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‫ملف مبسط بالمراجع من الكود االمريكي عن معلومات عن بنود التشطيب‬

‫اعداد و كتابة المهندس خالد شعالن‬

‫معجون الدهانات االكريليك‬
‫معظم انواع الدهانات االكريليك تظهر في الداتا شيت الوقت المستغرق حتي تجف طبقات الدهان في حدود ساعات‬
‫كما يظهر في االسناب شوت عن دهانات يوتن علي سبيل المثال كما ترون في الصيف من ساعة الي ‪ 3‬ساعات و‬
‫في درجه حرارة ‪ 10‬درجة فانها تكون ‪ 12‬ساعة ‪،‬‬
‫االختبارات علي البلوك الخرساني ‪:‬‬
‫مقاومه الضغط ‪ ،‬الكثافه ‪ ،‬االبعاد ‪ ،‬نسبه االمتصاص ‪ ،‬و هناك اختبار يقال له مقاومه المنشور المكون من رصه‬
‫البلوكات رصه خاصه ‪ ،‬و تختلف نتائج القبول و الرفض بحسب نوع الحائط ما اذا كان حوائط حاملة ام ال ‪.....‬‬
‫مونه المباني من منظور الكود االمريكي ( االنواع و نسب التكوين و االختبارات ) ‪:‬‬
‫الكود االمريكي يصنف مونه المباني بحسب قيمه مقاومه الضغط في مكعبات ‪ 5 * 5 * 5‬سم الي اربعة انواع علي‬
‫النحو التالي ‪:‬‬
‫)‪Type M (strength 17.2 MPA‬‬
‫)‪Type S (strength 12.4 MPA‬‬
‫)‪Type N (strength 5.2 MPA‬‬
‫)‪Type O (strength 2.4 MPA‬‬
‫و كل نوع من االنواع االربعة يكون استخدامه بحسب ما تقرره مواصفات المشروع فتجد النوع ‪ M‬يستخدم للحوائط‬
‫الخارجيه و النوع ‪ N‬يستخدم للحوائط الداخليه المحمله و النوع ‪ M‬يستخدم للحوائط المعرضة للتربه مباشرة و‬
‫النوع ‪ O‬يستخدم للحوائط الداخليه غير المحمله‪.‬‬
‫و يجدر االشارة هنا الي ان قيم جهد جميع انواع هي استرشاديه فقط الغير و نحتاج اليها عند تحديد نسب مكونات‬
‫كل نوع من مونه المباني السابقه من اسمنت و رمل و ماء و يتم عمل اختبارات للمونه من اختبار التشغيليه و‬
‫محتوي الهواء و اختبارات علي الرمل بداخل المعمل لتحديد النسب التي تحقق الجهد المطلوب ‪.‬‬
‫بمعني ان الكود االمريكي يتعامل مع مونة المباني اثناء تحديد نسب مكونات الخلطة بمنطق التصميم ‪ ،‬و لكنه يعطي‬
‫نسب تقديريه بالحجم الجزاء االسمنت و الرمل علي النحو التالي ‪:‬‬
1 part cement : (2.25 – 3.5) part sand
‫و بحسب الكود االمريكي فانه لتحديد قوام المونه في الموقع فان البنايين هم افضل من يحددها هذا خالف اختبار‬
. ‫التشغيليه الذي تم في المعمل اثناء تصميم الخلطات‬
‫ و يختلف النسب باختالق قوة‬، ‫بعد ذلك نحدد المعيار في الموقع بطريقه كام شيكارة اسمنت في المتر المكعب رمل‬
. ‫االسمنت و نوع الرمل‬
‫و يسمح الكود االمريكي ايضا باضافه المياه للمونه بداخل الموقع في حاله ان المونه فقدت قوامها نتيجه عمليه البخر‬
‫ و يجب اال‬، ‫خالف ما هو شائع عن الخرسانه فالمهم في المونة اثناء التشغيل هو قوة التماسك حتي و ان قل الجهد‬
. ‫ ساعه و بعدها تستبعد المونة تماما و ال تستعمل‬2.5 ‫يزيد وقت تشغيل المونة عن‬
‫و تؤخذ عينات من مونة الموقع و ذلك الختبار قيمة جهدها كقيم استرشادية للتحقق من االلتزام بنسب مواد الخلط من‬
.‫منطلق ضبط الجودة و ليس للقبول و الرفض و كثيرا من االستشاريين ال يعرفون ذلك‬
‫النصوص التالية من الكود االمريكي‬
The mason can best assess workability by observing the response of the mortar to the

