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SERAPION C. BASALO MEMORIAL. COLLEGES, INC. Dura Tibas St., Poblacion, Kiblawan, Davao del Sur P.E 101 | (MOVEMENT ENHANCEMENT) MODULE 3 Subject Instructors: Nikko Paolo M. Gonzaga, LPT Mnikko0é 09300284074 1-0129, 1-0288, 1-0408, 1-0058, 1-0464, 1-0487, 2-0505, 2-0708, 7- 0623, 7-0760, 7-0632, 7-0644, 7-0659, 7-0728, 7-0681, 2-0455, 2- 0015, 2-0250, 2-0538, 2-0063, 2-0196, 2-0249, 2-0403, 2-0179, 2- 0520, 2-0327;, 2-0373, 1-0267, 1-0372, 1-0421, 1-0308, 1-0203, 1- 0025, Dary Jean Veratlo, LPT yvin 09260478033 29843, 50873, 2-0912, 2-0486, 2-0555, 2-0083, 73, 5-0428, 5-0385, 5-0379, 1- Module No. & Title Module Overview Lessons in the module P.E 101 - Movement Enhancement Good day! Welcome to module 3, you are about to learn the Movernent Enhancement Exercise for Fitness. May you deal with the importance of proper and safe movement with our body. Keep your attention to this matter and enjoy your learning journey! | Taken from clustered ILO’s Module Objectives/Outcomes | « Demonstrate Physical Exercise + Recognize the safety measures for physical conditioning; warm-up Exercise; + Do testing activities. a aa = For students to have an idea, just simply enumerate lessons contained in | a module. Lesson 1: Warm up Activities Lesson 2: Warm up Exercise in Routine Lesson 3: Cool Down Activities | | Directions: Analyze the picture shown below and list down the | associated words. } Analysis | | Will you able to answer the following question based on your own perception, experience and knowledge? Try to assess yourself on the best way you can, so that it (will become easier for you to deal with every situation given, 1, How important exercise is in our body? 2. How will you promote proper exercise to your peers and family’? Abstraction Warm up activities Here's the breakdown, 10 exercises 30 seconds each no equipment needed; only body weight exercises are used eo fe Warm Up Exercises inthis Routine: Lateral Steps+ Pulls + step from side to side, tapping your foot behind the body of the leading leg, at the same time, wave both ams up in front of your body (in front of and above your head) and then pull them back downwards to your sites in a full sweeping Tange of motion Stow Rocking Butt Kickers + a slower intense of our regular kickers to get your lower body warmed up and on upper body movements as well if you like, especially if you are about to jump into a routine that is heavy and upper body exercises. High Knee Pulls + full one me upwards towards your core, while reaching up and then down with both hands so that your elbows and the high knee are your core at the same time. Arms Swing+ Lateral Steps + similar to the first move, stem from side to side while tapping the toe of the following foot behind the leading/supporting leg, all while swinging arms out and then in front of the body, crossing over one another. Four Torso Twists+ Knees + from side to side for four times, and then bring one me up to the opposite elbow. If you follow this same count (1234, knee), you should be bringing a different knee up each and every time. Jog in Place ‘+ just like it sounds get that heart rate up! Bodyweight Squats + if your legs aren't feeling quite warmed up yet, keep the squats shallow. keep your butt back and your weight in your heels Front Kicks + kick high and in front of the body, alternating which kick is doing the kicking keep your core tight for an added tonight benefit. Boxer Shuffle + hop from side to side, tapping the non-leading leg on the ground in the center or the distance that you are hopping back and forth Cross Toe Touches ‘+ ridge down to touch the toes of your foot with the opposite hand. Cool Down Activities Here's the breakdown 10 exercises 30 seconds each With or without equipment 1. Walking The creme de la creme up cool down exercises, according to research, is walking, it doesn't matter what kind of work out you do; taking a nice walk after white always seems to be toward the top of all the list. when we say walking, we don't mean power walking where you're pumping your arms and legs. we are talking about a nice leisurely stroll, you don't keep moving what it happens. it's a classic, it's a favorite and it's also highly recommended. se = 2. Stretch those Legs While this mostly applies to runners a great cool down exercise is stretching your legs, this includes all the classics like pulling your leg up behind you to stretch your hamstrings are trying to touch your toes. there are other more complex stretches that ‘more of less stretch the same areas. even if it is all upper body a good stretch to the legs can be a great cool down exercise. 