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This chapter presents the system requirements analysis, system design,

functions, physical environment and resources and the design and implementation

issues after having to undergo gathering of information to the development of the


4.1 System Requirement Analysis

The primary goal of this phase was to gather the requirements given by the

client. The following were the requirements, according to the library's librarian:

Librarian’s Visit Hours Module

This module allows the library personnel to monitor students who visit the

library. The functionalities of this system include the following:


New User To use this module, library personnel assigned to the In and

out of the library must register the library user and generate a QR (Quick

Response) code.

Entry and Exit This feature allows the person in charge of the library to

record a user’s entry and exit. User who desires to enter the library must first

register before the system will confirm their visit record. The library user will

only be able to enter the library using his or her QR (Quick Response) code.

Update User This feature allows the library personnel in charge to update

or edit library users’ information.

Generate Visit Report This module allows the library personnel in

charge to obtain information on library users who come into the library. This

report can only be viewed by library personnel in charge who have been granted

authorized access. The visit report contains a list of users who visited the library

within specific period.

Library Management System Module

This module allows the library staff, librarian, and library administrator to

enter book information, search books, generate book reports, add library

personnel’s account. The functionalities of this module are the following:


User Login User who logs in include the system administrator, librarian,

and library staff. The system administrator has all the access to all the system’s

modules. The librarian on the other hand, has the access to all modules except for

deleting library user’s and adding new admins and staffs. The library staff, on the

other hand, has access to all module except for deleting books, users, currently

issued books and adding new admins and staffs.

Register new user Only the system administrator has access to this

feature. Staff accounts should not be used to create new library personnel’s

account and admins accounts.

Library Users The library user should be the one to create their accounts.

The system should not allow a single user to register several times. Students,

Faculty, and Staffs should be classified, as well as their departments such as

Education, Agriculture, Computer Studies, Sr. High School, and Jr. High School.

Record Books All the system users who have been granted access to the

system are able to add, delete, and edit book information on books. The system

must be able to validate data, not allow two books with same accession number,

and only require the completion of relevant fields.

Search Book This feature is used to search book information based on book

section, and book name. The system should be able to search the database based

on the select search type, system should be able to filter book information based

on keyword entered, and system should be able to show the book information in

table view.

Search User This feature allows the library personnel to search library

user. The system should be able to fetch library information in the table view.

Search Currently Issued Book This feature allows the library personnel

to view or search who is currently borrowing a book. The system should be able

to fetch library user’s id, book id, book name, date of issue, and due date, in the

table view.

Issue, Renew, and Return Books This feature allows the library

personnel in charge to accept or reject requests for books, renew books, and issue

new books. There is no reject option when returning a book. The system must be

able to fetch the library users id, book id, and book name. The system should be

able to fetch automatically select date of issue book and due date within three

days, in renewal book request the system automatically select date of renewal and

due date within three days.

Currently Issued Book This feature allows the library personnel in charge to

view the currently issued book. The system should be able to fetch library users

id, book id, book, name, issue date, due date, and return date. The delete option of

deleting information in currently issued book is only available for librarian and

administrator only.

Message and Receive This feature allow the library personnel to message

the library user, librarian, library staff, administrator. The system should be able

to fetch Sender id, and message content.

Manage Users This feature allows the library administrator, and Librarian

to manage library users edit information, and delete users. The library staff has

this access also, but they can’t delete and edit library user. The system should be

able to fetch library users’ information in the table view.

Generating of Reports This feature allows the library personnel to

generate book reports, and currently issued books reports.

Log out This feature allows the library personnel to log out in the system.

User Domain Module

This module allows library user such as students, faculty, and staff to have

a dashboard. The functionalities of this module are the following:


Receive Message This feature can only be accessed by the user and only

the user can view the message this message. The system should send a message to

the user that his request is accepted or rejected.

Issue Request This feature allows the user to send request to admin to borrow a

book. The system must be able to automatically fetch date of book issue.

Renew Request This feature allows the user to send a renewal request to

the library personnel to renew a borrowed book. The system must be able to send

only one request of renewal and automatically select a date of renewal.

Return Book This feature allows the user to send request of returning a

book to the library personnel. The system must be able to automatically fetch the

date of return of book.

Previously Borrowed Book This feature allows the user to view the

transaction history of borrowed book. The system must be able to fetch the data in

the tables consist of: Book id, Book name, Issue date, and Return Date.

Catalog /Book Search Module

This module allows library users such as students, faculty, and staff to

search book information. The functionalities of this module are the following:

Search Catalog This feature is used to search book information by book

section and book name. This module should allow users to identify if a book is

available or not.

Log out This feature allows the library users to exit the user domain


Data Flow Diagram.

