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Name : Fazil Bashir

Roll Number : 11

Enrollment Number : 22045110011

Department : Computer Science Department, University

of Kashmir

Semester : 1st

Batch : 2022

Subject : DBMS

Assignment on :
. Library Management System and Banking
Management System(Unit I, Lab #1)
.Tables and diagramatic schema for database of library
University management system.
.Er diagramatic of library and university management

Submitted to : Dr. Shozab.


A Library Management System is used to manage all the functions of a

library. It automates the library activities such as maintaining the details
of available books, recording books that have been borrowed, tracking
the books that have been returned or renewed etc. The purpose of a
library management system is to provide instant and accurate data
regarding any type of book, thereby saving a lot of time and effort. This
system will reduce all the manual work and the whole process can be
managed just through single clicks and edits. With just a click, the user
can search for the books available in the library. The librarian can
answer queries with ease regarding the availability of books. Adding,
removing or editing the database is a simple process. Adding new
members or cancelling existing memberships can be done with ease.
Furthermore, stock checking and verification of books in the library can
be done in no time. The automated system saves a considerable
amount of time as opposed to the manual system.
The library management system makes the library a smart one by
organizing the books systematically by author, title and subject. This
enables users to search for books quickly and effortlessly.
To sum it up, in this digital age, a library management system would be
ideal for students who can access the library’s database on their

Actors/users : -

The main actors users in our system are :

1) Librarian/Administrator.
2) Members(Students and other readers).

1) Librarian/Administrator : - Responsible for adding and modifying

books, book items and users.
-> Functions of a Librarian/Administrator : -
i) Add a book.
ii) Delete a book.
iii) Modify a book.
iv) Search a book.
v) Add a new member or register a new account.
vi) Cancel the membership of an existing member.
vii) Issue a book.
viii) Renew a book.
ix) Managing reservations of book items.
x) Calculating and collecting fines from members.
xi) Maintaining information of the returned books.
xii) Requesting a book item that is not available.
xiii) Maintaining information about number of actual copies and
number of current copies of a book item.

2) Members(Students and other readers) :-

-> Functions : -
i) Login into an account.
ii) Search a book.
iii) Borrow a book.
iv) Renew a book.
v) Return a book.
vi) Reserve a book which is not currently available.

-> Other important functions : -

Any library member should be able to search books by their title, ISBN,
category as well by the publication date .
ii) Each book will have a unique identification number and other details
including a rack number which will help to physically locate the book in
the library.
iii) The system should be able to send notifications whenever the
reserved books become available, as well as when the book is not
returned within the due date.

Constraints : -

i) There should be a maximum limit on how many books a member can

ii) There should be a maximum limit on how many days a member can
keep a book.
iii) A book must be returned by the member within the due date.
iv) If the book item is not returned or renewed by or before the due
date, the members will have to pay a fine.
v) If the fine is not paid, new books cannot be issued.
iv) To access the library, a member must be registered.
v) Only administrators should have the complete access and control
over the library system. Other members should only be able to access
relevant and limited functionalities.
vi) A member can only access and view his/her information in the
vii) A member can only access the library database if/she enters correct
login credentials.
viii) Every book in the library should have a unique identification
 Banking Management System :

A Banking Management System is used to manage all the functions of a

bank. It keeps the record of clients and employees, and also provides
the access to the customer to create an account, deposit/withdraw the
cash, view account balance and many more things.
From storing the customer information, account information, to the
transaction happening every minute or second, a banking system
manages everything. It simplifies most of the manual tasks for the bank
and also improves the speed of work as there are no physical files or

Other features:
A banking management system maintains the data integrity and avoids
calculation errors.
It requires very little manpower .
It simplifies the problem of editing.

Users/actors :-
1) Manager/Administrator.
2) Staff members. It includes :
2a) Cashier
2b) Clerk.
3) Customer/client.

1) Manager : -

->Functions of a manager : -
a) Responsible for managing the whole bank.
b) Defines the role of employees.
c) Appointing new staff members.
d) Approving salary of employees.
e) Leading and guiding banking staff in their day to day operations and
f) Ensuring that bank records and statements are properly handled and
g) Promoting and marketing the branch and its products.
h) Reporting to head office.
i) Leading and manging the bank staff.

2) Staff members : -

2a) Cashier :
->Functions of a cashier : -
a) Cashing cheques.
b) Checking statements.
c) Processing payments, deposits and withdrawals.
d) Making money transfers.
e) Updating account details.
f) Reviewing cash accounts on daily basis.
g) Supply clients with relevant information on products and services
available in the bank.
h) Maintaining an extensive report on daily, weekly and monthly
i) checking account balance of customers.
g) Accessing the client transactions.

2b) Clerk :
->Functions of a clerk : -
a) Recording interest.
b) Recording and organising loan information.
c) Preparing the monthly balance sheets.
d) Working on international accounts.
e) Taking care of records of each customer's account.
f) Recording and filing stocks and bonds.

3) Customer/client :

->Functions of a customer/client : -
a) A customer has to create a bank account to avail the bank services.
b) Checking the balance in bank account.
c) Depositing the cash.
d) Withdrawing the cash.
e) Applying for loans.
f) Viewing the bank transactions.
g) Applying for an ATM card.

