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Arranged to fulfill assignments in English 2 courses

Supporting lecturer : Dra. Hj. Afidatul Umroh M.Pd

Composed By : Group 9

1. Lathifah khoirunnisa

2. Robiah suryani

3. Titin nurngaini

4. Lulut Rowati




Assalamualaikum W.r W.b

Praise the presence of God Almighty for his love and affection for providing

knowledge, abilities and opportunities to the compilers so that they are able to

complete the preparation of this paper. This paper is written as an assignment for

English 2 entitled Equality in Islam

The author realizes that in the writing of this paper there are still

deficiencies due to the limitations of the compiler's ability, for that reason,

constructive input will greatly help the compiler to further improve his


Say thank you, do not forget, we give it to the supervisor of this course for

friends and all those who have helped, we thank you, I hope this paper can

beuseful, as a work of us and for all amen.

Wassalamualaikum W.r W.b

Kalirejo, 01 april 2021


Group 9



TABLE OF CONTENTS..................................................................iii


A. Background...............................................................................1

B. Problem Formulation.................................................................2

C. Problem Purpose.......................................................................2


A. Gender Sense.......................................................................3

B. Gender Equality In Islamic Perspective..............................4

C. Gender Equality in Islamic Law ........................................5


A. Conclusion...........................................................................9



A. Background

It is true that both men and women are the beautiful creations in this world

and it is indisputable that for the continuation of human life and development of

society women are as essential as men. However, women are still regarded as

mediocre citizens and are deprived of very basic rights in many societies due to

the socio-cultural norms, religious beliefs, patriarchal family settings and

dominance of male counterparts, predominantly in matters of marriage and

family. Though this is the same for almost all the societies, it is widely understood

that gender justice is denied altogether under Islamic law. It is because the Islamic

principles on this issue are least understood and most misrepresented.

The revelations of Islam which Holy Quran had expressed happened to be in

Arab Tribal society. During those times, female infanticide, unrestricted sexual

promiscuity and an inheritance system through male descent were prevalent there.

Gradually revelations of Quranic verses were reflected in their animalistic life

styles and the subsequent mandatory directions calling for improving the status of

women worked effectively among them resulting in the emancipation.

The present society may not reflect this change due to the patriarchal

imposition of cultural norms or misinterpretation of principles, but the

jurisprudential standards of Islam are not responsible for this decay. This paper is

intended to provide an authentic overview regarding the true standard in Islamic

jurisprudence with regard to gender equality. The Quran and Sunna provide the
source of what Islam contributed towards gender equality in general and woman’s

dignity in particular.

B. Problem Formulation

1. What Is Gender Understanding?

2. How Is An Islamic Perspective About Gender Equality?

3. How Is Gender Equality In Islamic Law?

C. Problem Purpose

1. To Know What Gender Understanding.

2. To Know How The Islamic Perspective About Gender Equality.

3. To Know How Gender Equality Is The Law Of Islam.



A. Gender Sense

It is recognized that gender issues are a new issue for society, giving rise to

nonproposalistic interpretations and responses about gender. One factor that

influences it is the varying interpretations of the understanding of gender. The

term gender by Oakley (1972) means a distinction or gender that is not biological

and is not of god's nature.

Caplan (1987) asserts that gender is a behavioral difference between male

and female apart from biological structure, largely formed through social and

cultural processes. Gender in the social sciences is defined asa male and female

contact pattern based on their respective social characteristics (Zainuddin, 2006:

1). Hilary m. lips refers to gender as wishes Cultural expectations for men and

women (cultural expectations for women and men).

