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Agrupamento de Escolas João da Silva Correia

Escola E.B. 2/3



Name: ______________________________________ Number: ______ 6th Grade Class: _____

Date : __________________________, _________ __________________________________________

A. Read the text

Our school trip to London

Jason and Violet are students at a secondary

school in Cambridge. Their History teacher, Mr.
Sully, organised a school trip to London, the
capital of England.

Last Friday Jason and Violet arrived at

Cambridge train station at seven o'clock and
they waited for their school friends and
teacher. They arrived on time to catch the train to London.

In London they first visited Buckingham Palace. There were lots of people in front of the
Palace. The tourists wanted to see the Queen of England. Then they visited the Tower of
London near the River Thames. After the visit to the Tower the students waited for the
sightseeing bus. They enjoyed the tour because the guide explained the history of London
very well and he was very funny.

After the visit Mr Sully asked the students to write a report. Jason and Violet enjoyed the
school trip very much so they decided to write the report together.

B. Are the sentences True (T), False (F)? Correct the False ones.

1. Jason and Violet's school is in London. __________________________________

2. Mr Sully teaches History. ____________________________________________

3. The students travelled to London by bus. ________________________________

4. The Queen's Palace is in London. ______________________________________

5. The Tower of London is next to the River Thames. _________________________

C. Answer the question about the text.

1. Where do Jason and Violet go to school?


2. Were their school friends late for the train?


3. What did they visit in London?


4. Where were the tourists?


5. Why did they like the sightseeing tour?


6. Did Jason and Violet like the school trip?



A. Ask the questions. Pay attention to the words in bold and the verbs.

1. Who ___________________________________________________

Mr Sully is the History Teacher.

2. Did
____________________________________________________ ?

Yes, he did. He organised the school trip.

3. What

They visited the Palace at nine 0'clock.

4. When

Mr Sully asked for the report yesterday.

B. Put the words to write sentences.

1. didn't visit / the British Museum / we / yesterday / .


2. they / did / the school trip / enjoy / ?


3. studied / British History / I / in class / last year / .


4. she / the tourist guide / listened to / .


C. Fill in the blanks with the Past Simple of the verbs in brackets. The verbs are regular! Don't
forget the auxiliary when the sentences are negative or interrogative.

1. We ____________________________ (not stay) in a hotel when we were in London last week.

2. Yesterday he ____________________________ (travel) by train to Cambridge.

3. ____________________________ (you/listen) to the guide when you were in London?

yes, we ____________________________ .

4. I ____________________________ (talk) about the trip to London to my parents when I

_____________________ (arrive) home.

Good luck! 

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