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UNIDAD 29 Ejercicios

29〃1 Comp/eta /as h’aSeS uSando have to o has to + uno de /os verbos siguientes:

do read speak travel 頭重

1 My eyes are not very good. I …ha准切.鵬掛∵…. glasses.

has to travel
2 At the end ofthe course, a11 the students …….....……………………………. a teSt.
has to read
3 Mary is studying literature. She ……………………………………‥. a lot ofbooks.
have to speak
4 He doesn’t understand much English, SO I ・……………………………………‥ Very SIowly to him・
has to do
5 George is not often at home. He ………・…・・………………………… a lot in hisjob.

29・2 Comp/eta /as frases con have to o had to + uno de /os verbos siguientes:

answer buy change get go 蝉艇r

l There were no buses yesterday evenmg. W∴南d.鳴朋.i.k…‥ home.

have to get
2 I’m golng tO bed early tonight. I ……………………………………… uP early tomorrow mommg・
have to go
3 Itis late. I ……………………………………… nOW I,11 see you tomorrow
have to buy
4 I went to the supermarket after work because I ……………………………………… SOme food.
have to change
講諾霊慧窪葦語調l∴∴ sIX
have to answer qu。悪霊。f,。n.

29"3 Escribe preguntas apropiadas. Pueden ser en presente o en pasado.

I have to get up early tomorrow
They had to leave ea血y
We had to pay a lot ofmoney.
I have to go home now
He had to wait a long time.
Joy has to work this evening.

29,4 Escribe frases con don,t/doesn’t/didn,t have to …

1 Whyareyou gomghome now? Ybu …‥鍋に.h劉?.地gQ homGれOW.

2 Why is she waiting? She doesn’t waiting
3 Whydidyou getup so early? Ybu don't get up so early
4 Whydo youwantto decide now? We don't want to decide now
5 Whydoesheworksohard? He doesn't work so hard

29.5 Comp/eta /as frases con have to, has to, had to o must.

1 It’s a fintastic創m, yOu …卿弱.直.hayg.弱…. See it.

2 In many countries men ……………..…… do m址tary servICe

3 Sarah is a nurse. Sometimes she ……… work at weekends

+ I didn’t have any money with me, SO I borrow some
、 5 Ybu can’t park here for nothing・ Ybu.
6 I eat too much chocolate・ I really StOp
7 In tennis you -.………….… hlt the ba11 over the net

29.6 7Taduce a/ /ng/5s:
l ?-書⊃-ヤー⊃ /D 青p

Antonio tiene que levantarse a las 6 ma魚ana. Antonio has to get up at 6 tomorrow.
Tengo que ir al m6dico esta tarde. I have to go to the doctor this afternoon.
Ayer tuvimos que trab勾ar hasta las 8. Yesterday we had to work until 8.
Do you have to work next Saturday?
とTienes que trabaiar el s細ado que viene?
Patricia no tuvo que esperar mucho al autobds. Patricia didn't have to wait long for the bus.
Vicente no tiene que ir al dentista esta semana. Vincent doesn't have to go to the dentist this week.
Despu6s de la fiesta tuvimos que ordenar la casa. (ordenar la casa = clear up)
After the party we had to clear up the house.

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