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High Speed Dual Curving Technology

My name is Rajat Dagar from class xii non medical.
Lets go direct to idea.

Today world is in emerging into a small village to a small house. For this
answer is better transportation. Not only better transportation but faster in
speed. But on ground speed is the game of high speed trains like bulet and
Lets go direct to maglev train.
A technological and powerful
train still slower than hyperloop but
soon will give race to it.
Now come to point that high speed rail construction is not easy. Their big
problem i see to construct straight alignment and dual track ie up and down
adding to its cost to construct. So i first focus on maglev technology not on
bullet train because of efficiency of my concept in it.
Now, my concept is answer to this problem so that India can spread or
convert its entire Indian Railway on Maglev Technology.
1. Dual Train Climbing Technolgy

How? Possible?
Yes it is possible. Train climb hills or bridge at high speed easily. It is
simple like a train have to climb average 5 m up and then down. Both
trains will have maglev tracks over on roof and nose body. Maglev
train will come and climb the other and move ahead like a bridge.
Now going to some factors, first nose of train with track has to be
minimum in length that train can easily climb other train. In general
length of nose will be minimum 200m.
2. Curve and Tilt Technology
This is a special technology and will work like roller coaster.
I explain in simple way
Basically, first reduce the coaches length not to small but to a little
extent ie on average of 60 m to average of 40m.
Then make nose in segments ie not single long nose of 200m but
same here in segments of 40-50 m.
Then have maglev tracks not of fixed attachments but can be able to
have curves in it ie flexible and can tilt little bit.
Use technology of tilt of train in which coaches are dual ie one
attached to rail that will tilt on curves to max extent of 10 degree and
One fixed to base do not tilt ie remain straight means passegnger will
not feel like they are in roller coaster but in normal high speed train.
Here a complex system will be developed in which high speed
maglev will climb, run high speed on curve and will tilt but all things
will be managed with technolgy.

Here all understand this point. In contrast one can object that not to
make complex system, have simple and make straight and dual track
But my concept can make high speed technology not on plains but on
hills areas also. In simple, india is opting to make double decker
flyover instead of two single flyover due to cost of construction and
area availiblity. One can also object maintaince cost but same here
that my concept will have less in comparison to current technology.


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