3. Stretch that Chest A few of our cooldown exercise choices will bea stretching. thisis just a heads up because they're very effective for cooling down and they're all Pretty easy 10 do, a popular one is lacing your fingers behind your back, straightening out your arms ond Tooking up atthe ceiling. this is effective at stretching your chest muscles 4. Stretch that Arms Tf you've ever noticed even runners stretch their ams before they go running some fuently it also one of the more effective cool down exercises. it helps to get Your shoulders and your arms loosen up. nearly every morning involves yout arms one nebula stetches, crossing your arms across your body and stretching isa good one. placing your hand of your back and have stretch the back of your arme ae wel $. Stretch out that Core The core of your body is often something that gets overlooked in both stretching an Serese and general. So, it's not only great to include in your cooldown exercise bur also recommended since your core is, well, your core. you should be working it out no hatter What. @ popular yoga technique isto get on your hands and knees then rer your back lke a cat followed by bowing it out lke the letter e. ths helps both your core and Your back. these are the two essentials when exercising and cooling dows 6 Jumping Jacks Now, we get back into lighter exercise that also work well for cool down exercises favorite isthe jumping jack. Yes, it may sect alittle bit like middle chev? gym class but jumping jacks are you actually an effective exercise. the motes of jumping Spreading and putting your arms down and bring them back up to clap works is a good Portion of your upper body so pretty much everything gets worked or 7 Swimming Ifyou have access to a pool at your home, or your gym, a quick dip in the pool can be great for cooldown. treading water uses almost the same muscles of “jumping jacks G0. doing the Olympic style swimming works the same muscles, burro higher degree So, you can even very your swimming intensity 8 Geta Massage This one isnt an exercise on the face of it but it can be effective as many cool down Feat age point of cooldowm exercises isto transition your body fom exer to oe, Batis getting rid of full blood leftover from when your veins ana arteries pumping blood of the body didn't need anymore. white its preferred thar you exercise this exists Noms with a massage and itis accomplished pretty much with same thing, Note: it's not recommended to go straight from workout 16 massage doing at least a few cool down exercises first as preferable. 9. Exercise Specific Drills sais one is litle complex. if you baby working out your legs the most of all. she doing some squats after around keeps ‘Your lungs pumping without the stress of actually ‘inning, this can lift very easily and just do a lot of repetitions, for runners, down and — 6 ir doing scissor kicks can be an excellent coo! down. if you have been cycling start out in fifth gear then gradually working your way to first gear. 10. Exercise Mimicry Exercise mimicry is when you perform the same exercise you were just performing, but with less resistance. a couple of good examples are actually above. less weight and cycling in a lower gear are two great examples. however, you can do this without machines too. if you just finished playing soccer, then maybe a light jog or a brisk walk While dribbling the ball will be more effective. when you mini-q exercises with less resistance, you work the exact same muscle white on. So, you're cooling down everything that got a workout. Muscle Sample Stretchin, Sample Strengthening | _ Other Group, Bxercises Pipxercises Exercises Extensore Good morning exercise Rotators | Hip roll Bicycle Reverse tts wk [Exercises Characteristics Hip flexion sit: Lifting straight upper body with hip flexion Muscle Activity ; * Higher activity in abdominals than in curl-up. * Even though external oblique is less than rectus abdominus and internal oblique, external oblique more active than in curl-up. High hip flexor activity No change in abdominal activity with legs supported or unsupported | Characteristics Muscle Activity Sit-up: Combination of trunk and hip flexion; flex trunk first then flex hip Similar activity seen in hip flexion sit up Exercises Characteristics Leg-lift: One or two legs Muscle Activity so > In bilateral leg lift, there is high activity in rectus femoris and external oblique. * Little activity in abdominal if only one Jeg is lifted. + High activity in hip flexor - Higher than in other activities with unsupported limbs a Kectus femuris activity similar to si Sagittal/Anteroposterior Frontal/Lateral —_ Horizontal/Transverse Plane Plane Plane Figure 1-20. Movement in all three planes, Most human movement use movements in all three planes. The release phase of the overhand throw illustrates movements in all three planes. The sagittal plane movement is viewed from the side, the frontal plane movement from the rear, and the transverse plane movement, from above. 4 Cc SAGITTAL PLANE MOVEMENTS ABOUT THE CENTER OF GRAVITY SAGITTAL PLANE MOVEMENTS ABOVE AN EXTERNAL AXIS SAGITTAL MOVEMENT PLANE MOVEMENT ABOUT AN EXTERNAL AXIS Figure 1-17. Movements in the sagittal plane. Sagittal plane movements are typically flexions and extensions or some forward or backward turning exercise. The movements can take place about a joint axis, the center of gravity, or an external axis. s®@ TRAVERSE PLANE MOVEMENTS Transverse Plane Movements ‘About External Axes Movements in the transverse plane. Transverse plane movements are usually rotations occurring about a longitudinal axis running through a joint, the center gravity, or an external Tronirtise Pane Movements About the contact point. Center Gravity — S@ Dorsal flexion Neutral Plantar flexion Hip Flexion ( — favourable THIGH FOREARMS Supination Neutral Pronation ARM FORWARD FLEXION ABDUCTION Pelvis Femur LEG eo Media! rotation Lateral rotation TRUNK lan THIGH (( Abduction Adduction ARM se 2@ luction tension Abduction aca mn | Dy Adduction Hyper-extension =). 