Since all mortar is not used immediately after mixing, evaporation may require the
addition of water, retempering the mortar, to restore its original consistency. The addition
of water to mortar within specified time limits should not be prohibited. Although
compressive strength of the mortar is reduced slightly by retempering, bond strength is
usually increased. For this reason, retempering should be required to replace water lost by
evaporation. Because retempering is harmful only after mortar has begun to set, all site
prepared mortar should be placed in final position as soon as possible, but always within
21⁄2 h after the original mixing, or the mortar discarded.

Since the compressive strength values resulting from field tested mortars do not represent
the compressive strength
of mortar as tested in the laboratory nor that of the mortar in the wall, physical properties
of field sampled mortar shall not be used to determine compliance to this specification
and are not intended as criteria to determine the acceptance or rejection of the mortar

: ‫مونة اللياسة من منظور الكود االمريكي‬

‫ مم‬10 ‫ طبقه خالف طبقه الطرطشة طبقه اساس‬2 ‫وفقا للكود االمريكي يتم تطبيق اللياسة علي طبقات ال تقل عن‬
‫ و ال يعير الكود االمريكي متطلبات خاصة بمقاومة الجهد‬، ‫ مم في حالة اللياسة علي المباني‬3 ‫و طبقة تشطيب‬
. ‫مثل مونة المباني‬
) ‫ مم ( مجموع الطبقتين‬16 ‫و تخانة الكلية للياسة ال تزيد باي حال عن‬
‫المهم في اللياسة هي نسبة االلتصاق بالحوائط ‪ ،‬و عليه ضرورة طبقة الطرطشة مع وجود مادة ربط جاهزة تحقق‬
‫االلتصاق اثناء اختبار السحب ‪ pull out test‬و تحقيق القيم التاليه ‪ 20 PSI‬محارة الداخلية و ‪ 150 PSI‬للمحارة‬
‫الخارجية ‪.‬‬
‫اما بخصوص نسب مواد المونة المستخدمة فان الكود االمريكي قد وضع نسب استرشادية بالحجم بين كال من الرمل‬
‫و االسمنت علي النحو التالي ‪:‬‬
‫‪1 part cement : maximum 2 parts sand‬‬
‫طبقة االساس‬
‫‪1 part cement : ( 3 – 5 ) parts sand‬‬
‫طبقة التشطيب السطحية‬
‫‪1 part cement : (1.5 – 3 ) parts sand‬‬
‫بعد ذلك يقوم المعمل بتصميم الخلطات و يسجل جهد الخلطات في مكعبات ‪ 5 * 5 * 5‬سم للتسجيل ليس اكثر حتي‬
‫نتحقق من نفس النسب اثناء اخذ عينات من الموقع المور تتعلق بضبط الجودة ‪.‬‬
‫و يتم معايرة الخلطات في الموقع عن طريق كام شيكارة في المتر المكعب ‪......‬‬
‫و الن طبقه اللياسة تتعرض لعوامل التجوية من رطوبة و حرارة و رياح و خالفه فالبد من احتواء المونة علي‬
‫اضافات لتحسين خصائص اللياسة و زيادة مقاومتها للعوامل الجويه للتغلب علي اي فرصة لتكون الشروخ من‬
‫انكماش لدن او انكماش جاف و عليه نضع اضافات هواء محبوس مع البولي بروبلين فيبر حتي تكون اللياسة قوية و‬
‫تتحمل و تقاوم الشروخ ‪.‬‬
‫بالنسبة لطبقه االساس يجوز اعادة اضافة المياه لمرة واحدة فقط في حالة فقدان مياة الخلط نتيجة التبخر الستعادة‬
‫قوامها ‪ ،‬و اللياسة التي لم تستخدم خالل ‪ 1.5‬ساعة يجب استبعادها‪.‬‬
‫علي عكس طبقة ال يسمح باعادة اضافة المياه في الموقع لطبقة التشطيب السطحية ‪......‬‬
‫‪7.2.2 Base-coat plasters that have stiffened because of evaporation of water shall be‬‬
‫‪permitted to be tempered one time only to restore the required consistency. Plaster not‬‬
‫‪used within 11⁄2 h from start of initial mixing shall be discarded.‬‬
‫‪7.2.3 Finish-coat plaster shall not be tempered.‬‬

