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Learning Theory


“Creative and Productive Learning”


Mursyid Ridha S.Ag., M.Pd


Azahra Hardi Cusinia





Creative and Productive Learning

A. Understanding
Creative and productive learning is a model developed by referring to
various learning approaches that are assumed to be able to improve the quality
of the process and learning outcomes. This learning is based on
constructivistic theory where learning is an attempt to give meaning to
students to their experiences, thus in this learning students are expected to
construct their own concepts or material they get. Approaches to productive
creative learning include: active learning, creative, constructive and
collaborative and cooperative. Important characteristics of each approach are
integrated so as to produce a model that allows students to develop creativity
to produce products that come from their understanding of the concepts being
This productive creative learning is based on the basic principles:
1. Intellectual and emotional student involvement in learning
2. Students are encouraged to discover / construct their own concepts that are
being studied through interpretation conducted in various ways such as
observation, discussion or experiment
3. Give students the opportunity to take responsibility for completing joint
4. To be creative, one must work hard, be highly dedicated, enthusiastic and
With reference to these characteristics, this learning model can be
applied in learning various fields of study, both topics that are abstract or
concrete in nature. The material in accordance with the learning model is
material that requires a high understanding of the values, concepts or actual
problems in the community and the skills to apply these understandings in the
form of real work. This material can come from various fields of study, such
as literature appreciation from the field of Indonesian language studies,
economic problems from social studies, pollution problems from science and
so on.
This learning aims to
1. Understanding the concept of a particular value, concept or problem.
2. Able to apply concepts / solve problems
3. Being able to create something based on that understanding.
B. Learning Activities
Basically learning activities are divided into four steps. Each step can be
further developed by the teacher / lecturer by sticking to the essence of each
step. These steps are:
1. Orientation
Learning activities begin with an orientation to communicate and
agree on tasks and learning steps. The teacher states the objectives,
material, time, steps, the final results expected from students and the
assessment applied. Students are given the opportunity to express their
opinions. With these negotiations it is expected that an agreement will
occur between the teacher and students.
2. Exploration
At this stage, students explore the problem / concept to be studied.
Exploration can be done by reading, observing, interviewing, watching a
performance, conducting experiments, browsing through the internet, etc.
This activity can be done individually or in groups. In order for
exploration to be directed, the teacher should provide a brief guide that
contains the objectives, material, time, ways of working, and the expected
final results.
3. Interpretation
In the interpretation phase, the results of exploration are interpreted
through analysis, discussion, question and answer, or even retrying, if
4. Re-creation
In the recreation phase, students are assigned to produce something
that reflects their experience of the concepts / topics / problems that are
being studied according to their respective creations. For example students
can be asked to make a drama scenario of the novel that is being studied.
Recreation can be done individually or in groups. The results of re-
creation are creative products that can be presented, displayed or acted
5. Evaluation
Learning evaluation is carried out during the learning process and
at the end of learning. During the learning process, evaluation is done by
observing the students' attitudes and thinking abilities. Evaluation at the
end of learning is an evaluation of creative products produced by students.
The assessment criteria can be agreed upon at the orientation time.
To form creative and productive characters towards creating
independence for students, a learning cycle is developed which includes the
following five aspects of learning experiences:
1. Exploring
Respond to new information, explore facts with simple
instructions, share knowledge with others or take information from the
teacher / expert / expert / other sources.
2. Planning
Prepare a work plan, identify the tools and materials needed,
determine the steps, design the work and other plans.
3. Doing / acting
Conduct experiments, observations, discover, create works and
report results and solve problems.
4. Communicating
Communicate / present the results of experiments, observations,
discoveries, or the results of his work, sharing and discussion
5. Reflecting
Evaluate the process and results that have been achieved, look for
weaknesses in order to increase the effectiveness of planning
Individual learning is classical learning that pays attention to the
potentials of each individual to develop properly. The use of this learning
strategy in individual learning is expected to develop the potential of each
individual that is forming critical thinking skills and creative, responsible
and work together. So that the results of this learning are not only cognitive,
but affective and psychomotor aspects will also be achieved, even
intelligence will be more visible from every student.

Blackwell, L., Trzesniewski, K., & Dweck, C. 2008. Implikasi Theories of

Intelegence Predict Achievement Across an Adolescent Transition:
A Longitudinal Study and an Intervention. (Online).

Hergenhahn, B. R. & Olson, M.H. 2009. Theories of Learning (Teori Belajar).

Terjemahan oleh Tri Wibowo B.S. cetakan ke II. Jakarta: Kencana.

Husamah. Pantiwati, Yuni. Restian, Arina. Sumarsono, Puji. 2018. Belajar dan
Pembelajaran. Malang: UMM Press.


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