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1.1. As a child I have experienced multitudinous common home practices related to rendering of care
whether I get any type of sickness but constantly I get sick because of fever therefore one of the
rendered care of my mother if ever I have a fever, she makes sure that my body temperature is in good
condition that I am not shivering, so she covers me with blanket and put socks on my feet, and she made
me lie down on bed for me to take a rest and since my body is boiling she lays and rub my body with a
cold and, and wet clothe, she also made me drink a lot of water to avoid dehydration, she made me
intake some of the medicines such as Advil or paracetamol, and she never left me alone.

Furthermore, with those caregiving actions I have also applied it for my mother or even to my brother
when they got fever moreover in my opinion those actions was founded from traditional and
authoritative sources of knowledge since what my mother did is somewhat have done since from very
long time when in fact many of people utilize it and it is also considered authoritative knowledge due to
the fact that there are scientific verification from professional health workers for instance in taking
medicines where ample of doctors do the same such as prescribing the patients medicines
recommended for fever like acetaminophen (Tylenol, others) or ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin IB, others).

Additionally, what my mother did can also be correlated and be used in nursing since I have already
stated above that the knowledge sources of my mother's common home practices is authoritative
knowledge and according to Vinnud Dussad (2010) there are proper ways of Nursing Care for fever
which includes the temperature regulations by making sure body is in good condition, meeting the
nutritional Need by providing water and in taking medicine, providing rest and sleep, maintenance of
personal hygiene, and safety factors which are all correlated or the same to what my mother did
therefore it is concluded that my mother's common care practices for fever can be utilized by nurses.


2. In home there was a disabled and old woman and it was my grandmother then I was a responsibility
of taking care for her illpn a way I become her feet and assisted her since she can't walk so to make her
living good and happy I was there to assist her daily routine which in the morning I watch her body, then
after bath I gave her breakfast, and we walked on garden to reminisce her past as well as she gave me
life advises then I feed her again despite she often lost appetite and went to bad mood and tantrum but
I remain calm and patient and kept on feeding her regardless if she goes to eat or not then on night I
change her clothes to comfortable ones then I tend to sleep beside her to ensure she is safe. What I
have this is done sincerely and heartily with love for her and this is somehow an act of a Nurse adhering
to Caritative caring which it was stated by Alice Petiprin (2020) a caritative caring is "consists of love and
charity, which is also known as caritas, and respect and reverence for human holiness and dignity".


1. To start my paragraph I would like to give a brief introduction to who will be my interviewee based on
how I perceived him. The educator that I was given opportunity to interview is Sir Kevin John F. Naluddin
or we students often called him sir. Kevin he is an amazing educator who gives joy in every lesson. To be
honest in every meeting we have with him we always laugh and learn so many things. Without further
ado, we ask sir kevin a question of "HOW YOUR DEGREE HELPED YOU IN YOUR PRACTICE AS A NURSE

And he answered via email which contains the following;

He firstly stated that as a person we can't afford to give something, things that we do not possess. Thus
being a nurse is quite the same which it is the core responsibility of nurses to provide "quality care to
have quality outcomes" therefore to do so a nurse must be effective by means of acquiring profound
and veracious knowledge and expertise and can only be achieved through commitments, diligence and
learnings from quality education.

He additionally stated that having a nursing degree has assisted him overcoming challenges coined of
being a nurse. He said that the nursing road is Aegean odyssey which affected his states of physical,
emotional and even spiritual but with the expertise gain from wide erudition that kept in mind and
heart made that him surpassed the hurdles of Nursing life, and with the actualization of garnered
experience gave him fulfilling sensations which he said "knowledge have be added to my cup, and even
made the content even tasted better".

Lastly he answered that having a nursing degree has bestowed him ample of abundant things such
confidence in providing care services to people in need. And he concluded the interview with the words
of "The knowledge and experiences i gainded through the journey of being a nurse helped become an
effective educator both in a formal and informal set up".
2. The scenario that I am about to illustrate is inspired by the article of Yolanda Smith, B. Pharm (Roles of
a Nurse, 2020) which tackled that "A nurse is a caregiver for patients and helps to manage physical
needs, and treat health conditions". Whereby related to my own scenario in which taking care for an
injured patient. The scenario ; While I was walking on the street I saw an injured man due to motor
accident that resulted severe bleeding on his arm then as a nurse it is my responsibility to help that man
therefore what I did is I immediately called the ambulance and perform medical practice of stopping
bleed such as I used medical gloves then I get clean cloth placed it on patient's arm to clean and press
the bleeding then I applied tourniquet to halt the flow of blood despite by doing this is painful for the
patient but I must do it for his safety then I used a gauze to stop the bleeding then I waited for the
ambulance to arrive (This process is under the guidance of "Gina Solomon, RN- Trauma Program
Manager, Gwinnet Medical Center).

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