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Love or money

When I hear or read a debate about which would be more important, money or
love, I just think that it doesn't have to be black or white, there are shades in the
middle, why should we have to choose one side?

It's an absurd choice. Both are fundamental in our lives. My opinion is that there
has to be a balance. I don't think anyone can be really happy with only money
or only love. For example: you can have all the money in the world, which can
be a lot of fun, but if you don´t have family, friends or someone who really cares
about you, you would feel lonely. The same thing happens with love, you can be
very loved and be accompanied, but you will have economic worries and maybe
even you will not be able to eat what you need during the day. Because not
being able to pay the bills or not having a hot meal on the table causes
frustration and sadness.

Some say that love can bring you happiness and others say that money can
bring you happiness, but what really makes you happy? Well, it depend to the
person. For some people happiness is in their family, for others it is in their
work, and for others it is in traveling.

I once heard someone say "money doesn't bring happiness but I don't think
anyone would cry in Miami or a place full of luxuries". Well, everyone has their
own opinion, now I am going to tell you why I don´t agree with this.

I remember a friend of mine told me that for her 15th birthday she had a trip to
Mexico, a beautiful place. At first she was very excited to be there, but around
the fourth or fifth day, it wasn't the same. She missed her family, mostly her
mom and her pets. She couldn't fully enjoy the trip because she felt anguish,
she didn't have the best company from the adults who accompanied her. She
almost always felt like crying because of the problems she was having.

I am not saying that this is the case for everyone, it is just an example that
money is not going to solve things, unless they are debts or things like that, and
that it will only give you small moments of happiness, but the problems are not
going to disappear no matter how many things you buy. What I mean is that
money is not everything, it has its good things, but I think we need it to survive
but not to live.

In conclusion, there has to be a balance of the two things and not get carried
away by only one. We have to take care of money and our loved ones and
value what we have, including the little things, because everything that
surrounds us and is in our lives is important. Thank you.

Victoria Olveira

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