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Lesson Plan

GRADE: 6th
TEXT BOOK: Limba Modernă 1 engleză, Ed. Uniscan
TOPIC: Past Simple - Regular and Irregular Verbs
Teaching aids/materials/equipment: laptop, digital textbook, smart board, worksheet, notebooks,
Interaction patterns: whole class, individual work, group work
TYPE OF THE LESSON: verification and control of knowledge
1. Receiving oral messages in usual communication situations
2. Oral expression in usual communication situations
3. Receiving written messages in usual communication situations
1.2.Identifying the general meaning of current oral messages, clearly and rarely articulated
2.4. Manifestation of interest in participating in the verbal exchange
3.1. Identify the necessary information from lists or simple functional texts
 To identify regular and irregular verbs from a text;
 To focus on Simple Past structure;
 To develop the students’ speaking and writing skills;
 To practice writing for communicative purpose

At the end of the lesson the Ss will be able to:

- Work in groups in order to revise the use of the Past Simple
- learn to spell correctly regular and irregular verbs;
- identify from a text the forms of Past Simple;
- use the verbs in the past form accurately, in appropriate situations and/or contexts of
their own.

TIME: 50 min
SKILLS INVOLVED: - productive: speaking, writing; receptive: reading
- Activity 1:Lead-in (5min)
Teacher's activity: T greets the Ss, starts a short friendly conversation, the T asks the date, notes
the Ss missing
Ss’ activity: Ss answer T’s questions
Subsidiary aim: to create a relaxed work atmosphere
Lesson Plan

Class management: whole-class activity

Skills: speaking

- Activity 2: Clapping verbs (10min)

Teacher's activity: T starts by asking Ss the main rules of Past Simple: usage, types, time
expressions. T asks Ss to give some examples of Regular and Irregular verbs. T reads a short
story and the Ss have to clap their hands every time they hear a verb in the past tense. T repeats
the text if it is necessary. Ss have to say with loud voice the verbs heard. T underlines on the
board the verbs.
Students' activity: Ss are attentive and respond
Subsidiary aim: to activate students’ vocabulary and knowledge;
Class management: whole class
Skills: speaking

- Activity 3: Tell the story (15min)

Teacher's activity: T divides the Ss in groups and each group is given hand-outs and pictures.
They have to arrange the pictures and the sentences according to the events of the. Then the T
asks them to choose a sentence in the past with a regular verb and a sentence with an irregular
verb. The T elicits the way the past tense is formed.
Students' activity: Ss are attentive and complete the tasks
Subsidiary aim: to give Ss practice in using the target language
Class management: group work
Skills: speaking, writing
- Activity 4: Reading time (10min)
Teacher's activity: T gives Ss a handout with a text. T asks Ss to read load the text and to
identify the regular and irregular verbs. T asks Ss to go to the blackboard and to underline the
verbs from the text. After reading the text, Ss have to answer to some questions.
Students' activity: Ss complete the task.
Subsidiary aims: to practice the target language in meaningful context
Class management: pair work, whole class
Skills: reading, speaking, writing

- Activity 5: Checking the efficiency of the teaching process (10min)

Teacher's activity: T gives Ss a word search with irregular verbs. Ss have to complete the word
search with the past tense of the verbs. Each Ss will go to the board and circle the correct form.
Students' activity: Ss complete the task.
Subsidiary aim: to check the accuracy in using linking words already learnt
Class management: individually , groups
Skills: writing

- Assigning homework: Finish the word search.

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