According to Linda l. lindsey assume that All public statutes respecting the

identification of a man and a woman are subject to gender studies. What a gift

society shouldn as an inducement or femininity is a honor of gender. H.t. Wilson

defines gender as

A basis for determining the difference between the contributions of men and

women to the culture and the collective life that consequently they become men

and women. Elaine showalter mentions that gender is more than just a male and

female distinction based on socio-cultural constructions(nasaruddin umar, 2010:

B. Gender Equality In Islamic Perspective

In Islam, Allah SWT. has created everything fairly and in accordance with

their nature. Likewise with humans, Allah created humans with their natures

based on the privileges and weaknesses that exist in man and woman. Allah did

create man and women with different natures, but these differences in nature

should not necessarily mean that the position of women in Islam is far below that

of man and women do not have the right to behave rudely or indecently to


The nature of women is often used as an excuse to reduce or take away the

role and even rights of women, it often occurs in the community and family

environment. Men are often considered as the most dominant and have the right to

rule over all things, because they have more power than women. And these

differences in nature often limit the role and rights of women and in the end the

majority of people think that women can only take part in household affairs and

must submit to the orders of men.

The nature of women in Islam does not have a physical strength as strong as

men, but this does not mean that women cannot do anything other than household

activities. In Islam, women have the same rights and positions as men, although

not in all respects, therefore gender equality or women's emancipation in Islam is

allowed, provided that they do not violate their nature as women and do not make

them forget their obligations as women. In sources of Islamic law such as the

Qur'an and hadith, Allah has explained that in Islam it is not a religion that

discriminates against women, in fact women in the view of Islam have more
honor and privileges than men. And in the presence of Allah SWT, both men and

women have the same degree, Allah does not differentiate the degrees of the two

based on the gender that is in them.

C. Gender Equality in Islamic Law

The word gender comes from English which means gender. And in Islam

there is a discussion about gender issues in general, this has been discussed in the

Koran in general, starting from the relationship between men and women or the

rights of men and women, all of this has been explained by Allah in his word.

clearly and without a doubt.

And here are some Islamic views on gender equality:

1. Gender equality is allowed in Islam

In Islam, there are no verses or arguments that discuss or prohibit issues of

gender equality. Gender equality is indeed allowed, but in moderation, it doesn't

necessarily make women leaders in everything. Men remain the leaders and

protectors for women in this life.

2. Men have the obligation to be the leader or head of the family

In household life, it remains the role of men as the head of the household

and the leader in it, and women need to obey men who are the leaders and

protectors of them (husbands). As contained in the word of Allah SWT. In (Surah

An-Nisa verse 34), Allah said:

‫اَلرِّ جا ُل َق َّوام ُْون علَى ال ِّنس ۤاء بما َف َّ هّٰللا‬
ُ ‫صل ِٰح‬
‫ت‬ ٍ ْ‫ض ُه ْم َع ٰلى َبع‬
ّ ٰ ‫ض َّو ِب َمٓا اَ ْن َفقُ ْوا مِنْ اَ ْم َوال ِِه ْم ۗ َفال‬ َ ْ‫ض َل ُ َبع‬ َِ ِ َ َ َ َ

َ ‫ِظ ْوهُنَّ َواهْ ُجر ُْوهُنَّ فِى ْال َم‬

ۚ َّ‫ضا ِج ِع َواضْ ِرب ُْوهُن‬ ُ ‫ب ِب َما َحف َِظ هّٰللا ُ َۗوا ٰلّتِيْ َت َخافُ ْو َن ُن‬
ُ ‫ش ْو َزهُنَّ َفع‬ ٌ ‫ت ٰحف ِٰظ‬
ِ ‫ت لِّ ْل َغ ْي‬ ٌ ‫ٰقن ِٰت‬
َ ‫َفاِنْ اَ َطعْ َن ُك ْم َفاَل َت ْب ُغ ْوا َعلَي ِْهنَّ َس ِب ْياًل ۗاِنَّ َ َك‬
‫ان َعلِ ًّيا َك ِبيْرً ا‬
“Men (husbands) are protectors for women (wives), because Allah has

exaggerated some of them (men) over others (women), and because they (men)

have provided a living from their wealth. Therefore, godly women are those who

obey (Allah) and take care of themselves when (their husbands) are not around,

because Allah has guarded (them). women whom you are afraid of nusyuz, give

them advice, leave them `in bed (separate beds), and (if necessary) beat them. But

if they obey you, then don't make excuses to trouble them. Indeed, Allah is Most

High, Most Great. "

