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● Aversive - relating to or denoting aversion therapy.

● Avoidance - the action of keeping away from or not doing something.

● Volitional - relating to the use of one's will.
● Status quo - the existing state of affairs, especially regarding social or political
● Impinge - have an effect or impact, especially a negative one.
● Inevitably - as is certain to happen; unavoidably.
● Volition - the faculty or power of using one's will
● Leviathan - he was the source of evil and a direct challenge to the authority of
● Forbidden - denoting or involving a transition between two quantum-mechanical
states that does not conform to some selection rule.

Freedom - The power or right to act, speak, or think as one wants without hindrance or
The Power of Volition - by Aristotle "Hence intention is either a desiring intellect or a
thinking desire, and such a principle is a man.

St. Thomas Aquinas - Love of freedom

Jean Paul Sartre - is considered to be a representative of existentialism.
Thomas Hobbes - defines contract as "the mutual transferring of right.
Jean Jacques Rousseau - argues that laws are binding only when they are supported
by the general will of the people.
B. F. Skinner - was one of the most influential of American psychologists. A behaviorist,
he developed the theory of operant conditioning.
Yelon - accepted that behavioral psychology is at fault for having over analyzed the
words “rewards” and “punishment”.
Ayn Rand - was a Russian-American writer and philosopher. She is known for her two
best-selling novels, The Fountainhead and Atlas Shrugged,

Aquinas 4 Classification of Law:

1. Eternal Law
2. Human Law
3. Natural Law
4. Divine Law

“Edsa Revolution” - is an example, though an imperfect one, of the theory of Social

“sakop” - or harmony can be a helping value to the full development of the Filipino if it
opens up to embrace the whole Philippine Society.
“kalooban” - or “magandangKalooban”- Leaders should not just focus on the impact of
job performance but treats every individual worker as persons and not as objects.
“kasarilihan” (self-Sufficiency) –emotionally and intellectually independent.
“tayo-tayo” or “kami-kami” –Our own individuality should interact with the individuality
of others.
“pakitang Tao”- Outward Appearance’s sake
Mary Wollstonecraft -was an English writer, philosopher, and advocate of women's
rights. Until the late 20th century.
Martin Heidegger (1889–1976) -says that humankind is conversation.
Social media - websites and applications that enable users to create and share content
or to participate in social networking.
John Locke - was an English philosopher and physician, widely regarded as one of the
most influential of Enlightenment thinkers and commonly known as the "Father of
David Hume - was a Scottish Enlightenment philosopher, historian, economist, and
essayist, who are best known today for his highly influential system of philosophical
empiricism, skepticism, and naturalism.
Galileo Galilei - convinced of the correctness of this new way of seeing the world.
Virtue - behavior showing high moral standards.
Dormant - having normal physical functions suspended or slowed down for a period of
time; in or as if in a deep sleep.
Commune - a group of people living together and sharing possessions and
Socrates - is a great teacher in Athens around 469 BC, believes that knowing oneself is
a condition to solve the present problem.
Expository Method - instruction involves an organized teaching method where
information is presented in a specific order.
Plato’s Theory of Immortality - the body is the source of endless trouble to us by
reason of the mere requirement of food, and is also liable to diseases.
Aristotle - divided everything in the natural world in to two main categories: Living
things and Nonliving things.
Friedrich Nietzsche - was a German philosopher who became one of the most
influential of all modern thinkers.
Arthur Schopenhauer - has been dubbed the artist's philosopher on account of the
inspiration his aesthetics has provided to artists of all stripes.
Karl Theodor Jaspers - was a German-Swiss psychiatrist and philosopher who had a
strong influence on modern theology, psychiatry, and philosophy.
Gabriel Honoré Marcel - was a French philosopher, playwright, music critic and leading
Christian existentialist.

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