Constraints :-
a) A customer can only avail the services of bank if he/she is having an
b) Only administrators should have the complete access and control
over the database.
c) Customers should only have access to limited and relevant
functionalities of a database.
d) A customer should only be able to access and view information
about his/her bank account.
e) A customer can only apply for loans if he/she fulfills the bank
f) Minimum balance in savings account needs to be maintained.
g) If the previous loans are not paid or cleared, a customer cannot apply
for new loans.
h) A customer can only open a bank account if he/she has valid

#lab 2

.identify various tables and draw a diagramatic schema to represent

database for library management system

.identify various tables and draw a diagramatic schema to represent

database for university management system.

 Library Management System

Here’s the database design for the library management system which
includes tables, schema

Book Management
Book Management is the main feature of this er diagram for library
management system wherein it contains the basic details of books.
User Management
This feature is only an add-on to ER diagram for the library management
system it contains all the necessary information of the users.

Manage Books Inventory

The Librarian can manage the books information such ISBN, Author, title,
as well as the tracking of book history.

Generate user-Friendly Reports

Can generate customized reports based on the client’s requirements.

Student management system

This feature will store the student’s information’s such as student name,
ID number, contact number address, etc.
Library Management System Database
Design (Tables)
These tables below provide the complete database tables details such
as Field Name, Descriptions, data types, character length.


Field Name Description Type Length

book_ID Book ID number Int 11

bktitle Book Title varchar 30

bkedition Book Edition varchar 30

bkauthor Author of the book varchar 30

bkpublisher Publisher of the book varchar 30

Number of copies of the

bkcopies Int 11

bk_source Source of the book Varchar 30

bk_cost Cost of the book Int 11

bk_remarks Status of the book varchar 30

Field Name Description Type Length

Borrowers ID number Int 11

Book_id Book ID number int 11

stud_ID Student ID number Int 11

staff_id Staff  ID number Int 11

Staffname Name of the staff varchar 30

Number of books to be
studentNOcopies int 11

Date of the publication

ReleaseDate Date 30
that was release

Due date of the book to be

DueDate Date 30
Field Name Description Type Length

Borrowers ID number Int 11

Book_id Book ID number int 11

stud_ID Student ID number Int 11

staff_id Staff  ID number Int 11

Staffname Name of the staff varchar 30

Number of books to be
studentNOcopies int 11

Date of the publication

ReleaseDate Date 30
that was released

DueDate Due date of the book to be Date 30



Field Name Description Type Length

Specific ID for cleared

clearID(PK) Int 11

browID Borrowers ID Int 11

bookID Book ID Int 11

bookTitle Book Title Varchar 30

studID Student ID Int 11

studName Student Name Varchar 30

staffID Staff ID Int 11

staffName Staff Name Varchar 30

Studentcopie Student number of book Int 11

s copies

releaseDate Date of release Date 11

dueDate Due date of the book Date 11


Field Name Description Type Length

rptID(PK) Report ID Int 11

rptTransaction_ID Transaction ID Int 11

rptbookID Book ID Int 11

Rptbktitle Book Title Varchar 30

Book Number of copies Varchar 30

Rptrtndate Date to be returned Date 11

Rptremarks Remarks of the Book Varchar 30

Number of days to be
Rptnumberofdays Int 11

Rptpenalty A penalty of the student Varchar 30

Rptreceive Receive Varchar 30

University Management System Features
University Management: This system’s main feature, contains university details. Courses and programs
were listed.
Student Management: This feature gathers important student information.
This information was used to track transactions and system issues.

 Manage Courses and Subjects: The university admin has to decide

which classes each student will take and who will teach each class.
1. Manage Instructors: This system manages instructors’ information and
class schedules.
 Transaction and Scheduling Management: It stores student and
instructor transactions, schedules, and timetables.

University Management System Tables

These tables below provide the complete database table details such
as Field Name, Descriptions, data types, and character lengths.
Table Name: Student

Field Description Type Length

stud_ID (PK) Student ID Int 11

fname Student First Name Varchar 255

lname Student Last Name Varchar 255

gender Student Gender Int 11

age Student Age Int 11

contact_add Contact Address Int 11

stud_email Student Email Varchar 255

stud_pass Student Password Varchar 255

Table Name: Instructor

Field Description Type Length

ins_ID (PK) Instructor ID Int 11

fname Instructor First Name Varchar 255

lname Instructor Last Name Varchar 255

gender Instructor Gender Int 11

age Instructor Age Int 11

contact_add Contact Address Int 11

ins_email Instructor Email Varchar 255

ins_pass Instructor Password Varchar 255

Table Name: Course

Field Description Type Length

course_ID (PK) Course ID Int 11

course_name Course Name Varchar 30

course_desc Course Description Varchar 30

school_yr School Year Int 11

Table Name: Subjects

Field Description Type Length

sub_ID (PK) Subject ID Int 11

name Subject Name Varchar 255

course_ID (FK) Course ID Int 11

Table Name: Schedules

Field Description Type Length

sched_ID (PK) Schedule ID Int 11

course_ID (FK) Course ID Int 11

sub_ID (FK) Subject ID Int 11

ins_ID (FK) Instructor ID Int 11

stud_ID (FK) Student ID Int 11

day Day of schedule Date

time_start Starting Time Time

time_end Time Ended Time

Table Name: Transactions

Field Description Type Length

trans_ID (PK) Transaction ID Int 11

trans_name Transaction Name Int 11

stud_ID (FK) Student ID Int 11

trans_date Transaction Date Date

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