Fig 3 Below represents a high-level view of the overall system. The

relationship that the system has with other entities and scope and boundaries of

the system. As gathered in the phase 1, Library user can only interact with their

dashboard by searching availability of books, request book includes, book

renewal, and book return. The system must provide the user with all the

information of the books. Library personnel, staff, and librarian are responsible

for feeding data to the system such books and library user’s visit information,

validate library user’s request details, library users’ in and out visit record,

generate reports. Library administrator can register and update library personnel’s

information, delete library users includes, library staff, librarian, generate reports,

and validate library user’s request detail.

Fig. 3

4.2 System Design

4.2.1 Use Case

The diagram on the next page shows the interaction between the user and

the system. The various participants in the system are:

A. Librarian – The Librarian is given access to all modules of the system

except for registration new library personnel includes staff, librarian, and

administrator. The user level can perform all transaction like recording

books, checking in and out of books, record in and out visits, and generate


B. Library personnel/ staff – Any staff assigned granted an access to use the

library management and visits module. The user level can perform all

transaction like recording books, checking in and out of books, record in

and out visits, and generate reports. All except registration/ update of

system user.

C. Library user – These are library user who can only search for availability

of books by book section, book name, and can send request to any library

employees that has been granted to validate a request of book. Library

user’s must first register to the system to enter their own dashboard.

D. Administrator – The administrator has given all the access to the system

with no restrictions. Use Case Diagram

The Use Case Diagram below shows the basic functionalities of Library

Management System by means of use case and actors.

Fig. 4
31 Use Case Specifications

Visit Hours

1.0 Description

This use case allows the library staff, Librarian, and Administrator to

monitor and manage library visits, and to manage visitors’ information. This

includes adding, editing, deleting, generating visit reports, generate library


2.0 Pre-Condition

a. The library staff, librarian, and admin must have logged in into the

system before he/she can gain access to this use case.

3.0 Post- Condition

a. If the use case is successful, the visit hours control panel will display.

4.0 Flow of Events

4.1 Basic Flow


This use case takes effect when the library has visitor and the library

personnel wishes to add, edit, delete, generate visit report, generate library id, and

scan in & out, or view the visitor’s information.

a. The system let the library personnel choose the function he/she likes to

perform (add, edit, delete, generate visit report, generate id, generate

QR, scan in & out).

b. Once the library personnel choose the function, he/she likes one of the

sub-flows is executed.

i. If the library personnel, select “add visitor”, then add new visitor

for the visit hours sub-flow is executed

ii. If the library personnel, select “edit visitor”, then the edit visitor

for visitors’ information is updated.

iii. If the library personnel, select “delete visitor” then the visitor

information will be deleted.

iv. If the library personnel, select “generate visit report” the system

will let the user choose if he/she want to select specific date for

exporting or export all to excel.


v. If the library personnel, select “generate id” then the user must fill

up some information for the library card to be generate in PNG


vi. If the library personnel, select “generate QR” then the user must

fill the form for the QR generation.

vii. If the library personnel, click “Scan IN&OUT” then the system

will record the visitor entry if the visitor has record in entry then it

will record in exit or vice-versa.

Add visitor

a. The system display add visitor form.

b. The library personnel provide all the requested information.

c. The administrator click “submit” to submit the data to the database.

d. The system then saves the data.

Edit Visitor

a. The system retrieves the data of the selected visitor and display the edit

visitor form.

b. The library makes changes he/she wants to the visitor’s information.

c. The library personnel click “update” to update all the changes made to

the visitor’s information to the database.

Delete Visitor

a. The system retrieves and displays all the information of the selected


b. The library personnel may then select “Delete” to delete the selected


Generate Visit Report

a. The system will retrieve and displays all the information of all who

visit the library.

b. The system will let the user choose what date he/she likes to filter for

the report.

Generate ID

a. The system will display the add form for the generating of ID

b. The library personnel must fill-up all the requested information needed,

the picture of the library id will be the generated QR consist of library

user’s ID number.

Generate QR

a. The system will display the generate QR form

b. The library personnel must fill-up the form consist of library users ID


c. If the library personnel want to save the QR code, right-click the mouse

then save as images.

Messages & Receive

1.0 Description

This allows all the library user to receive messages, and to send message

to library users only library personnel can send message.

2.0 Pre-Condition

a. The library user’s and library personnel must log in to the system to gain

access to this use case.


3.0 Post-Condition

a. If the use case is successful the message will be display on the receive if

your library personnel and if your library user it will display on the


4.0 Flow of Events

4.1 Basic Flow

This use case takes effect when the library personnel wants to send or

view messages, or the library user wants to view the messages.

a. The system will display the message form.

b. The library personnel must first fill up the text fields and then click send

c. The system will send the save the data to the database and send it to the

specific user that he/she want to receive it.

d. The message that has been sent will be displayed at the specific users

messages use case.

