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Robie Allen G.


Reaction Paper: “Gender and Family Relations”

This week’s lecture was spearheaded by the definition of what a family is. It is a “group
of persons united by the ties of marriage, blood, or adoption”. As one of the primary agents of
socialization, members of a family usually harmoniously live and interact with each other in the
same household. Moreover, the concept of families is further explored on the basis of structure
and marriage. First is the nuclear family, composed of the mother, father, and children. Second
is the extended family, which is composed of the nuclear family plus their close relatives. Lastly,
are “Families Based on Descent, Inheritance, and Residence”. In this structure, the “norms of
descent, inheritance, authority patterns and residence also decide the forms of family”.
Furthermore, stemming from these topics, comes the discussion about the “Patriarchal system”
in which the family is male-centered. Besides this, the concept of a monogamous and
polygamous family are differentiated in which the latter type is much less common. Moving on,
the discussion then shifts to the effects of family and its complexities on the development of a
child. The “caregiving environment, including the levels of parenting and economic resources
available” is given importance as it directly affects children’s growth. Afterward, the discussion
ends with the seven steps on how to promote gender equality inside the home which all
contribute to breaking down gender stereotypes and promoting gender equality.

Coming from an extended family, I can definitely relate to the experience, benefits, and
hardships that it brings. The tides between us were close, and they definitely played an integral
part in raising me into the person that I am today. Furthermore, it was great knowing that
different forms and types of families, especially polygamous ones. Although that is much less
common, it was definitely interesting to know how that type of family functions, and how it can
contribute to the development and well-being of its members.
Whatever type of family that we come from, the most important role of a family is to
have someone that will love, nurture and support us unconditionally despite our shortcomings.
With this, we must also bring into light the seven steps that will help promote gender equality
inside our households. By doing so, we can raise children that are not only fostered and loved
unconditionally but also much more aware of the core ideals of gender equality. The future
generations can then lead us to a society where gender stereotypes, discrimination, and sexism
does not exist, as we all live harmoniously together despite our differences.
Robie Allen G. Belizon

1. What is the role of the family in gender identity?

- It is imperative that the family, as well as the members within it, supports the concept
of gender identity and equality. By doing this, it will define the character, attitude, and
personality of a child towards society in its wide spectrum of genders. It will definitely help in
raising a child towards good ideals, conduct, and morals which all contribute to creating healthy
family relationships.

2. Discuss the importance of family structure to children

- “Blood is thicker than water”. The tides that we have within our family are an integral
part of us that made us the people that we are today. The structures within our family, and the
different roles that come along with it, such as the role of the mother, father, brother, uncles,
and aunts, all play various roles in raising the children of the family. It can determine the child’s
future and well-being as they are dependent on the caregiving environment around them as
well as the parenting and resources that are invested in them. Besides this, a well-built family
structure “offers children a sense of security and control in a world full of uncertainty, and
helps create healthy habits that last into adulthood.”

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