‫من المالحظ ان الرمل المستعمل مع طبقة االساس اكثر خشونة من الرمل المستخدم في طبقة التشطيب السطحية‬
‫حتي يتحقق الربط بين الطبقتين ‪.‬‬
‫نالحظ انه في كثير من البلدان ال نلتزم بعمل اللياسة علي طبقتين و لكن يتم عملها علي طبقة واحدة خالف طبقة‬
‫الطرطشة و هذا مخالف لما هو موجود في الكود االمريكي ‪.‬‬
‫اما الستالم اسطح اللياسة فاننا نستعمل قدة الومنيوم ‪ 3‬م و يسمح حتي ‪ 6.4‬مم ‪.‬‬
‫اما بخصوص وقت المعالجة لطبقات اللياسة فهي بحسب الكود االمريكي بالنسبة لطبقة الطرطشة ‪ 24‬ساعة ‪.‬‬
‫اما وقت معالجة اللياسة للطبقة النهائيه قبل البدء في اعمال الدهانات فهي تظهر في كثير من المواصفات مثل‬
‫مواصفات سالح المهندسين االمريكان ثالثة اسابيع و في بعض المواصفات اسبوعين‪.‬‬
‫و بخصوص حدود القبول و الرفض في حال ظهر التطبيل فالكود االمريكي ال يسمح باي تجاوز في هذا الشأن بل‬
‫يجب عمل ترميم و ازالة هذا الجزء المطبل‪.‬‬
‫و لكن يجدر االشارة الي ان بعض المواصفات تتغاضي و تغض الطرف عن التطبيل في المساحات التي ال تزيد‬
‫عن مسطح الطبق حوالي قطر ‪ 20‬سم ‪.‬‬
‫اما بخصوص رطوبة االسطح قبل البدء في اعمال الدهانات فهي يجب اال تزيد عن ‪ % 12‬و في بعض المواصفات‬
‫تذكر اال تزيد عن ‪ % 16‬و هناك جهاز مخصوص لقياس الرطوبة و لكن يجب اال يبدأ الدهانات اال بعد فترة‬
‫المعالجة كما ذكر سابقا‪.‬‬
‫و في حالة عدم توفر جهاز لقياس الرطوبة فيمكن استخدام مشمع بالستيك بمقاس تقريبا ‪ 45‬سم * ‪ 45‬سم و تثبيته‬
‫بشريط الصق و تركه لمدة ‪ 24‬ساعة و مالحظة ما اذا وجدت تكثف الي مياة بداخله و في حالة عدم وجود المياة‬
‫فان السطح سيكون جاهز لالعمال الدهانات‪.‬‬

