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Project 1: Clique

Business Communication
Now that he has information about this, Rajeev needs to flag it before it is too late. He needs to take
actions to ensure that this practice does not continue. So far, Rajeev is the only one who knows of this
ongoing practice. What should his first course of action in terms of communication be and why?
(Ans 1) Since, Rajeev is the only one who has the information about the ongoing practice his first
course of action in terms of communication should be to inform Ravi, the brand manager of Marigold
soap brand so that they will make strategy to beat the competitors.
Answer 2

Now, Rajeev needs to communicate the details of the campaign to Ravi. Step into Rajeev’s shoes
and draft the message to Ravi. Ensure that your message encompasses all the seven
components of effective communication, highlighting the message’s specific elements. Also,
state what your preferred channel of communication, in this case, would be.
(Ans 2)My preferred channel in this case is online channel because this is very fast way
to communicate.
Hello Ravi,
How are you doing? I hope you are fine.
So I need to communicate the details of the campaign. Recently I visited to the couple of
retail stores and they were giving options to the customers buy the product for free or at
maximum retailed price as a result, the actual number of new trials for Marigold has not
been significant. So we should make the strategy today at 12 pm in meeting room.
Answer 3
After Rajeev communicates the issue to Ravi, the latter takes a stand against flagging the
issue. This is because it would reflect poorly on him, as he was responsible for visiting
these markets. He also points out that regardless of what the retailers are doing with the
soaps, the sales numbers have increased for both the brands, which is an excellent place
to be in.
The effective communication from Rajeev, here, is facing specific barriers. What are
these barriers and their impact on effective communication?

(Ans 3) Effective communication from Rajeev is facing specific barriers in this case. The
barrier in this case is interpersonal barrier. Here, the other brand manager Ravi do not
want to flag the issue as it reflects the irresponsibility of him towards the brand. There is
difference in attitude towards perceiving the Same issue by Rajeev and Ravi due to
personality differences. This is another barrier in communication. Both results in obstacle
in communication and ultimately impacts the objective of the promotional campaign.
Step into Rajeev’s shoes. What would you do to overcome the barriers to
communication that you are facing with Ravi? List at least two.
(Ans 4)In order to overcome the barriers, Rajeev can talk to Ravi and make
him understand his point of view that although sales numbers have
increased for both the brands but the objective of the campaign was not
only to increase the sales but to induce new trials for the soap and due to
the ongoing practice we will not be able to get the exact number of new
trials .So this issue should be flagged.
The second way is to directly communicate the issue facing the campaign
and Ravi’s irresponsibility to head of personal care products. Then the
group head will decide what to do next.
After Rajeev calmly tries to get his point of view across to Ravi, they both decide that the next course of action
would involve the branch manager, address the issue to the sales team, and inform the group head about the
problem and the mitigation strategies created.
Select the appropriate channels for each of the stakeholders.
(Ans 5) Branch manager can be informed through a personal meeting. Sales team can be informed through an
email. Group head can be informed through a brief email by a personal meeting if required.

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