2. Flexion FINGERS Reference positions + Anatomical position — most widely used & accurate for all aspects of the body — standing in an upright posture, facing straight ahead, feet parallel and close, & palms facing forward + Fundamental position —is essentially same as anatomical position except arms are at the sides & facing the body — $d — Applicaton Finally! you are on the stage of self-checking. Answer the activities provided below, and you are reminded 10 follow the instructions carefully. Finjoy your learning \_ application! Do your best and be honest In a form of dance, perform the warm-up and coo! performing the Warm-up Exercise routine and the Cool Down Activities, please, do have a self-introduction first before proceeding to your performance Please Submit or Upload your videos on the official Facebook page, SCBMCI PE 101. ALY 2022-2023 (https://www. facebook com/groups/92627714 1661948). Note: You may ask for assistance on recording your video with your friends, siblings or other family member and please wear a proper P.E attire or sports attire. Please do it on a safe area or do it on your home for safety, thank you, and to those students who are differently able you may perform those human movements that you are capable to do with, thank you Rubrics: Proper Execution - 50% Presentation audio and video - 30% Creativity 20% 100% Module Assessment Test 1 - Multiple Choices 1, Steps from side to side, tapping your foot behind the body of the leading leg, what is this warm up exercise routine? a. Lateral steps + Pulls b. Slow Rocking Butt Kickers c. Jog in Place d._ Front Kicks 2. Jus like it sounds get tht heart rate up, what is this warm up exercise routine? a. Boxer Shufffle b. Cross Toe Touches ©. Front Kicks 4. Jog in Place 3. A few of our cool down exercises choices will be stretching. This is just a heads up because they are very effective for cooling down and theyre all pretty easy to do, what is this cool down activities? a. Waliking b. Stretch that chest ©. Strecth those legs d. Swimming This is when you peform the same exercise you were just performing but with less resistance, what is this cool down activity? a. Swimming b. Get a Massage . Exercise Mimicry dd. Jumping jacks 5. The following are cool down activities, EXCEPT; 2@ ) — &@ Swimming Jumping Jacks Get a Massage Jog in Place 6. Reach down to touch the toes of your foot with the opposite hand, what is this activity? aege Front Kicks Cross toe Touches High Knee Pulls ‘Arm Swings+Lateral Steps 7. Which of the following is a Lateral Stepps + Pulls? a. Step from side to side, tapping your foot behind the body of the leading leg . Just like it sounds get that heart rate up ¢. Reach fdown to touch the toes of your foot with the opposite hand 4. ‘Twist from side to side four times, and then bring one knee up to the opposite below. 8. The following are warm up exercise routine, EXCEPT; a. Walking b. Jog in Place ¢. Body Weigth Squats d. High knee pulls 9. Kick high and in front of the body, alternating which kick is doing the kicking, what is this activitty? a. Jog in place b. Front Kicks ©. Four torso Twist + Knees d. Boxer Shuffle 10. Hop from side to side, topping the non-leading leg on the ground in the center or the distance that you are hopping back and forth. a. Front kicks b. Jog in Place ©. Lateral Steps + Pulls 4. Boxer Shuffle aege Test II - Identification and Fill in the Blanks Instruction: Identify the following and at the same time fill in the blanks. 1. Full one me upwards towards your core, while reaching up and then down with both hands so that your elbows and the are your core at the same time. 2. Hop from side to side, tapping the Teg on the ground in the center or the distance that you are hopping back and forth. 3. If your legs aren't feeling quite warmed up yet, keep the squats keep your butt back and your weight in your heels 4. Kick high and in front of the body, which kick is doing the kicking. keep your core tight for an added tonight benefit. 5. Similar to the first move, stem from side to side while the toe of the following foot behind the leading/supporting leg, all while swinging arms out and then in front of the body, crossing over one another. rs | 6. This one is a little complex. if you baby working out your legs the most of all. she doing some squats after around keeps your lungs pumping without the stress of actually running. this can lift very easily and just do a lot of repetitions. for runners, down and doing seissor kicks “cool down. if you have been cycling start out in fifth gear then gradually working your way to first gear. A slower intense of our regular kickers to get your lower body warmed up and. on as well iff you like, especially if you are about to jump into a routine that is heavy and upper body exercises, 8. Just like it__get that heart rate up. 9. Ridge down to touch the toes of your foot with the ___ 10, If you have access to a pool at your home, or your gym, a quick dip in the pool can be great for cooldown, treading water uses almost the same muscles of jumping jacks do. doing the swimming works the same muscles, but to a higher degree. So, you can even very your swimming intensity. | Congratulations! You hurdle module 3 successfully. You may proceed to the last task | given below. Keep your enthusiasm! Referrences Punzalan, M., Habana, A., Crystal, L., etal. (2019). Physical Education 1 ‘Mindshapers Co.,INC. Rm, 108, ICP Bldg., Recoletos St., Intramuros, Mani s@

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