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Name: Shane Marie Venancio BSED III-ENGLISH

Subject: Environmental Education and FP

Instructor: Mr. Clint Erven Mosqueda

Forest Reponses for global warming

Two things is possible to happen when climate changes rapidly this is also the respond of
biological organisms which is to become extinct or vacate the forest where they belong and
invade another place for their living. They will basically leave the affected area and wait for the
climate back to its normal temperature. If not then those species will just stay for good in their
new place. Based on the study the scientists are artificially raising ambient temperature to
emulate warming climate condition in the forest. In our community we mostly experience too
much heat in our environment so possible solution related to their solution when it comes to
artificial is the artificial cooling of the Earth’s surface.
In figure 5.1 the scientists did an experiment called B4 Warmed artificial warming treatment of
plants growth and help to enhance the survival of temperate species at the cold (northern)
edge of their range but reduce growth and survival of Boreal species at the warm (southern)
edge of their range.
Forest is one the environment which gives healthy and clean air for humans to breathe and
because of increasing heat this experiment is designed to make a warm climate for the benefits
of those trees which cool climate dependent and hot weather dependent. Forest trees are
different in nature, there are some grows faster despite of increasing heat, there are other
trees grows slower and there are trees that unaffected from the rapid change of climate.

Palm Oil and Endangered Species

Indonesia is the highlight in this study because of their products palm oil that becomes the
third largest import in economics, by this palm oil plantation lives of other species are being
harmed, it has the highest rate of deforestation or destruction of forest and Pollution made by
gases of said plantation. The country is driven to set aside the importance of their wildlife’s
habitat for the production of palm oil. Based in the study there is a report that palm plantation
has been quadrupled, the rapid growth of plantation ruins the habitat, moreover the
endangered species in a country is threatened, also becomes a problem so imagine that this
report worsen, does Indonesian people aware of the impacts? If it is continue to happen, this
would result to unhealthy environment. Losing of Other species triggers to loss everything in
the environment, humans are dependent on the resources given by nature if these is not purify
by important species due to monotone plantation it will be a risks to our health at the same
time to our ecosystems. To maintain the palm plantation in Indonesia they clear the forests by
slashing, burning and bulldoze into neat rows of palm trees as program of agribusiness
companies. This is the worst program associated by what so called steward of mother nature.

Farming the Cerrado

This study certainly about the Agricultural Expansion in Cerrado. It is a large place that probably
good for production in agriculture and productive cropland but Cerrado was primarily a cattle
country and it aims to seek solutions as guide for agriculture aspect of this place. Production of
soy bean is the the only valuable export crops that Cerrado has because of its availability.
On the other hand, this place is highly acidic and poor in essential plant nutrients that makes it
unsuitable for cultivation. Other than that, between Cerrado and Amazon there is so called “arc
of destruction” which means logging, ranching and farming or clearing operations. It surely
affect the food production because of deforestation of cropland and pasture expansion, which
is it is called “arc of destruction” which 20% of the area belongs to poor farmers or indigenous
people who protect and manage to run a cropland .

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