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Prof. Dr. Neviyarni S, M.S., Kons


Azahra Hardi Cusinia


Guidance and Counseling

Faculty of Education

Universitas Negeri Padang



TABLE OF CONTENT...................................................................................................II
MIND MAPPING...........................................................................................................III
UNDERSTANDING OF THE FAMILY (CONTINUED)............................................1
A. Family Goals.........................................................................................................1
B. Role of Family.......................................................................................................2
C. Change of Role of Family Members....................................................................3
D. Basic Factors Shaping Changes in the Role of the Family................................4
QUESTION AND ANSWER...........................................................................................6


Understanding of the Family (Continued)

Family Goals
The main purpose of marriage is for
the survival of mankind and to
preserve the dignity and purity of the
lineage. While this human survival is Role of Family
only possible with the continuation
The role of the family is the specific
of the offspring. behavior expected by a person in the
context of the family. So the role of the
family describes a set of interpersonal
behaviors, traits, activities related to
individuals in certain positions and
situations. The role of individuals in the
family is based on the expectations and
Change of Role of Family behavior patterns of the family, group
Members and society.

The following is if the role in

the family changes:
1. Change in Father's Role
2. Change in Mother's Role
Basic Factors Shaping Changes in
3. Change in the Role of
the Role of the Family
Children According to the Sociology Team
(2007) there are several factors that
shape the role change in the family,
namely as follows:
1. Socio-cultural
2. Socio-Economic Level
3. Unfavorable Situation
4. Personal Aspirations


A. Family Goals
The main purpose of marriage is for the survival of mankind and to
preserve the dignity and purity of the lineage. While this human survival is
only possible with the continuation of the offspring. The presence of a child in
the family is qurratu a'yun (a soothing heart):
‫َوالَّ ِذينَ يَقُولُونَ َربَّنَا هَبْ لَنَا ِم ْن َأ ْز َوا ِجنَا َو ُذ ِّريَّاتِنَا قُ َّرةَ َأ ْعيُ ٍن َواجْ َع ْلنَا لِ ْل ُمتَّقِينَ ِإ َما ًما‬
"And those who say," O our Lord, give us our wives and our offspring
as pleasing to (Us), and make us priests for those who fear ". (Surah Al-
Furqan: 74)
And zinat al-hayat al-dunya (jewelery of world life)
‫ات خَ ْي ٌر ِع ْن َد َربِّكَ ثَ َوابًا َو َخ ْي ٌر َأ َماًل‬ ُ َ‫ْال َما ُل َو ْالبَنُونَ ِزينَةُ ْال َحيَا ِة ال ُّد ْنيَا ۖ َو ْالبَاقِي‬
ُ ‫ات الصَّالِ َح‬
"Treasure and children are the jewels of the life of the world, but
eternal, pious deeds are better rewarded by your Lord and better for hope".
(Surah Al-Kahf: 46).
But of course a child will become a child and jewelry for the world if
he grows up to be a healthy, good and qualified human. Al-Qur'an also
reminds that children apart from being the pride and decoration of the family,
can also be enemies and tests (fitnah), in the sense that sometimes they can
lead parents to commit acts that are prohibited by religion due to not
understanding how to bestow love and love for children. Allah SWT. said:
ْ ‫وا َوت‬ssُ‫ َذرُوهُ ْم ۚ وَِإ ْن تَ ْعف‬ssْ‫ ُد ًّوا لَ ُك ْم فَاح‬ssَ‫اج ُك ْم َوَأوْ اَل ِد ُك ْم ع‬
‫فَحُوا‬ss‫َص‬ ِ ‫وا ِإ َّن ِم ْن َأ ْز َو‬ssُ‫ا الَّ ِذينَ آ َمن‬ssَ‫ا َأيُّه‬ssَ‫ي‬
ِ ‫) َأ ْم َوالُ ُك ْم َوَأوْ اَل ُد ُك ْم فِ ْتنَةٌ ۚ َوهَّللا ُ ِع ْن َدهُ َأجْ ٌر ع‬14(‫َوتَ ْغفِرُوا فَِإ َّن هَّللا َ َغفُو ٌر َر ِحي ٌم‬
)15( ‫َظي ٌم‬
“Hai orang-orang mukmin, Sesungguhnya di antara Isteri-isterimu dan
anak-anakmu ada yang menjadi musuh bagimu. Maka berhati-hatilah kamu
terhadap mereka dan jika kamu memaafkan dan tidak memarahi serta
mengampuni (mereka). Maka sesungguhnya Allah Maha Pengampun lagi
Maha Penyayang. Sesungguhnya hartamu dan anak-anakmu hanyalah cobaan
(bagimu), dan di sisi Allah-lah pahala yang besar”. (QS. At-Taghâbun:14-15).

