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Literature Review Matrix

Group Research Title:

Research Title of the Related Literature: Students, Peer Pressure and their Academic Performance in School

Source/Citation Year Problem Methodology Participants Findings Conclusion/Recommendation

Moldes, V. M., Biton, C. L., 2019 Students, Peer Descriptive- There are 96 Senior The result would Generally, students peer
Gonzaga, D. J., & Moneva, J. C. Pressure and Correlation High School students show the correlation pressure in school affects the
(2019). Students, peer pressure their Academic who responded and between the academic performance among
and their academic Performance in completed the perceived level of students in term of various
performance in
School survey. peer pressure in content. Furthermore, cultural
school. International Journal of
Scientific and Research
terms of social parenting among parents
Publications, 9(1), 300-312. belongingness, among parents and social
Retrieved from curiosity, cultural- belongingness can affect parenting student academic performance
profile/Jerald- orientation of in school based on the result of
Moneva/publication/330818074 parents and the computation of chi-square.
_Students_Peer_Pressure_and_th education. It had been manifested that
eir_Academic_Performance_in_ curiosity and students level of
School/links/5d42ea934585153e education does not affect
student academic
performance. Hence, whatever
the effects of student peer
pressure are based their
approach towards their peers.

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