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Learner Analysis, Needs Analysis, and Task Analysis

at the Twelfth-Grade Students of SMA Batik 1 Surakarta

By: Vivi Khaeronnisa (183221073)

This research was conducted at SMA Batik 1 Surakarta, which is located at Jalan
Slamet Riyadi No. 445, Pajang, Laweyan, Surakarta, Central Java. This research uses
classroom observation method. Like at other schools, during the COVID-19 virus pandemic,
schooling activities at SMA BATIK 1 Surakarta were carried out using an online system.
English teaching and learning activities at SMA Batik 1 Surakarta through electronic media
using the Microsoft 365 application. In one meeting, the English teacher teaches five classes
at once in one session. Each session there are approximately 100 students in online meetings.
Based on observations when carrying out PLP (Pengenalan Lapangan Persekolahan)
at the twelfth grade students of SMA Batik Surakarta, the writer found;
1. Learner Analysis
Learner analysis is a critically important component of any instructional
design project. Although many educators once considered students to be “empty
vessels” to fill with knowledge, the current perception is that students come to each
instructional episode with their own skills, knowledge, and attitudes (Abbie, 2016).
There are numerous possibilities for creating such a document; two of these
possibilities are:
a) a chart of learner characteristics data;
b) a fictitious profile of the average member of the target audience
Researchers used a chart of learner characteristics data, with the following table;
Topic: News items
Categories Data Source Learner Characteristic

The learners do not have

Knowledge of topic
Observation knowledge about ‘news item’

material in general

Behavior Observation The learners have experience with

online learning, so it is not difficult

to coordinate the learning process

using Microsoft 365 applications

Although distance learning,

students are required to wear

uniforms in accordance with the

rules and regulations that the school


Attitude towards teacher Some learners turn off the camera

while doing the learning process.

Female students are more active

than male students.

Attitude towards learning The learners enjoy learning process

media using power point. It's more visual.

Education and ability level After being explained, the learners

can analyze the social function, text

structure, and linguistic elements of

the news item text from

tv/radio/internet. The learners can

make news items text

2. Need Analysis

Due to the limited time described. Scheduling is the first point. Each class of

20-30 minutes is effective in one teaching. During this time, the teacher only conveys

the material and also feedback from students regarding the material. In the case of

assignments, they can be given after face-to-face teaching is completed. Students are

given time to complete according to the agreement between the teacher and students.
Learner needs analysis;

- For deepening the material, the learners need a powerpoint file from the material

explained by the teacher , sent through the web/whatsapp group.

- or the teacher can use learning videos from youtube about the material provided.

3. Task Analysis

Learning is carried out once a week, so that in a week, students only get a little

material regardless of the lack of time in one meeting. Learners will get the most

effective online eye-to-eye time of 20–30 minutes.

The obstacle faced by the teacher at that time was limited time. To maximize

time, before teaching the teacher must meet the lab operator by submitting the

material and the composition of the lesson plan.

In the case of assignments can be given after the teaching is done. Students are

given time to complete according to the agreement between the teacher and students.

The use of the Microsoft 365 application is only for checking attendance, explaining

material and also feedback on learning outcomes.

Abbie, Thomas. (2016). The Essentials of Instructional Design. Newyork: Routledge.

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