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Saint Mary’s School

English Department
Pre- School Section
Weekly Plan #2 Week: November 14th to 18th Periods: 2 Subject: G.M.S. Teacher: Liliana Reyes
Level: Pre-Kinder 1 Trimester: 2
Learning Achievements: TPR Routines In-Out and Review Up/Down


Cognitive Skills Psychomotor Skills Affective Skills 
Motor Skills activity: - Learning that brains have to -Participates actively at the
TPR Routines coordinate a lot of movements different activities.
-Corporal movements

COMPETENCE/S: Language Communication, Learn to Learn, Knowledge and Interaction with The
Environment, Autonomy and Personal Initiative.
Day 1: TPR Routine
Opening Activity: - Develops a warm up dancing routine by Playing the “wheels on the bus” to practice
(Spatial representation in front and behind.)
Middle Activities: Folklore Practice song “La Gallinita”
-To Practice PE exercises.
Closing Activity: Reviews the dancing steps.

Day 2 -TPR Routine

Opening Activity: - Develops following commands using the Spatial representation (in front and behind )
Middle Activities: Folklore Practice song “La Gallinita”
-Works on Basic PE exercises.
Closing Activity: Reviews the dancing steps.


Total Physical Response, Natural approach.

Techniques: Brainstorm, Demonstrations Strategies: Brainstorm; Playful Activities.

Evaluation Formative: Brainstorm

Date: Coordinator’s approval Principal´s approval

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