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Student 1: Sebastian Lequang

Step 1: Documents

1. Conference Prep Sheet #1 for Weebly Web Page (Collaboration)

2. Extended Definition (Persuasion)
3. Weebly Web Page (Ethical Research; Academic Language & Design)
4. Scholar’s Notebook #2 “Adaptations List” (Organization and Focus)
5. Scholar’s Notebook #1 “Rhetorical Analysis of Medical Algorithm” (Rhetorical

Step 2: Page Names

● Home/Cover letter page

● Individual Work
● Collaborative Work

Step 3:

1. Greatest challenges: Intended audience & ethical citations

a. Intended audience: Make sure my writing and choice of vocabulary is
consistent so that the intended audience is clearer.
b. Ethical citations: Check and improve any mistakes in my citations. Make
sure everything is in the appropriate order, formatting is correct, etc.

Student 2: Alexandra Harding

Step 1: (5) Documents– That display course Learning Outcomes:

a. Annotated Bibliography with My Graphic (Collaborative Work)

b. My Extended Definition
c. Scholars Notebook Collection One (Week One)“Rhetorical Analysis of Oxytocin”.
d. Scholars Notebook Collection One (Week Two) “Clustering and Journalists’
e. Rhetorical Analysis of Portfolio Assignment (Weekly Task) or another Scholars
Notebook, maybe.

Step 2: Names for Page/Tabs on my Weebly Page:

a. Profile/Cover Page- About Me.

b. My Documents (And how they apply to the SLO’s).
c. I am not too sure yet but I need another one here.
d. Contact Me.

Step 3: Feedback

a. Which two writing skills have posed the greatest challenge for me this semester?

- I think knowing my audience is extremely important and has been difficult for
me to work on this semester.

-Secondly, working on capturing accurate, detailed summaries.

b. Name how you can address these challenges:

- Choosing an audience from the very beginning. Predicting who would be the
type of people wanting to read my writing before I've even started it.

- Sometimes my wording can shift the meaning of what the original author
intended. I am now aware of this and am more careful with summarizing another
person's writing.

Student 3: Kenneth Nguyen

Step 1: Documents

1-Weebly annotated bibliography (Ethical Research/Collaboration)

2-Extended Definition (Persuasion)
3-Scholar’s Notebook #1 (Rhetorical Analysis of Definition/Design)
4-Scholar’s Notebook #2 (Summarizing)
5- Conference Prep Sheet #1

Step 2:

A. About me/Introduction -Cover Page

B. My Work
C. Collaborated work
D. Resume
E. Contacts
Step 3:

The greatest challenges for myself during the semester was persuasive content and
using better language and design. In order to address these challenges, I will be more
conscious of what language/design I am using and how persuasive the content is.

Student 4: Eriny Habashi

Step 1:

1- 1- Extended Definition

2- Graphics
3- DB #3: Peer Review of AB
4- Annotated Bibliography
5- Week 2 SN: "clustering"

Step 2: (Student 1's answer to Step 2)

- Cover letter
- My work
- resume

Step 3: (Student 1's answer to Step 3)

- The most challenging parts are choosing my audience, the writing style and
Summrizing the information without changing the meaning. I will work on
choosing the audience to choose the right tone and I will do extra practice to
improve my summrizing skills.

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