Anak juga merupakan sebuah amanah dan menjaga amanah adalah
kewajiban orang yang beriman. Allah SWT. berfirman:
َ‫َوالَّ ِذينَ هُ ْم َأِل َمانَاتِ ِه ْم َو َع ْه ِد ِه ْم َرا ُعون‬
"And those who keep the mandates (which he bore) and his promises".
(Surah Al-Mu'minûn: 8).
For this reason, parents are obliged to provide for and fulfill the child's
needs, both materially and spiritually, in the form of love, attention,
fulfillment of clothing, food, shelter, education and health until the child
reaches adulthood (bâligh).
So, one of the goals of having a family in Islam is to form a family that
is eternal, happy, prosperous, and born of high-quality offspring both in
religion and in worldly expertise.
According to Maiyatullah (2013) family goals include the following:
1 Creating social roles for family members (father, mother, and child)
2 Maintaining a common culture derived from common culture.
3 Shaping human personality.
B. Role of Family
Role is a set of behaviors expected by other people to someone
according to their position in a. Role refers to a set of more or less
homogeneous behaviors, which are normatively defined and expected from a
person's role in certain social situations. The role of the family is the specific
behavior expected by a person in the context of the family. So the role of the
family describes a set of interpersonal behaviors, traits, activities related to
individuals in certain positions and situations. The role of individuals in the
family is based on the expectations and behavior patterns of the family, group
and society.
The various roles contained in the family according to Nasrul
Effendy (1998: 34 ) are as follows:
1. The role of the father: The father as the husband of his wife and children,
the role of breadwinner, educator, protector, and giver of security, as

the head of the family, as a member of his social group and as a member
of the community from his environment.
2. Mother's role: As the wife and mother of their children. Mothers have a
role in managing the household as caregivers and educators of their
children , protectors and as a group of their social roles as well as members
of the community from their environment, besides that mothers can also
act as additional breadwinners in their families.
Role of children: Children carry out psychosocial roles according to
their level of development, physically, mentally, socially and spiritually.
C. Change of Role of Family Members
According to Rina Ariyani (2013), the role of the family is to exercise
their rights and obligations according to their position. All family members
have their respective duties and obligations, namely the father as the head of
the family, the mother as the child's housewife as a family member. The
following is if the role in the family changes:
1. Change in Father's Role
Father is the head of the family. The father plays a role in
supporting the family, but sometimes the father can change his role.
Especially if the mother is unable or not at home, it is the father who
sometimes takes over from the mother's duties. Fathers can also cook,
clean the house and look after the children. Even so, the father remains the
head of the family. fathers must be respected by all family members.
2. Change in Mother's Role
In the past, the role of a mother was only as a housekeeper. because
of the changing times, many mothers work outside the home. Mother helps
father in earning a living, even though the working mother who plays a
full role in earning a living is actually the father.
3. Change in the Role of Children
Children actually act as family members. However, due to
economic needs, it is not uncommon for children to work to help their

