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Part 1: Match the words with their definitions (2 pts)

assemble purchase warehouse
trainee intern
1. a large building where goods are prepared for delivery
2. put different parts together
3. buy from another business
4. someone who is learning a job or profession
5. a student who works in a company
Part 2: Complete the text about looking for work abroad with words from the box. (2pts)
customers menu make delicious
colleagues do important friendly
employment socializing dessert operation

Successful Business Entertaining

Today, you don’t _______ (1) business only in your office. All over the world, people understand that it is
_________ (2) to entertain business partners, _______ (3) and suppliers. When you plan to go for a meal
with your visitors, there are few rules to remember. First, don’t take them to a restaurant that nobody knows!

You want a place with a pleasant atmosphere, _______ (4) food and efficient service. So if you do not know
where to go, ask your friends and __________ (5) to recommend.
Secondly, choose a restaurant with a varied _________ (6) so everybody can find a dish they like or want to
try. Remember too that some of your guests may be vegetarians.
Finally, relax and be open to cultural differences. Some people like a quick lunch or dinner and are very
happy with just a main course, but some like to spend more time ________ (7) and also expect an aperitif,
starter, main course, _________ (8), coffee and of course good conversation!
Part 3: Read the text and answer the questions below. (2.5pts)

Local cable television provider has an opening in its accounting

department for a customer account representative. Responsibilities
include answering customer telephone inquiries about billing and
resolving billing disputes. Must have at least two years experience in
customer service. Experience with accounting, wiling, or collections
desirable. Proficiency with word processing and spreadsheet
software required. College degree in accounting or related field
desirable. The right candidate will also have excellent
communication and organization skills. Send resume and cover
letter to: Ms. Ahmad, Human Resources Director, Universal Cable
Company, 1123 25th Street, Putnam, OH 44408

June 25, 20_

Ms. Ahmad
Human Resources Director
Universal Cable Company
1123 25th Street
Putnam, OH 44408
Dear Ms. Ahmad:
I am interested in applying for the position you advertised in the Sunday edition of the Local Tines. I have
all the qualifications for the job, and more. I have worked for several years as a customer service
representative for a mail order company—in fact, for three more years than you require. Prior to that, I
worked for four years in the billing department of a Iocal magazine. Though my college degree is in
French, I took two semesters of accounting classes. I also have experience using the computer software
your ad mentioned.
I hope you will consider me as a candidate for the position. I look forward to hearing from you.
Joe Butler

1. What kind of job is Joe applying for? (C) For a mail order company
(A) Salesperson (D) For a cable television provider
(B) Software engineer 4. How long has Joe had his current job?
(C) Human resources director (A) Two years
(D) Customer account representative (B) Three years
2. What should job applicants send to Ms.Ahmad? (C) Four years
(A) A resume (D) Five years .
(B) A billing statement 5. What field is Joe's college degree in?
(C) A letter of recommendation (A) Computer science
(D) A copy of their college diploma (B) Communications
3. Where does Joe work now? (C) Accounting
(A) For a magazine (D) French
(B) For a French company

Part 4: Complete the following sentences. You have to write more than 8 words. (1.5pts)
1. Sales staff are responsible for ___________________________________________________________
______________________________________________________________________________________ .
2. If customers are satisfied with your products, they ___________________________________________
______________________________________________________________________________________ .
Part 5: Translate the following sentences into Vietnamese. (2pts)
1. It is common for interns to work without pay, but the experience they gain compensates for not
receiving a salary.
______________________________________________________________________________________ .
______________________________________________________________________________________ .
2. Not many entry-level jobs are really interesting, but they all allow you to take the first step on your
career path to promotion and management positions.
______________________________________________________________________________________ .
______________________________________________________________________________________ .


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