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Problem Solution Fit

Problem identified need to be validated with the customer, in order to understand whether the problem
ii identified is actually a problem for the people(customer )facing and if they think it’s a problem, identify the
Customer segment , Identify whether people will be ready to pay for the solution of the problem .
Run problem validation and solution fit interview questionnaire is provided below :

Answer the questionnaire below:

Q. Do you think this is a must-to-address, nice-to-address, or doesn’t need to be addressed problem? Justify your

What are the demographics of the people who confirmed that this is a must- have problem for them?

Age –
Gender –
Occupation –

Q. Is the solution Provided , solves the problem .


Q. Is the solution need some additional features to be added . If yes , specify the features that need to be included .


Q. Are you ready to pay for the solution provided .

Problem Solution Fit

Q. What is the price you will be willing to pay for the benefits provided by the solutions .

Problem Solution Fit

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