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SSE 204
SY 2023-2024

Test I. Discuss the following. (10 points each)

1. Determine the nature of teaching in terms of definition, function, and acts.

In its broadest sense, teaching is a process that facilitates learning. Teaching is the specialized
application of knowledge, skills and attributes designed to provide unique service to meet the
educational needs of the individual and of society. Broadly speaking, the function of teachers is to help
students learn by imparting knowledge to them and by setting up a situation in which students can and
will learn effectively.

Moreover, teaching is a process of monitoring learners by way of inferring emotions, beliefs and
knowledge, ability to detect gaps between correct knowledge and possible incorrect students'
knowledge, the ability to communicate this knowledge to the students, and finally, having the ability to
provide feedback through

2. Compare and differentiate teaching and instruction.

For me, the similarities between teaching and instructing are that both take place in the classroom and
provide information. The way teaching differs now is that it entails explaining how something is carried
out. the process of teaching someone how to do something. Also, instruction is an active learning
process where the facilitator lets the students discover how to learn and explore their skills, intelligence,
and ideas rather with teaching, which is a passive learning process when only the professor promotes
the learning.

3. Identify and describe the different instructional processes and strategies in teaching.

The technique of developing learning experiences to support learning is referred to as the instructional
process. It entails creating and carrying out procedures to maintain order and effectiveness in the
classroom. Teachers utilize instructional strategies to include students in the learning process and aid in
their comprehension of the material. These techniques can include interactive learning, experiential
learning, direct instruction, and more. While instructional strategies are specific approaches or methods
utilized to offer instruction within that process, instructional process refers to the overall strategy or
method used to teach a certain subject or skill.

4. Discuss and compare the instructional methods, techniques, and systems.

Instructional methods, techniques, and systems are critical components of teaching and learning. There
are various models of teaching, including constructivist teaching methods, which are group-focused and
inquiry-driven1. Effective instructional methods should align with learning outcomes and be designed to
provide meaningful instructional activities and experiences3. Highly effective teaching characteristics
include creating a positive learning climate, using classroom assessment and evaluation, and providing
clear and effective instruction4. Different instructional design models have been developed, most based
on the premise that design processes that avoid a rigid linear sequence could provide both flexible and
effective learning experiences5. Overall, effective instructional methods should be designed to meet the
needs of learners and align with learning outcomes.

5. Expound on the concept of instructional media.

Instructional materials refer to the human and non-human materials and facilities that can be used to
ease, encourage, improved and promote teaching and learning activities. They are whatever materials
used in the process of instruction. They are a broad range of resource which can be used to facilitate
effective instruction. They indicate a systematic way of designing, carrying out and employing the total
process of learning and communication and employing human and non-human resources to bring out a
more meaningful and effective instruction. They are human and non-human material that a teacher uses
to pass information to the learner in his/her class.

Moreover, tools, materials, and resources used to promote teaching and learning are referred to as
instructional media. They can include both more modern kinds of media, such films, podcasts, and
interactive digital resources, as well as more conventional forms of media, like textbooks, workbooks,
and handouts. By giving students more resources and opportunities to interact with the material,
instructional media aim to improve the learning experience.

6. Describe the instructional materials, their roles, basic principles, and benefits.

A crucial element of the teaching and learning process is the use of instructional materials. Teachers can
offer material to their students in a structured and organized manner thanks to them. Alignment with
learning objectives, relevance to the lives of the students, and engagement through interactive, hands-
on activities are the fundamental tenets of instructional materials design. The advantages of
instructional materials include better learning outcomes, greater student engagement, and increased
instructor effectiveness. Instructional materials can assist students better absorb and have long-term
retention of information by offering a systematic and organized approach to communicate it.

7. Recognize the different categories of instructional materials.

There are different categories of instructional materials such as textbooks, handouts, manuals, and
study guides. Electronics, technology, and media devices such as digital devices and instructional devices
Visualizations such as charts, diagrams, and graphs.

8. Discuss the factors affecting materials preparation.

A number of factors influence the processing of materials. For effective teaching, it's critical to have
access to teaching resources, especially visual aids. Another difficulty can be a lack of materials. It is
important for material manufacturers to think about how their products will be used and how they will
stand up over time, even when being reproduced. How will you as a teacher discuss, present, and
provide an activity within the allotted time?

9. Explain the frameworks of materials and methods.

The frameworks of materials and methods refer to the approach and structure used to evaluate and
develop materials and methods in various fields. In academic research, the methods section is an
important part of a paper that describes the methods used to conduct the study. 

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