4.2 Alternative Flow


a. If the library personnel wants to cancel this use case he/she can simply

press back and if the library user want also to cancel the use case he/she

can simply press back.

Manage Student

1.0 Description

This use case allows the library admin, librarian, and staff to view details

all the users information except the passwords of the user, the admin and

librarian has the privileges to delete a specific user in the system.

2.0 Pre- Condition

a. The library admin, librarian, and the staff must log-in to the system

before he/she can gain access to this use case.

3.0 Post- Condition

a. If the use case is successful, the Manage student is then updated in the

system corresponding to what sub-flow the library personnel had

performed. Otherwise, the system state is unchanged.

4.0 Flow of Events


4.1 Basic Flow

This use case takes effect when the library personnel wished to view

details or delete, manage information.

a. The system let the library personnel choose the function he/she likes to

perform (details and delete), only the librarian and admin can delete,

and library staffs can only view details.

b. Once the library personnel provide the requested information, one of

the following sub-flows is executed.

i. If the administrator selects “Details”, then all the information of the

user will be revealed except for the password.

ii. If the admin and librarian select “Delete”, the system will display

the confirmation dialog if you really want to delete this user.


a. The system will retrieve the user’s information.

b. The retrieve data will be displayed in the table


a. The system retrieves and displays all the information of the selected


b. The library admin may then select “Delete” to delete the selected user.

c. The system displays the confirmation dialog box if you really want to

delete this user.

4.2 Alternative Flow

a. If in the Delete sub-flow the library admin click cancel the process will

be terminated.

b. If the library personnel entered the invalid value, it will display no user


All Books

1.0 Description

This use case allows the library personnel to manage library books

information. This includes edit, details and delete from the system, also all

the library personnel and administrator can generate books reports, and the

library user can only view and request for book.


2.0 Pre-Condition

a. The library personnel and library user must log-in to the system to gain

access to this use case.

3.0 Post-Condition

a. If the use case if successful, the Books information is then updated in

the system corresponding to what sub-flow the library personnel had

performed. Otherwise, the system state is unchanged.

4.0 Flow of Events

4.1 Basic Flow

This use case takes when the library personnel wish to edit, delete, and

generate book report or view books information and the library user can only

view and request book.

a. The system let the library personnel and user to choose the function

he/she likes to perform (edit, delete, details, and generate book report,

request), the library user can only interact with view and request for


b. Once library personnel and user provide the requested information, one

of the following sub-flows is executed.

i. If the library admin select “delete”, then the book information will

be deleted in the system.

ii. If the library personnel select “Edit”, then the book information will

be updated to the system.

iii. If the library personnel select “Generate Book report”, then the

book information will be exported to excel.

iv. If the library personnel and user select “Details”, then the system

will display the book information.

v. If the library user selects “request”, then the system will send a

request to any of the library personnel.


a. The system retrieves and displays all the information of the selected


b. The library personnel or administrator can make any changes he/she

wants to the book information.


c. The library personnel or administrator may then click “Save” to update

all the changes made to the book information to the database.

d. The system then saves the data.

Delete Book

a. The system retrieves and displays all the information of the selected


b. The library personnel or administrator may then select “Delete” to

delete the selected book.

c. The system displays the confirmation dialog box if you really want to

delete this book.


a. The system will retrieve all the book information.

b. If the users want to view the full details of the book, he/she can click

“details” to view the full book information

Generate book report


a. The system will let the library personnel, choose he/she wants to

generate, the user can generate by book section and book status.


a. If the user clicks “request” the request will be sent to any library


4.2 Alternative Flow

a. If in the library personnel wants to cancel the transaction he/she can

simply press the cancel button to terminate the process, and the system

will then display the all books use case.

Issue/ Return Request

1.0 Description

This use case allows the library personnel to accept and reject the

requested book of the library user.

2.0 Pre-Condition

a. The library personnel must log-in to the system before he/she can gain

access to this use case.


3.0 Post-Condition

a. If the use case is successful, the book requested the accepted request will

be save to the records and the rejected the system will send a message to

the library user that the request of the book is rejected.

4.0 Flow of Events

4.1 Basic Flow

This use case takes effect when the library user sends a request to the

system and the library personnel must validated the request then the sub-flow


a. If the library user sent request it will appear at the library personnel,

“Issue/Return Request”, use case.

b. The system will let the library personnel choose what he/she likes

(accept and reject) once the library personnel select either of the two

options then the sub-flow is executed.

i. If the library personnel, select “accepted” then the requested book

will be saved to the records and the system will also send message to

the user that the book requested is accepted.


ii. If the library personnel, select “reject” then the system will send a

message to the user that the requested book is rejected.

4.2 Alternative Flow

a. If the library personnel want to cancel the transaction, he/she can simply

reject the request.

Previously Borrowed Books

1.0 Description

This use case allows the library personnel to “delete, view, and export to

excel” previously borrowed book information. Only the library personnel

can perform in this use case.

