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Clinton Impson 

Emily Litle 

ENGLISH 121001 


Personality symbol 

The personality symbol I have chosen is a knife. A knife is a simple yet reliable survival tool. The

knife can be extremely useful in many situations. A knife is made of hard steel with a sharp

edge; it can be shaped to fit any need or situation. The knife is tempered by fire; it is beaten

and hammered to the desired shape for the intended use. Depending on the application it can

take on different thickness and different hardness. A knife works best when it is honed to a

razors edge. 

The knife is a perfect representation of myself. I myself work best when I am honed to razor

sharp perfection. This was best brought out in me when I was in the air force. Like a knife I was

taken from a young raw boy and molded and shaped  and sharpened into a usable soldier. 

That shaping and tempering has served me in my life in numerous ways. I feel it has given me

the steel hard determination just like the steel in a knife. It has given me flexibility to be able to

withstand the rigors and challenges of life. In conclusion my personality takes on the cold hard

temper of steel and combines with the flexibility and utility of a knife

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