fathers earn a living, even though the role of children remains a member of
the family.
D. Basic Factors Shaping Changes in the Role of the Family
According to the Sociology Team (2007) there are several factors that
shape the role change in the family, namely as follows:
1. Socio-cultural
That means outside the family environment such as the
environment in the community around the place of residence, social
environment, or environments where family members interact. Influences
that come from outside the family environment can sometimes lead to
changes in the family that can have an impact on the survival of a family.
2. Socio-Economic Level
Economic circumstances can also provide changes in the
family. For example, the economic condition of a family which initially
has a low economy, then gradually improves its economic condition, then
automatically, a family will experience changes in various things in the
3. Unfavorable Situation
Some families are divided because the husband or wife has died,
been imprisoned or separated from the family because of war, depression
or other reasons. With conditions like this there is a change in role. For
example, a father who dies, makes the wife of the father able to play a dual
role as a housewife and provide for his children (his family).
4. Personal Aspirations
Namely the breakdown of a family unit, the breaking or breaking
of the social role structure if one or more family members fail to fulfill
their role obligations adequately.


Maiyatullah. 2013. Fungsi dan Tujuan Keluarga. (online)
Serta-Karakteristik-Keluarga-Yang-Sakinah. Diakses tanggal 9 Februari

Nasrul Effendy. 1998. Dasar-dasar kesehatan masyarakat. Jakarta: Kedokteran


Rina Ariyani. 2013. Perubahan Peran Dalam Keluarga. (online)
Diakses tanggal 9 Februari 2018.

Tim sosiologi. 2007. Sosiologi 3. Jakarta: Yudhistira.


1. According to Maiyatullah (2013) family goals include the following,

a. Creating social roles for family members (father)
b. Creating social roles for family members ( mother)
c. Creating social roles for family members (neighbors)
d. Maintaining a common culture derived from common culture.

e. Shaping human personality.

2. Surahs in the Al-Quran relating to family goals, except

a. Surah Al-Furqan : 74
b. Surah Al-Kahf : 46
c. Surah At-Taghâbun: 14-15
d. Surah Al-Mu'minûn: 8
e. Surah Al-Maidah: 12

3. The various roles contained in the family according to Nasrul Effendy

(1998: 34) are as follows, except
a. The role of the father
b. The role of the mother
c. The role of the child
d. The role of the parents
e. The role of the teacher

4. According to Rina Ariyani (2013), the role of the family is to exercise

their rights and obligations according to
a. Their position
b. Their age
c. Their interest
d. Their talent
e. Their desire

5. According to the Sociology Team (2007) there are several factors that
shape the role change in the family, namely as follows, except
a. Socio-cultural
b. Socio-Economic Level
c. Unfavorable Situation

d. Talent and interest
e. Personal Aspirations

6. Explain meaning about the role of the family is the specific behavior
expected by a person in the context of the family!
Answer :
The role of the family describes a set of interpersonal behaviors, traits,
activities related to individuals in certain positions and situations. The role
of individuals in the family is based on the expectations and behavior
patterns of the family, group and society.

7. Why socio-economic level can be one of factors shaping changes in the

role of the family?
Answer :
Economic circumstances can also provide changes in the family. For
example, the economic condition of a family which initially has a low
economy, then gradually improves its economic condition, then
automatically, a family will experience changes in various things in the

8. Explain about change of role of family members change in father’s role

Answer :
Father is the head of the family. The father plays a role in supporting the
family, but sometimes the father can change his role. Especially if the
mother is unable or not at home, it is the father who sometimes takes over
from the mother's duties. Fathers can also cook, clean the house and look
after the children. Even so, the father remains the head of the family.
fathers must be respected by all family members.


Today is Tuesday
We learn with mam nevi
About understanding of the family (continued)
We have 4 material
Family Goals
Role of Family
Change of Role of Family Members
Basic Factors Shaping Changes in the Role of the Family
That’s all should we learn today

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