‫و يجدر االشارة الي ان هناك بعض انواع الدهانات االكريليك لها برايمر ذو اساس مائي يسمح بالدهان مباشرة علي‬
‫اسطح اللياسة دونما النظر الي محتوي الرطوبة و غالبا نستخدم هذا النوع من الدهانات لالسطح الخارجية ‪.‬‬

‫و اخيرا هنا ملف بسيط جدا يشرح اسباب شروخ المحارة جميعها و اخر يظهر اجهزة قياس محتوي الرطوبة ‪،،،،‬‬
defects in plaster
1. Introduction Causes of excessive early moisture loss are:
This leaflet is aimed at the homeowner who wishes to • Evaporation if the wall is not protected from sun and wind.
assess whether plaster is acceptable, and if not, what can
• Suction into the walls if the bricks are absorbent and
be done about it. they have not been dampened.
Neither the SABS specifications nor the National Building • Use of a sand that is badly graded and lacks fine
material (less than 5% by mass passing the
Regulations have requirements covering plaster quality, and
0,075 mm sieve).
most contract documents are not clear on the subject. This
means that it may be difficult to force the contractor to make • Not using building lime or a masonry cement when the
sand lacks fine material.

Defects most frequently noticed in plaster fall into one of the When the cracks are noticed while the plaster is still plastic,
following categories: they are often floated closed, only to reappear some time
• Non-structural cracks later. These cracks can be filled with a proprietary filler and
• Structural cracks painted over. Glass fibre tissue can also be applied during
• Debonding painting.
• Lack of hardness Cracking which results when an excessive amount of water
• Grinning is lost from the plaster in the first hours after application is
• Expansion known as plastic shrinkage cracking. Map cracking can be
• Popping due to plastic shrinkage as can the horizontal cracks which
The causes and repair methods for each are discussed
form at corners and between windows
Drying shrinkage cracks are the result of moisture loss
2. Non-structural cracks after the plaster has hardened. Plaster will always shrink and
Crazing is a network of fine cracks, usually in a hexagonal crack so it is desirable that is should develop a large number
pattern, which measure between 5 and 75 mm across each of fine, unnoticeable cracks at close spacings. Plasters with
hexagon. They are usually very fine and shallow and do not very high cement contents and those which are made with
extend through the whole depth of the plaster. poor quality sands having a high water requirement will tend
to develop a few, widely-spaced cracks. Plaster applied in
They are usually the result of overtrowelling a rich mix (one layers that are too thick will also tend to crack in this way.
with a high cement content) or using a sand containing an These cracks are normally stable and can be filled with a
excessive amount of dust (more than 15% by mass passing proprietary filler and painted over.
a 0,075 mm sieve). Crazing often occurs within a few hours
of the plaster being applied to the wall and cracks may hardly
3. Structural cracks
be visible until dust or moisture makes them noticeable.
Some cracks visible in the plaster may result from cracking
Craze cracks are of little importance, do not open and close of the wall. This can be caused by differential movement of
with time, and can be covered using a reasonable quality the foundations, moisture expansion or drying shrinkage of
paint. If necessary, glass fibre tissue can be applied during masonry units, or thermal movement of the roof. This type
the painting operation. of crack often forms in straight vertical or horizontal lines, or
in stepped diagonal lines, and may be quite unsightly. The
Map cracking is similar to crazing except that it is usually crack width will often vary with the seasons.
deeper (sometimes going through the plaster) and the
Because these cracks originate in the wall and not in the
hexagons of the pattern may measure up to 200 mm across.
plaster, repairing the plaster is ineffective. A specialist should
These cracks normally occur when a plaster mix with a high
be called in to establish the cause of the cracking and to
cement content is used or the plaster is allowed to dry too
recommend remedial measures.
Such measures may include structural alterations which products such as Betonseal. These materials may increase
change cracks into movement joints. Visible joints can be hardness to some degree.
hidden by cover strips fixed on one side of the joint or sealed
Painted plaster can only be removed and replaced. The
with elastomeric sealants.
inconvenience of this option has to be weighed up against
living with the weak, unsatisfactory plaster. A coat of high-
4. Debonding quality exterior paint will normally reduce the risk of water
Debonding of plaster is often noticed as a hollow sound when penetration to acceptable levels if the plaster is strong