2.0 Pre-Condition

a. The library personnel must log-in to the system before he/she can gain

access to this use case.

3.0 Post-Condition

a. If the use case if successful, the Previously Borrowed books information

is then updated in the system corresponding to what sub-flow the library

personnel had performed. Otherwise, the system state is unchanged.

4.0 Flow of Events

4.1 Basic Flow

This use case takes effect when the library personnel want to view, delete,

and export to excel the previously borrowed books then the sub-flow is executed.

a. The system will retrieve the information and displays.

b. The system will let the library personnel choose functions what he/she

likes (delete and export to excel), if one of the functions is selected then

the sub-flow is executed, only the library admin and librarian can delete

the information in previously borrowed books.

i. If the library personnel, select “delete” then the selected data will be

deleted to the system the system will display the confirmation dialog

box if you really want to delete this data.

ii. If the library personnel, select “export to excel” then the all the

information of the previously borrowed books is exported to excel.



a. The system retrieves and displays all the information of the selected


b. The librarian and administrator may then select “Delete” to delete the

selected data.

c. The system displays the confirmation dialog box if you really want to

delete this data.

Export to Excel

a. The system will display all the previously borrowed books.

b. If the user click export to excel all the information if the previously

borrowed books will be exported to excel.

4.2 Alternative Flow

a. If a library personnel want to cancel the process, he/she can simply

select the cancel button.

Currently Borrowed Books

2.0 Description

This use case allows the library personnel to “delete, view, and export to

excel” currently borrowed book information. Only the library personnel

can perform in this use case.

2.0 Pre-Condition

b. The library personnel must log-in to the system before he/she can gain

access to this use case.

3.0 Post-Condition

b. If the use case if successful, the Currently Borrowed books information

is then updated in the system corresponding to what sub-flow the library

personnel had performed. Otherwise, the system state is unchanged.

4.0 Flow of Events

4.1 Basic Flow

This use case takes effect when the library personnel want to view, delete,

and export to excel the currently borrowed books then the sub-flow is executed.

c. The system will retrieve the information and displays.


d. The system will let the library personnel choose functions what he/she

likes (delete and export to excel), if one of the functions is selected then

the sub-flow is executed, only the library admin and librarian can delete

the information in currently borrowed books.

iii. If the library personnel, select “delete” then the selected data will be

deleted to the system the system will display the confirmation dialog

box if you really want to delete this data.

iv. If the library personnel, select “export to excel” then the all the

information of the currently borrowed books is exported to excel.


d. The system retrieves and displays all the information of the selected


e. The librarian and administrator may then select “Delete” to delete the

selected data.

f. The system displays the confirmation dialog box if you really want to

delete this data.

Export to Excel

c. The system will display all the currently borrowed books.

d. If the user click export to excel all the information if the currently

borrowed books will be exported to excel.

4.2 Alternative Flow

b. If a library personnel want to cancel the process he/she can simply select

the cancel button.

Recent Deletion Book

1.0 Description

This use case allows both librarian and administrator to view the recent

deletion of books, the system will display the: Book name, Deleter Name,

and Date of Deletion.

2.0 Pre-Condition

a. If the use case is successful, the system state remains unchanged

4.0 Flow of Events

4.1 Basic Flow


This use case takes effect when the librarian and administrator wish to

view recent deletion of books information.

a. The system will display all the recent deletion of books in the data


4.2 Alternative Flow

a. If a library employee chooses to return a currently issued book, he or she

can simply press the back button.


1.0 Description

This allows all the library user to logout their perspectives dashboard.

2.0 Pre-Condition

a. The library user must first logged-in before he/she can gain access to

this use case.

3.0 Post-Condition

a. If the use case is successful, the system will then display the login and

register form.

4.0 Flow of Events

4.1 Basic Flow

This use case takes effect when the library users wish to logout to the


a. The system will then logout the user to the system.

b. If the logout was successful, the system will then display the login and

registration form.

4.2 Alternative Flow

a. If the library user doesn’t want to log out the system state will remain


4.2.2 Activity Diagram

The activity diagram describes the workflow of stepwise activity and

actions within the Library Management System.


Fig. 5 Login Activity Diagram

The Login Activity Diagram shows the flow of activities and action during


Fig. 6 Manage User Activity Diagram

The manage user activity diagram shows the flow of activities and actions

in managing user. Manage All Books

Fig. 7

The manage all book activity diagram shows the flow of activities and

actions in managing books.


Fig. 8 Book Borrowing Activity Diagram

The book borrowing activity diagram show the flow of activities and

actions in managing user.

4.2.3 Sequence Diagram

Fig. 9 Library Visit – Add User

Library Visit – add user sequence diagram shows the sequence of

activities when adding users to library visit.


