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A hero is a person who evokes the appropriate attitudes and behavior. It is someone who inspires us to
do something good, or at least something we think is good. A hero can be real, like the people in our
lives (our parents, our friends), or imaginary—like characters from books, movies, shows, songs, etc.
Besiedes, a hero has to have a specific trait: they have to be strong enough to overcome obstacles that
would stop other people from acting in a way that's heroic. They also have to have some level of
invulnerability—they can't be killed off easily by anyone else.

In addition, a hero is a person who inspires us to take action. In literature and in life, heroes can be real
people or characters, but they're also imaginary. In a way, we all have heroes such as our parents,
spouses, childre and even fictional characters like Superman and Wonder Woman.

In fact, the key to being a hero is not to try to be one, it is rather about recognizing the qualities of an
archetype and acting accordingly.

Concept of Hero

The concept of hero is someone who is willing to risk their own life for the sake of others. This person
has a genuine good heart and is selfless, willing to put themselves in harm's way for the benefit of

Someone who is a hero is not always an action hero—they can be someone who puts themselves out
there as a spokesperson for a cause, or they could be someone whose actions help change society.

Heroes arise in four general ways such as by spotaneous popular recognition and homage, by formal
selection in the case of canonization and military decoration, by the gradual growth of popular legends,
and as the poetical creations of dramatists and story tellers and writers. Heroes, however, are tend to be
recognized by a certain characteristic of social behavior of hero worship, in which they are honored and
given special status, they are commemorated by dramas, legends, memorials, relics and more. On the
other hand, a hero in social life is thus essentially more than a person, wherein, he is an ideal image, a
legend, a symbol

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