the surface is tapped. Plaster is inclined to curl and debond enough to hold such a paint. Areas which are particularly
from the wall because the outside skin of the plaster that is susceptible to impact, such as corners, can be replastered
exposed to the air will shrink at a different rate from the plaster with relatively little disruption.
in contact with the wall. This is especially true of excessively
thick plaster layers. Because debonding is generally the result
6. Grinning
of inadequate preparation of the substrate, it is important to
Grinning is the term given to the appearance of a plastered
make sure that the bond between plaster and wall is as good
wall when the positions of the mortar joints are clearly visible
as possible. This can be done by:
through the plaster. It is caused by the difference in suction
• Cleaning dusty or oily walls thoroughly. between the masonry units and the mortar. Raking out
• Allowing the walls to reach the correct moisture content. mortar joints also causes grinning and the practice should
• Using a cement slurry or spatterdash coat before thus be limited to soft clay brickwork.
While grinning may be unsightly, it is unlikely to lead to further
• Using bonding liquids and following the procedure cracking. The choice is to live with it, or to remove and replace
recommended by the manufacturer.
the plaster. Application of an undercoat or a spatterdash coat
before plastering will help to avoid grinning.
Small areas of debonding (about the size of a plate) are not
significant, but larger areas should be removed and replaced.
7. Expansion
This includes swelling, softening, layer cracking and spalling
5. Lack of hardness of the plaster. It is usually caused by the inclusion of
There are no specifications covering the hardness or
proprietary gypsum-based products in the mix. Under moist
strength of plaster, and there is no reliable way of measuring
conditions, the sulphate from the gypsum reacts with the
it. Evaluation is often carried out by scratching the surface
portland cement paste and forms compounds of increased
with a hard sharp object such as a screwdriver or a key, and
volume which disrupt the plaster.
is consequently quite subjective.
The only remedy for expansion-induced disruption due to
It is often better to have a slightly weaker plaster that is
gypsum in the mix is to remove and replace the plaster.
less likely to show significant cracking or debonding than
one which is too strong. However, very weak plasters will
8. Popping
be unable to resist impacts, will have reduced resistance to
Popouts are conical fragments that break out of the surface of
water penetration and picture nails will tend to fall out. They
the plaster leaving holes which vary in size. They are caused
also tend to encourage moss growth on sheltered faces
by the presence of contaminant particles in the mix which,
particularly if poor quality paint is used.
reacting with the moisture in the mix, expand and cause
There are five common causes of soft plaster: cavities in the plaster. Contaminants are usually seeds,
• Insufficient cement other organic material, or particles of dead burnt lime.
• The use of sand containing excessive quantities of dust Once the cause of the popout has been removed, the hole
(more than 15% by mass passing the 0,075 mm sieve)
can be filled with a proprietary filler and painted over.
• The use of a mix with poor water retention properties
• The addition of extra water some time after first mixing Note: To obtain more information on correct plastering
(a practice known as retempering) procedures, refer to Successful plastering available from
• Rapid drying due to plastering in full sun or wind the C&CI.

The only one of these causes which can be confirmed

by testing hardened plaster in the laboratory is that of
insufficient cement.
Unpainted plaster can be treated with methyl methacrylate

Cement & Concrete Institute

PO Box 168, Halfway House, 1685
Tel (011) 315-0300 • Fax (011) 315-0584
e-mail • website
Published by the Cement & Concrete Institute, Midrand, 1996, reprinted 1998, 2000, 2004, 2006
© Cement & Concrete Institute
Understanding Moisture Content for Painting
Before starting any painting project, it is important for a painting All-in-One Moisture Meters utilizes both
contractor to consider the moisture content of any substrate previous types of moisture meters. This
to be coated. Whether the substrate is wood, concrete, stucco, type of moisture meter gives the user the
masonry units, or metal, it is important that the amount of capability of identifying problem areas and
moisture present be measured and accommodated. Moisture pinpoint the exact location where moisture
content of various substrates can be measured using a moisture damage or buildup is occurring. %MC
meter, a plastic sheet test for concrete, or a calcium chloride test measurements can be taken on wood and
for horizontal concrete. non-wood substrates.