Fig. 10 Library Visit – Edit User

Library Visit – Edit user sequence diagram shows the sequence of

activities when editing user to the library visit.


Fig. 11 Library Visit – Delete User

Library Visit – Delete user sequence diagram shows the sequence of

activities when deleting users.


Fig. 12 Library Visit – In & Out

Library Visit – In & Out user sequence diagram shows the sequence

diagram of activities when in and out of the library visit.


Fig. 13 Library Visit – View User

Library Visit – View user sequence diagram shows the sequence of

activities when viewing users. Library Visit – Generate Visit Report

Fig. 14
Library Visit – Generate visit report sequence diagram shows the sequence

of activities when generating visit reports.


Fig. 15 Manage User – Add User

Manage User – Add user sequence diagram shows the sequence of

activities when adding users.


Fig. 16 Manage User – Edit User

Manage User – edit user sequence diagram shows the sequence of

activities when editing users.


Fig. 17 Manage User – Delete User

Manage User – Delete user sequence diagram shows the sequence of

activities when deleting users.


Fig. 18 Manage User – View User

Manage User – View user sequence diagram shows the sequence of

activities when viewing users


Fig. 19 Manage All Book – Add Book

Manage All Book – Add book sequence diagram shows the sequence of

activities when adding books


Fig. 20 Manage All Book – Edit Book

Manage All Book – Edit user sequence diagram shows the sequence of

activities when editing book.


Fig. 21 Manage All Book – Delete Book

Manage All Book – Delete book sequence diagram shows the sequence of

activities when deleting book.


Fig. 22 Manage All Book – View Book

Manage All Book – View user sequence diagram shows the sequence of

activities when viewing books.


Fig. 23 Request – Borrow Book

Request – Borrow book sequence diagram shows the sequence of

activities when borrowing book.


Fig. 24 Request – Renew Book

Request – Renew book sequence diagram shows the sequence of activities

when renewing borrowed books.


Fig. 25 Request – Return Book

Request – Return book sequence diagram shows the sequence of activities

when returning borrowed books.


Fig. 26 Generate Reports – Book Reports

Generate Reports – Book reports sequence diagram shows the sequence of

activities when generating a list of books.


Fig. 27 Generate Reports – Issued Book Report

Generate Reports – Issued book report sequence diagram shows the

sequence of activities when generating issued book reports.


Fig. 28

4.2.4 Class Diagrams

The Class Diagrams describe the structure of Library Management System

by showing the system’s classes, their attributes operation and the relationships

between their classes. User Login & Register

The user login and register class diagram shows the type of object and its

relationships in logging in the system.


Fig. 29 Library Visit

The library visit class diagram shows the type of objects and its

relationships in managing library visit information.


Fig. 30 Manage User

The manage user class diagram shows the type of objects and its

relationships in managing user information.


Fig. 31 Manage All Books

The manage all books class diagram shows the type of object and its

relationships in managing books information.


Fig. 32 Generate Reports

The generate report class diagram shows the type of objects and its

relationship in report generation.


Fig. 33
4.2.5 State Transition Diagrams

The state transition diagrams describe the change of state of the Library

Management System by showing the system’s state transitions which represent

the change of states. Login

The login state transition diagram shows the states the transition in

logging in the system.


Fig. 34 Logout

The logout state transition diagram shows the state and transitions in

logging out the system.

Fig. 35 Library Visit – Add User


The library visit – Add user state transition diagram shows the states and

transitions in adding library visit information.

Fig. 36 Library Visit – Edit User

The library visit – Edit user state transition diagram shows the states and

transitions in updating library visit information. Library Visit – Delete User

Fig. 37

The library visit – Delete user state transition diagram shows the states and

transitions in deleting library visit information.

Fig. 38
81 Manage User – Add User

The manage user – Add user state transition diagram shows the states and

transitions in adding user information.

Fig. 39 Manage User – Edit User

The manage user – Edit user state transition diagram shows the states and

transition in updating user information.

Fig. 40 Manage User – Delete User


The manage user – Delete user state transition diagram shows the states

and transition in deleting user information.

Fig. 41 Manage All Book – Add Book

The manage all book – Add user state transition diagram shows the states

and transitions in adding book information.

Fig. 42
83 Manage All Book – Edit Book

The manage all book – Edit book state transition diagram shows the states

and transitions in updating book information.

Fig. 43 Manage All Book – Delete Book

The manage all book – Delete book state diagram shows the states and

transitions in deleting book information.

Fig. 44
84 Issue Book

The issue book state transition diagram shows the states and transitions in

issuing book to the borrower.

Fig. 45 Return Book

The return book state transition diagram shows the states and transitions in

returning book to the library.

Fig. 46

4.2.6 Deployment Diagram

The deployment diagram below models the hardware and software used in

Library Management System.


