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Methodological Assignment 1: Evaluation of teaching.

Written by Halka Julia

1а To introduce the educational material, a blackboard, textbook material is used.
The choice of the semanticization method corresponds to the level of learning, the
problem of the introduced material, and the goals of its assimilation. Explanation
of new material ensures students' mastery of basic language material.
I tried to ensure the assimilation of new language material in language,
conditional-speech and language exercises, in various types of language activities,
observing a rational ratio of different types of exercises (language, conditional-
speech and language), oral and written, with the use of a blackboard and illustrated
During the lesson, various means of accounting, control and assessment of
students' mastery of foreign language material, skills and abilities of foreign
language speech were used (question-answer, performance of exercises and tasks,
testing, etc.)
The general atmosphere of the class can be called optimistic, active, businesslike,
1b But, of course, no one is perfect. Of course, no teacher is perfect, and no lesson
is perfect. Indeed, there were moments that I was not satisfied with.
At the stage of explaining the grammatical material, I needed to present the entire
material at once, and not break it into blocks. And in this way, change the places of
the exercises from simple to more complex. At the end of the lesson, give them a
more creative task to consolidate the material.
2When conducting the lesson, I followed general didactic requirements: I tried to
determine the optimal content of the lesson in accordance with the requirements of
the program, taking into account the preparation of students; chose the most
rational methods, methods and teaching tools that could ensure cognitive activity
and creative development of students.
The lesson was held in group 337 with 16 students. Most students of this group
have a sufficiently high level of motivation to learn a foreign language with good
language and speaking skills. In the lesson, such principles were implemented as:
the principle of focus of training on complex problem solving, as well as the
principle of the strength of training.
The group is heterogeneous in terms of success: there are students who have
difficulty understanding new material, but most students have sufficient success in
learning English. Students of this class have good individual and group work skills.
All this was taken into account when planning the lesson and determining the
technologies to be used in the lesson.
This lesson is a new lesson on Past Perfect.
To fulfill the goals of the lesson, the following passive and active learning methods
were chosen:
1) the method of monologue expression;
2) method of practical use of knowledge;
3) individual work;
In order to attract students to learning, new and new forms of lesson organization
are needed, where the cognitive interest of students is taken as a basis, and the
teacher is only a catalyst that strengthens this interest. Based on this, the following
forms of work with students were used in the lesson:
1) frontal work as the most effective from the point of view of students'
psychological comfort;
2) individual work, which makes it possible to give difficult tasks to students who
are not able to keep up;
This form of organization of educational activities in class significantly increases
learning motivation, efficiency and productivity, ensures the work of the entire
class, and allows students to reveal their abilities. The chosen forms and methods
of conducting the lesson corresponded to the tasks of the lesson, the nature and
content of the educational material, the level of knowledge, abilities and skills of
the students.
The following teaching methods, forms and techniques were used in the lesson:
story - explanation, conversation, activation of attention and thinking,
memorization techniques. The students were sufficiently loaded with work and as a
result received a joyful feeling of success. The lesson showed mutual
understanding, goodwill, and mutual support of students among themselves and
between the teacher and students.
In order to create the most comfortable working conditions, the necessary materials
were presented at the lesson: a laptop, video applications, a textbook, a workbook.
Health-preserving work in the lesson was focused on changing the types of
educational activities, the uniform load on all students of the class, as well as the
fact that the age and individual characteristics of the students, interest in studying
the subject, development of general abilities and skills, development of phonemic
were taken into account during the preparation of the lesson hearing, imagination,
desire to express oneself.
3 It is possible to talk with the students after the lesson, give them some interesting
task so that they are interested in doing it, also, it is very important, to pay
attention to everyone, and not to those who only hold their hands and answer
Come up with group and pair tasks where stronger students can help weaker ones
cope with the tasks. In my opinion, it is necessary to listen more to the students and
not to make any comments right away, but to try to attract the attention of the
students and involve them in the work.
Use several types of presentation of educational material at the same time, take
into account personal interests in the selection of tasks, different levels of
preparation and different speed of assimilation of new material, so the number and
level of difficulty of tasks should be different for different groups of students.
4 I believe that my professional development is a lifelong process which began
with the initial preparation which the teachers receive at an institute or university
and will continue until retirement. But on this stage of my development it is
necessary to implement all my knowledge and skills in practice. I also have to pay
special attention to how I give the instructions and mind my teacher talking time.
Effective professional development is on-going, includes training, practice and
feedback, and provides adequate time and follow-up support. That is why peer-
observation and self-evaluation should be present in my work all the time.


NAME: Halka Julia

Date ________13.11.2023_____ Time: 10.50 Lesson duration: 45 min

Level of class
No of students in class 16
Time studying English 1 semesters at university and previous experience of
learning English at secondary school.
Average age 19-20 years old
Aims of the lesson By the end of the lesson the students will be able to
use Past Perfect to express actions in the past.
Materials Macmillan English grammar in context
О.М. Павліченко Англійська мова. Граматичний
практикум. 2022р.
Timetable fit During the previous lesson SS have been introduced
Present Perfect Tense.
Assumptions Students will probably know some of the target
vocabulary from the exercises and texts they have
read during the previous lessons.
Anticipated problems Some SS might keep making mistakes using Past
and solutions Perfect. And making up sentences in the Past Perfect
may cause some difficulties for SS. I will correct
their mistakes while monitoring.
Some SS might have problems with formulating
questions and giving grammatically correct answers.
I will put them in pairs with stronger SS who may
help them to complete the task.
Needs analysis SS need the knowledge of Past Perfect for
interpersonal communication in everyday situations.
Personal aims Improve my performance in teaching grammar.
Provide SS with good habits in practicing grammar.
Elicit more information from SS and decrease TTT.
Focus on slow learners.
Improve time management.

Stage/Time ACTIONS Stage Inter-

Aim(s) action
LEAD-IN - Greet SS. To create a SS-T,
friendly T-SS
5min -T talks about her own anecdote and SS-T,
tries to elicit the word "coincidence" - To warm T-SS
-T gives anectode and asks Ss to students up,
discuss about the concidence in the to elicit the
anectode with their pairs a few topic
minutes. -T elicits the coincidence in
the text and gives feedback.
PRESENTA -T draws a timeline to check the To present SS-T
TION meaning of the target language by new
5 min eliciting. -T writes a sentence related vocabulary
to the context on the board. (eg.We
had finished the work before seven
o’clock yesterday.) -T drills the SS-T
6 min sentence with whole class and To elicit
focuses on "..I had.." by showing the the target
linking, phonemic alphabet /aɪəd/ vocabulary.
and the short form "...I'd..."

PRACTICE -Ss work individually in this activity. To practice SS-T

4 min -T gives Ex 1,2 p 114. The activity is the target
related to the context and the vocabulary.
sentences are not irrelevant from one
another as there is a dialogue to be
filled in. -Answers are checked in SS-T
pairs and the answer key is provided. To give
practice of
the target
6 min vocabulary.

PRODUCTI -T gives Ss to read a joke Ex 3p 116 To give SS

ON and put the verbs into the correct free
10 min form. After Ex4 p118 make up practice in
questions to this text. speaking
using the
in context
-T gives negative and interrogative
4 min sentences Ex5 p 117.
To practice
At the end of the lesson Ex6 p118 Ss vocabulary
5 min translated into English.
SUMMARY Thank you for the lesson!
1 min

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