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Answer the following questions thoughtfully and in complete sentences.

Our study of
Beowulf will deal with the concept of the hero and the ancient concept of good versus evil.

1. What is your concept of heroism? What is your concept of a hero? Give a general
definition along with examples in your own words.

The concept of heroism refers to the act of a fictional or real character who shows
bravery, determination, and nobility in difficult situations, while a hero is someone who
acts extraordinarily, often sacrificing their own interests for the benefit of others or to
achieve a noble goal. Some examples we can cite are: a firefighter who enters a burning
building to save trapped people is a hero. Despite the danger to his own life, he chooses
to help others. Another example can be the character of Harry Potter in J.K. Rowling's book
series. Throughout the story, Harry shows bravery in facing dangerous enemies to protect his
loved ones and defend the wizarding world from evil.

2. What qualities of a hero do Americans value? Why? List at least three.

The qualities that Americans value in a hero typically include bravery, selflessness, and
determination. These qualities are highly valued because of their ability to inspire,
protect, and lead others in times of adversity and contribute to the well-being of society,
thus reflecting the core values of American culture.

3. Give some examples of people Americans might consider heroic and explain why. List
at least three.

• Martin Luther King: With his "I Have a Dream" speech he is an example of his ability to
inspire and mobilize people towards a noble cause.

• Malala Yousafzai: Pakistani activist, with her courage and determination in the fight for
gender equality and education have inspired many people around the world.

• Chesley "Sully" Sullenberger is an American pilot who became a national hero after
safely landing a malfunctioning plane in the Hudson River in 2009, saving the lives of all
passengers and crew on board.
• Rosa Parks. he was a key figure in the civil rights movement in the United States. His
courageous act of resistance by refusing to give up his seat on a bus to a white person in
Montgomery, Alabama, in 1955.
4. Do you think different cultures have different ideas about who is considered a hero?
Why or why not? (In other words, discuss the similarities and differences between
American heroes and heroes from another culture.)
In my view, perceptions of heroes can vary significantly between different cultures, due to
differences in history, values, and social norms. Such is the case between American culture
and Japanese culture.

American Culture:
• Individualistic, heroes are often seen as individuals who stand out from the rest due
to their exceptional skills or bravery.
• American heroes are often those who stand up for personal freedom and self-
• These heroes can be historical figures, political leaders, athletes, scientists, or even
fictional characters.
• They are often credited with defending justice, freedom, and other American values.

Japanese culture:
• In Japanese culture, heroes can also be outstanding individuals, but their dedication,
perseverance, and willingness to sacrifice for the good of others are often
• Japanese heroes can be samurai, historical figures, manga/anime characters, or
ordinary people who show great strength of character.
• Heroes are often those who have demonstrated a strong sense of group harmony
and respect for social hierarchies.
• This may include people who have maintained cultural traditions or who have
worked to maintain social harmony.

Similarities: Both cultures value bravery, justice, and the ability to overcome adversity in
their heroes. In addition, both American and Japanese heroes often face challenges or
adversaries to protect or save others.

Make a list of a movie that depicts a heroic figure:

Erin Brockovich: A Bold Woman (2000)

Twice divorced, a mother and with a bad reputation, Erin Brockovich finds a way to vindicate
her history by tackling, with determination and courage, an investigation into the contaminated
water that affects the health of an entire town.
Answer the following questions about the hero of the movie.

How does the hero establish his reputation?

The hero, Erin Brockovich, establishes her reputation through her determination, courage and
commitment to justice. Despite having no formal legal training, Erin demonstrates a remarkable
ability to investigate, gather evidence, and advocate for residents of the small California town
who have been affected by water contamination. Erin earns the trust of residents by
demonstrating empathy and understanding towards their struggles, and by showing an
unwavering dedication to solving the problem. Her passionate approach and ability to stand up
to the energy company, despite difficulties and opposition, earn her the respect and admiration
of the community. In addition, Erin establishes her reputation through her integrity and tireless
work ethic. Her determination to expose the truth and her refusal to give up, even when faced
with overwhelming challenges, make her an example of courage and perseverance. Ultimately,
it is her commitment to justice and her ability to stand up to powerful corporate interests that
earns her a reputation as a defender of the oppressed and a tireless fighter for truth. Her heroism
is manifested through her actions and dedication to doing the right thing, making her an
inspirational and respected figure in the film.

Talk about the hero's journey.

The journey of Erin Brockovich's hero in the film of the same name follows a classic narrative arc
that includes several elements characteristic of the monomyth or "the hero's journey," as
described by Joseph Campbell in his work "The Hero with a Thousand Faces."

1. Call to Adventure: Erin's journey begins when she finds herself in a desperate situation,
unemployed and struggling to provide for her family. He accepts a job at a small law firm, where
he is tasked with investigating a case of water contamination in a community.

2. Refusal to call: At first, Erin doubts her ability to approach the case, as she has no formal legal
training. However, her compassion for those affected and her determination lead her to accept
the challenge.

3. Mentor Encounter: Throughout the film, Erin receives support and guidance from her boss,
Ed Masry, who encourages her to keep going despite obstacles and lack of legal experience.

4. Evidence and Allies: Erin collects evidence, gains the trust of affected residents, and forms
alliances with others who help her in her fight for justice.
5. Challenges and Growth: Erin faces numerous challenges, including opposition from the energy
company, lack of support from her family, and pressure to drop the case. As she faces these
obstacles, she grows in determination, courage, and leadership skills.

6. The Final Battle: The climax of her hero's journey comes when Erin confronts the energy
company in a historic trial, where she demonstrates her bravery and skills in exposing the truth
and obtaining justice for those affected.

7. Return with the Elixir: In the end, Erin achieves a significant victory in the case, obtaining
compensation for those affected and prompting a change in company policies. Her hero's journey
transforms her into an advocate for the oppressed and an inspiration to others.

In short, the journey of Erin Brockovich's hero in the film shows her evolution from a difficult
personal situation to becoming a tireless fighter for justice, demonstrating bravery,
determination, and compassion throughout her journey.

What challenge does the hero face?

Erin's biggest challenge is taking on the energy company in a landmark lawsuit. Despite
intimidation and opposition, Erin demonstrates her courage and skills to expose the truth and
obtain justice for those affected.

How does the hero overcome challenges?

Erin Brockovich overcomes challenges in the film through her determination, investigative skills,
empathy, bravery, and leadership, making her an inspirational figure and a tireless advocate for

How does the hero benefit his people?

Hero Erin Brockovich benefits her people by exposing the truth and obtaining justice for those
affected by water pollution. In addition to obtaining compensation for those affected by water
pollution. Their fight against the energy company not only benefits the residents of the small
California town, but also sets a precedent for future pollution cases and protects other
communities from suffering the same fate.

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