Fig. 47

4.2.7 Database Design Model Entity-Relationship Diagram

The entity-relationship diagram (ERD) represents data objects and their

relationships. ERD also provides a mechanism that represents the associability

between objects.

Fig. 48

4.2.8 Physical Database Diagram

The tables below show the actual design of the database according to the

requirements gathered in the logical modeling.

Table 1
Data Member Name Description Type Mandatory Unique
BookId The unique Numbe Yes Yes
identifier of book r
Section Book Section Text Yes Yes
Subject Classification of Text Yes No
Textbook Title of book Text Yes No

Volume Number of Numbe Yes No

chapters in book r
Year Copyright Year of Numbe Yes No
book r
Availability Number of copies Numbe Yes No
of book r
Author Writer of the book Text Yes No
ISBN Unique number Text Yes No
given to every
book before
publication to
identify the
publisher, title,
edition, and
volume number.
Status Book status Text Yes No


Id Unique identifier Numbe Yes Yes
of record r
RollNo Unique identifier Numbe Yes Yes
of User r
BookId Unique identifier Numbe Yes Yes
of book r
Date_of_Issue The date of book Date Yes No
was issued
Due_date The due Date of Date Yes No
book issue
Date_of_return The Date of return Date Yes No
of book
Renewal_left The Renewal left Numbe Yes No
of book issue r
Time The time of Time Yes No

request of user is
RollNo The unique Numbe Yes Yes
identifier of User r
BookId The unique Numbe Yes Yes
identifier of Book r
RollNo The unique Numbe Yes Yes
identifier of User r
BookId The unique Numbe Yes Yes
identifier of Book r
BookId The unique Numbe Yes Yes
identifier of Book r
Deletor The name of the Text Yes No
one who delete the
Item The name of the Text Yes No
book deleted
Date The date of book Date Yes No
RollNo The unique Numbe Yes Yes
identifier of User r
and the username
Name The name of the Text Yes No
Type Type of user a Text Yes No
Category The category Text Yes No
where the user

Department If the user is a Text Yes No
student, it is the
department where
the user belongs
EmailId The user email Text Yes No
Password The password of Text Yes Yes
the user
M_id The unique Numbe Yes Yes
identifier of the r
Sender The name of the Text Yes No
RollNo The unique Numbe Yes Yes
identifier of the r
Msg The content of the Text Yes No
Date The date message Date Yes No
was sent
Time The time message Time Yes No
was sent
Id The unique Numbe Yes Yes
identifier of visitor r
in the database
STUDENTID The unique Numbe Yes Yes
identifier of the r
visitor in the
FIRSTNAME The name of Text Yes No

AGE The age of the Numbe Yes No
visitor r
GENDER The gender of the Text Yes No
CATEGORY The category of Text Yes No
the visitor
DEPARTMENT The visitor Text Yes No
category where the
visitor belongs.
ID The unique Numbe Yes Yes
identifier of the r
visitor in
STUDENTID The visitor unique Numbe Yes Yes
identifier that the r
webcam read
TIMEIN The time in of the Time Yes No
TIMEOUT The time out of Time Yes No
the visitor
LOGDATE The visit date of Date Yes No
the visitor in the
STATUS The status of the Text Yes No
time in and out if
the time has no
time out it is not

4.3 System Functions

4.3.1 Program Structure


Fig. 49
4.4 Physical Environment and Resources

This section discusses the minimum hardware and software requirement

needed for both developers and client to implement and execute the system.

4.4.1 Developer’s Requirement

Table 4.1 shows the minimum hardware requirement needed by the

system developer to convene with the system’s specifications.

Table 4.1
3.29 Ghz Processor or better System Processor chip – allow fast
processing of data and enabling high
speed performance of the computer.

2 GB DDRAM or better RAM required to run the system –

gives computer high memory
capabilities to process number of tasks

250 Hard Drive or better Disk Storage for system programs,

OS, etc.

Mouse & Keyboard and Webcam Input Devices

17’’ Color monitor Output Device


Table 4.2 shows the minimum software requirements needed by the

developers in the actual implementation of system.


Windows Operating System, preferably Interfaces between hardware and
Windows 7 or better application

Web Development Application Editor, Editor for web development

preferably Sublime Text 3 applications such as HTML,
JavaScript, and PHP codes.
MySQL Object-Relational Database

Web Browser, preferably Mozilla Firefox Display web application

Table 4.2

4.4.2 Client’s Requirements

For the client’s side, the minimum hardware and software requirement are

shown in the tables below.

Table 4.3
3.29 Ghz Processor or better System Processor chip – allow fast
processing of data and enabling high
speed performance of the computer.

4 GB DDRAM or better RAM required to run the system –

gives computer high memory
capabilities to process number of tasks

250 Hard Drive or better Disk Storage for system programs,

OS, etc.

