
8. Customer Service This might be one of the top reasons for your business to be active on social media -
these days, people simply expect brands to be available on social media, and they're increasingly going to
brands social profiles first for customer service queries.
9. Learn About Your Customers People share a lot on social media, which means there's a lot of data
you can find on your target customers. You can then use that information to make more informed
decisions in relation to your business, what your consumers are looking for and how best to reach them.
10. Study Your Competition It’s also important to know what people are saying about your competitors.


1.It is one of the best Bully Pulpits 1 available.

2 .It is very timely, as in immediate.
3. It allows the user to communicate to the electorate without the filter (read interference) of media
editing and commentary.
4.This is particularly useful in getting your message out and measuring how it is accepted.
5.The demographic information gained is very useful (some might even say beyond priceless)
6. A communication platform such as social media is persuasive, and often works to change or
influence opinions when it comes to political views because of the abundance of ideas, thoughts, and
opinions circulating through the social media platform
7. Media improves the efficiency of the economy by providing actors more and better information
with which to make decisions and improving stability. III. Media catalyzes positive changes in
society by providing the information that influences public opinion.
8. We can get more lessons or more to do like handycrafts and etc..and so on so far
9. It provides authenticity
10. It builds engaged communities

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