3. Women are allowed to study as high as possible

Before gender equality, women were not allowed to study, on the pretext

that women would only end up doing household chores, so they didn't need to

have knowledge. Public opinion like that is actually not true and must be

eliminated, because studying is part of good deeds. And women also need

knowledge to develop in their lives and to teach their children. And now women

are able to study as high as possible but provided that they do not forget their

obligations as a woman.

4. There are limits to gender equality

Women may be equal to men in many fields, but women are still not

allowed to be in the same row when praying, and the priest is still the role of men.

Gender equality is allowed in Islam, but there are limitations in accordance with

the nature of men and women.

5. Allah views the position of man and woman equally

Allah views the position of women as equal to men both in terms of their

rights and obligations as a Muslim. As Allah says below. In (Surah An-Nahl verse

97) Allah SWT. said:

‫صالِحً ا مِّنْ َذ َك ٍر اَ ْو ا ُ ْن ٰثى َوه َُو مُْؤ ِمنٌ َفلَ ُنحْ ِي َي َّن ٗه َح ٰيو ًة َط ِّي َب ۚ ًة َولَ َنجْ ِز َي َّن ُه ْم اَجْ َر ُه ْم ِباَحْ َس ِن َما َكا ُن ْوا‬
َ ‫َمنْ َع ِم َل‬

‫َيعْ َملُ ْو َن‬

"Whoever does good deeds, both male and female in a state of faith, then

surely We will give him a good life and We will reward him with better rewards

than what they have done."

6. Women are entitled to inheritance

In inheritance cases, women are also entitled to inheritance, but their share

is only half of the male share. This is because women are entitled to a dowry and a

living, and women cannot participate in the defense of society, which is why the

share of women's inheritance is only half that of men.

7. Women have the right to be free from slavery

Humans are basically born in a state of freedom or freedom, so it is the right

of women to get their freedom from slavery. And Islam also forbids its people to

make women into slaves.

8. The position of women is more noble and special

In Islam, the position of women is more noble than men, this is also said in

several hadiths.

From Abu Hurairah ra., He said: "There was someone who came to see

Rasulullah SAW. and asked, 'O Messenger of Allah, to whom should I do good?'
He replied, 'To your mother!' The man asked again, 'Then to whom? Rasulullah

replied, 'Your mother.' Then he repeated his question, and Rasulullah still

answered, 'To your mother!' He asked again, 'After that to who else?' He

answered, 'To your father!' "(Bukhari: 5971, Muslim: 2548)

From some of the Islamic views above regarding gender equality, we can

know that Islam supports gender equality. In fact, since the first time Islam was

born, it has provided protection and protected the honor of women. How beautiful

is Islam as a religion, because every existing rule and order is always beneficial

and based for the good of its people.




Gender is a community perception or which refres to the role, behavior, and

the identity of a person, both men and women. This trem is also closely related to

sexual orientation, such as homosexuals, heterosexuals, and bisexual.

In sources of Islamic law such as the Qur'an and hadith, Allah has explained

that in Islam it is not a religion that discriminates against women, in fact women

in the view of Islam have more honor and privileges than men. And in the

presence of Allah SWT, both men and women have the same degree, Allah does

not differentiate the degrees of the two based on the gender that is in them.

In Islamic law, there is a view f gender equality that is,

1. Gender equality is allowed in Islam

2. Men have the obligation to be the leader or head of the family

3. Women are allowed to study as high as possible

4. There are limits to gender equality

5. Allah views the position of man and woman equally

6. Women are entitled to inheritance

7. Women have the right to be free from slavery

8. The position of women is more noble and special



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