Mouse & Keyboard and Webcam Input Devices

17’’ Color monitor Output Device

Table 4.4 Client’s Software Requirements.

Table 4.4
Windows Operating System, preferably Interfaces between hardware and
Windows 7 or better applications
Web browser, preferably Google Chrome Displays web application
Version 3.0 or better

4.5 Design and Implementing Issues

In this section, the design and implementation of the major data structures and

algorithms used in the software is discussed as well as the major issues and the

problems encountered during the development of the system and the respective

solutions deployed by the developer.


4.5.1 Database Schema

5 CREATE TABLE `book` (

 `Section` varchar(255) NOT NULL,
 `Subject` varchar(50) DEFAULT NULL,
 `Textbook` varchar(255) NOT NULL,
 `Volume` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL,
 `Year` varchar(50) DEFAULT NULL,
 `Availability` int(5) DEFAULT NULL,
 `Author` varchar(255) NOT NULL,
 `ISBN` varchar(255) NOT NULL,
 `Status` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL,

6 CREATE TABLE `message` (

 `Sender` varchar(255) NOT NULL,
 `RollNo` varchar(50) DEFAULT NULL,
 `Msg` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL,
 `Date` date DEFAULT NULL,
 `Time` time DEFAULT NULL,
 KEY `RollNo` (`RollNo`),
 CONSTRAINT `message_ibfk_1` FOREIGN KEY (`RollNo`)
REFERENCES `user` (`RollNo`)

7 CREATE TABLE `record` (

 `RollNo` varchar(255) NOT NULL,
 `BookId` int(255) NOT NULL,
 `Date_of_Issue` date NOT NULL,
 `Due_Date` date NOT NULL,

 `Date_of_Return` date NOT NULL,

 `Dues` int(255) NOT NULL,
 `Renewals_left` int(255) NOT NULL,
 `Time` time NOT NULL,

8 CREATE TABLE `renew` (

 `RollNo` varchar(50) NOT NULL,
 `BookId` int(10) NOT NULL,
 PRIMARY KEY (`RollNo`,`BookId`),
 KEY `BookId` (`BookId`),
`user` (`RollNo`),
`book` (`BookId`)

9 CREATE TABLE `return` (

 `RollNo` varchar(255) NOT NULL,
 `BookId` int(255) NOT NULL,
 `deletor` varchar(255) NOT NULL,
 `item` varchar(255) NOT NULL,
 `date` timestamp NOT NULL DEFAULT current_timestamp() ON UPDATE

11 CREATE TABLE `user` (

 `RollNo` varchar(50) NOT NULL,
 `Name` varchar(50) DEFAULT NULL,
 `Type` varchar(50) DEFAULT NULL,
 `Category` varchar(50) DEFAULT NULL,

 `Department` varchar(255) NOT NULL,

 `EmailId` varchar(50) DEFAULT NULL,
 `MobNo` bigint(11) DEFAULT NULL,
 `Password` varchar(50) DEFAULT NULL,
 PRIMARY KEY (`RollNo`),
 UNIQUE KEY `EmailId` (`EmailId`)

12 CREATE TABLE `attendance` (

 `STUDENTID` varchar(250) NOT NULL,
 `TIMEIN` varchar(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT current_timestamp(),
 `TIMEOUT` varchar(250) NOT NULL,
 `LOGDATE` varchar(250) NOT NULL,
 `STATUS` varchar(250) NOT NULL,

13 CREATE TABLE `student` (

 `STUDENTID` varchar(250) NOT NULL,
 `FIRSTNAME` varchar(250) NOT NULL,
 `AGE` varchar(250) NOT NULL,
 `GENDER` varchar(250) NOT NULL,
 `CATEGORY` varchar(255) NOT NULL,
 `DEPARTMENT` varchar(255) NOT NULL,

4.5.2 Risk Management

When developing the system, looking ahead for any unexpected events

and circumstances that might arise during the development of the system is

necessary. The developers must plan for whatever backup is needed and

eventually creating them before any software or hardware failure occurs.

In case of power interruption which is obviously the most common event

that will occur, an Uninterrupted Power Supply (UPS) must be used or any power

supply which will prevent the occurring of abrupt power interruption. Thus,

improper shutdown of the computer or termination of the processes that are

currently running won’t be disastrous to the system being developed. To block the

information thieves, hackers and unauthorized users, the system is username and

password protected. For security of data, a secured database is used to store data


4.6 Functionalities and Testing

The system was thoroughly tested throughout its development. Its goal

was to resolve faults and issues that were either visible or invisible to the system's

end users. The system was tested by the developers, as well as the designated

library person-in-charge and librarian, to ensure that the project objectives were

met. The table below shows the result of the test for each system’s function

conducted by the developers.