Type of Moisture Meters

A moisture meter is an essential instrument in the coatings Alternative Tests for Concrete
industry, allowing users to detect moisture content in material. ASTM Standard D4263, or Plastic Sheet Method, describes
There are three common types of moisture meters available a test for indicating the capillary moisture present in concrete.
for measurements: Pin-Type, Pin-less, and All-in-One moisture In this method, a piece of plastic sheet (approx. 18 in. x 18 in.)
meter. is tightly taped to the concrete surface and allowed to remain
Pin-Type Moisture Meters, or destructive/ in place for a minimum
invasive moisture meters, measure percent of 16 hours. After the
moisture content (%MC) with two contact time has elapsed, the
pins which are used to penetrate the surface plastic is removed and
at a desired depth. The reading of %MC the underside of the sheet
is determined by measuring the electrical and the concrete surface
resistance between the tips of the two pins. This is visually inspected for
type of moisture meter can be used for, but is not moisture.
limited to, wood, concrete, and drywall.

Pin-less Moisture Meters, or non-destructive/

non-invasive moisture meters, operate ASTM Standard F1869, is used to measure the moisture vapor
on the surface without penetrating it. emission rate of concrete subfloors using anhydrous calcium
This type of moisture meter provides chloride. This method is appropriate only for horizontal concrete,
measurements for wood and other particularly floors. In summary, a canister containing calcium
substrates, such as concrete and chloride is weighed and
gypsum. Pin-less moisture meters placed on bare concrete,
are commonly used on concrete and then covered with a
subfloors and flooring, and other areas plastic dome and sealed.
to identify possible moisture buildup After three days, the
behind finished surfaces. canister is re-weighed to
determine the moisture
emission rate.
Understanding Moisture Content for Painting
Acceptable Moisture Content
The moisture content of various paintable substrates is given as Plaster: Moisture readings must be taken to assure that no
a percentage when using any of the different types of moisture more than 12% moisture content is in the plaster prior to the
meters. The following are generally accepted percentages of application of any coating.
moisture content by The Master Painters Institute: Stucco: An acceptable moisture content for stucco is 12% or
Concrete: Moisture content should be under 12% for coatings less. Elevated moisture can lead to discoloration of the coating,
work to proceed. Excess moisture can lead to issues associated as well as delamination and loss of adhesion.
with high alkalinity and efflorescence, as well as adhesion issues
and delamination.
Clay and Concrete Masonry Units: Surfaces should contain
no more than 12% moisture before paint application. As with
concrete, issues related with high alkalinity and efflorescence
can arise. The entrapment of moisture by the paint film can
potentially affect the curing, adhesion, and the overall integrity of
the paint film.
Wood: Interior wood should contain no more than 12% moisture
prior to painting. Exterior wood may be allowed to contain no
more than 15% moisture. When it comes to wood furniture or
cabinetry, the moisture content must be as low as 6%. Painting
over wood with excessively high moisture content can result in
loss of adhesion, blistering, peeling, cracking, and discoloration.
Dressed Lumber, Wood Paneling/Casework: The moisture
content shall not exceed 12% for interior applications, and 15%
for exterior applications.
Drywall: As drywall is very sensitive to moisture, drywall can
be considered “moisture-compromised” when the % moisture
content exceeds 1%. Excessive moisture in the drywall can lead
to discoloration of the coating, as well as growth of mold or

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