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Basic principles of
interactive lecture

Zarlikhan Sholpan

1. The essential feature of interactive methods.
2. Principles of interactive methods in the learning
3. Models of interactive learning methods.
4. Basics of interactive teaching methods.
5. Interactive, concept of interactive teaching methods.
6. Importance of interactive teaching methods.
In today's education system, the use of various new
technologies is entering practices and giving results. In
particular, a special system of technological units, which are
focused on pedagogical results and state standards of new
teaching technologies can be grouped according to
educational and educational changes.
Based on the pedagogical technology, the idea of ​renewing
the educational cycle was obtained.
Its contents include:
1) setting the general goal of education;
2) transition to clarification of the general goal;
3) preliminary (diagnostic) assessment of students' level of
4) a set of learning activities (in this case, correction should
be made based on immediate feedback);
5) evaluation of the result is included.
The new teaching technology improves the cognitive abilities
and cognitive processes of a person: that is, various types of
memory - hearing, vision, movement, etc. to develop thinking,
enthusiasm, and perception through specially designed
educational and cognitive conditions, as well as to satisfy
personal safety, self-actualization, self-affirmation,
communication, game, cognitive and creative needs, active
vocabulary (oral and written language) development The main
goal of interactive learning is to teach students to think and
find answers on their own.
Interactive method of teaching.
Orientation of education to the development of experiences.

Political, social, economic and other changes taking place in the

country also affected the education system. These changes made
it necessary not only to introduce new subjects in educational
institutions, but also to change the teaching methodology itself.
Since our country has chosen a democratic way of development, it
is very important to involve people in decision-making. This also
applies to classroom work: students should be as active as
possible during class. Methodological methods that allow to
increase the activity of students are often called interactive.
If there is a close relationship between students and
teachers during the lesson, we call this teaching interactive.
Usually, such a relationship is observed when students
discuss a problem and try to find a solution to it. Here, it is
more important that students try to find a solution to the
problem than their answers. This is because the main goal
of interactive teaching is to teach students to think
independently and give answers.
Advantages of interactive teaching methods
arouses the interest of the person;
expands everyone's participation in the learning
pays attention to the feelings of each person;
adapts to effective learning of educational materials;
influences a person to act multi-planned;
forms opinions and relationships of a person;
helps to change behavior.
The main principles of interactive learning:
Creating an
environment where
knowledge is acquired.
learning with life.
Creation of a comfortable
Forming the student's
environment suitable for Learning by To show and prove independence.
the student's unhindered doing. that the knowledge Presenting knowledge not in the
assimilation of the given To prove to the student that and skills (exercise) form of ready-made materials,
knowledge. the acquisition of knowledge but in the form of tasks or
imparted during
can be fully realized only exercises that students can
Creating an environment
training are applicable study, find and master on their
when he acts on his own.
in which the student feels in real life situations. own.
the effectiveness of his Implementation of the
Do not demand ready-made
actions. process of learning of
answers from students,
students on the basis of
encourage them to express their
active activities by using
opinion and solve the problem
interactive teaching independently.
It can be said that on the basis of the use of interactive tools,
the quality of teaching of natural science subjects in the
school can be increased and education information is
systematically implemented. Raising the qualifications of
teachers in the field of using information and communication
technology has become one of the main tasks of informing
modern society. The Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan on
Education states: "One of the main tasks of the education
system is to create conditions for mastering educational
One of them is a computer as a didactic and teaching tool in the process
of informatization of education. Therefore, in any field of education,
multimedia electronic learning tools are used to teach all subjects. The
21st century is an era of information society, an era of technological
culture, an era of careful attention to the world around, human health,
and professional culture.

Informatization of the educational process is aimed at increasing the

efficiency and quality of all levels of the educational process, while
implementing the goals of developing education and training through
the use of new information technologies.
According to the decision of the United Nations, the way
for creative work of teachers and students is opened with
the help of interactive tools. Interactive technology in
education - here the word "interactive" means "inter",
"act", during the lesson it is impossible for the student
not to participate in group work, it complements each
other and organizes the participation of all students
during the lesson.
Effectiveness of using interactive tools.

Currently, one of the main tasks of raising the qualifications of teachers

in the field of information and communication technology in the
informatization of modern society is the computer as a didactic and
teaching tool in the process of informatization of education. Therefore, in
any field of education, multimedia electronic learning tools are used to
teach all subjects. In this direction, in the direction of intensive
introduction of information technology into the educational process, and
one of the new tools used is an interactive board, which is considered a
software-technical complex.
Compared to a simple whiteboard and a computer projector, an interactive
whiteboard is much more likely to reveal the content of the lesson. In order
to achieve great success when using an interactive board, you only need to
plan a competent lesson and prepare the necessary materials. In the lesson,
the teacher can use the interactive whiteboard more than once, it is more
convenient to use than the ordinary whiteboard, and it saves time. The
interactive whiteboard has many advantages over other teaching methods
(comparatively). Only teachers who use interactive whiteboards in their
classes can talk about these achievements. A good effect can be achieved by
preparing together in class with colleagues, which not only saves time and
tasks, but also improves the quality of the materials presented.
According to the teachers, the interactive program does
half of their work, for example: by doing certain
material on the interactive whiteboard, you can save the
changes in the file with symbols, which can be re-
explained to the students who missed the lesson or used
again the next time. Teachers save time by creating a
database of educational materials and using the
materials created by colleagues in their own classes
The lesson should be prepared in advance, only then the materials will be
explained quickly. You can use several materials at the same time on the
interactive board: video, sound, picture, text, etc. If the lesson is in a
logical continuous form until the end, then the lesson will achieve its
goal; The files saved during the lesson are given to the students: these
files are also used to repeat and supplement the material that will be
covered in the next lesson. How an interactive whiteboard increases the
effectiveness of teaching. Use of an interactive board in the lesson to
increase the effectiveness of the child's school education. There is no
doubt that the methods used in the course of the lesson are characterized
by an increase in students' interest in learning, skills and thinking, and
knowledge. Using interactive tools to raise the level of education
We believe that raising the educational process to the appropriate level is
the direction systematically guided by teachers, leaders, and the
pedagogical team. It can be said that on the basis of the use of interactive
tools, the quality of teaching of natural science subjects in the school can be
increased and education information is systematically implemented. The
use of interactive tools in the learning process, including practical lessons,
depends on the teacher's personal education and creative search. Interactive
tools make it possible to transform the organization of the training form, to
introduce new elements into the traditional teaching methods. This
increases students' interest in the subject. Appropriate use of interactive
tools helps to improve the quality of education.
Raises self-confidence;

Oratory skills are formed;

Teaches how to listen;

Effectiveness of
Helps to understand the importance of
the interactive familiarity

method: Is used to critical thinking;

Feels that he has the right to

express his opinion;
Better understands the diversity of
Thank You!

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