Table 4.6.1

Login Input Success Access Display Error Message

username and to main control
password  Please enter required
 Invalid username or
Manage Input new Success New Display Error Message
User user user added
 Please input all required
Edit User User has been N/A

Delete User Success User N/A

was deleted

Manage Input new Success New Display Error Message

All Book Book Book Added
 Please input all required
Edit Book Success Book N/A
data was

Delete Book Success Book N/A

was deleted

Currently Delete all All record has Display Error Message

Issue Record been deleted
Book  No Records Found

Issue Accept Request for N/A

Book book has been

Rejected Request for N/A

book has been

Renew Accept Book renewal Display Error Message

Book has been
accepted  Book renewal has been
Reject Book renewal N/A
has been

Book Accept Book return has N/A

Return been accepter

Book Issue Book Request N/A

Request has been sent

Table 4.6.2 presents the results and interpretation of the data gathered

during the testing and evaluation for each system’s function done by the selected

Library personnel based on the rating given in the evaluation checklist.

Table 4.6.2
Functions Mean Rating Remarks

Manage User Add User


Edit User

View User

Delete User

Manage All Book Add Book

Manage All Book
Edit Book

View Book

Delete User

4.7 Result and Discussion

It shows the result of the statement: the rate performance of MSU-LNAC

students and Library Staffs in terms of library management system and the rate of

performance of the proposed system in terms of the following features. The table

below discuss the result of the evaluation.

4.7.1 Proposed System Evaluation of MSU-LNAC Students and

Library Staffs.

Table 1. Weighted Mean (WM) ACCURACY (n=24).

INDICATORS WM Interpretation

1.1 The proposed system displays the accurate book borrowing 3.54 Agree

1.2 The proposed system displays the proper book return list. 3.5 Agree

1.3 The proposed system will keep track of all book 3.75 Agree
Average Weighted Mean = 3.59 (Agree)

Table 1 shows the accuracy of the proposed system. The proposed system

displays the accurate book borrowing list, The proposed system displays the

proper book return list. and the proposed system will keep track of all book

information with the weighted mean 3.54, 3.5 and 3.75 respectively. The MSU-

LNAC students and library staffs liked the accuracy of the system.

Table 2. Weighted Mean (WM) EFFECIENCY (n=24).

INDICATORS WM Interpretation

2.1 The proposed system has a step-by-step method for issuing 3.58 Agree

2.2 The proposed system can swiftly select a book. 3 Undecided

2.3 The proposed system can quickly generate reports. 3.54 Agree

Average Weighted Mean = 3.37 (Undecided)


Table 2 shows the efficiency of the proposed system. The proposed system

has a step-by-step method for issuing books, The proposed system can swiftly

select a book and the proposed system can quickly generate reports with the

weighted mean 3.58, 3 and 3.54 respectively. The MSU-LNAC students and

library staffs liked the efficiency of the system.

Table 3. Weighted Mean (WM) RELIABILITY (n=24).

INDICATORS WM Interpretation

3.1 The proposed system demonstrates proper bookkeeping 3.54 Agree


3.2 The proposed system produces useful results. 3.66 Agree

3.3 The proposed system requires simple effort. 3.66 Agree

Average Weighted Mean = 3.62 (Agree).

Table 3 shows the reliability of the proposed system. The proposed system

demonstrates proper bookkeeping procedures, The proposed system produces

useful results, and the proposed system requires simple effort with the weighted

mean 3.54, 3.66 and 3.66 respectively. The MSU-LNAC students and library

staffs liked the efficiency of the system.

Table 4. Weighted Mean (WM) USER-FRIENDLINESS (n=24).


INDICATORS WM Interpretation

4.1 The proposed system demonstrates proper bookkeeping 4.17 Agree


4.2 The proposed system produces useful results. 3.95 Agree

Average Weighted Mean = 4.06 (Agree). Table 4 shows the user-friendliness

of the proposed system. The proposed system demonstrates proper bookkeeping

procedures, and the proposed system produces useful results with the weighted

mean 4.17 and 3.95 respectively. The MSU-LNAC students and library staffs

liked the efficiency of the system.

Table 5. Weighted Mean (WM) SECURITY (n=24).

INDICATORS WM Interpretation

5.1 The administrators take control throughout the entire 3.87 Agree

5.2 It secures the information of each user of the system. 3.54 Agree

Average Weighted Mean = 4.06 (Agree).

Table 5 shows the security of the proposed system. The administrators

take control throughout the entire system, and it secures the information of each

user of the system with the weighted mean 3.87 and 3.54 respectively. The MSU-

LNAC students and library staffs liked the efficiency of the system.

4.7.3 Summary

The tables show the result of the respond of the respondent in terms of its

proposed system. There are 100% of respondent of students and 100% of library

staffs. The rate of performance of the proposed system is 3.63 means agreeing of

using proposed system. This result show that the proposed system and manual

system result.

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