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Topic Sentence: Social media is a major platform for entertainment, as most sites offer a designated

platform for it.

1st Supporting Point: It offers free quality stream content on sites like YouTube and TikTok.

Supporting Details: Podcasts and games are one of the few examples when it comes to source of
entertainment on social media.

2nd Supporting Point: In addition to entertainment in social media, users can share photos and
memories that we can look back and laugh to.

Supporting Details: This indirectly give birth to an internet culture known as “Memes” which are a
collective of funny photos and videos that people share for entertainment.

Concluding Sentence: To conclude, social media is vital to entertain its users as it offers various
forms of entertainment.

Introduction- Positive effects of social media.

What is social media? The phrase "social media" refers to a computer-based technology that
makes it possible to share concepts, ideas, and knowledge through online groups and networks.
Internet-based social media allows students to quickly share content like films, images, documents,
and personal information. Students are able to interact with social media through web-based
software or applications on a computer, tablet, or smartphone. Thus, why social media can bring
multiple positive effects among students. The few effects are entertainment and stress reliever.

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